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Chapter 1188 Evolution failed, the bone kun mutated

Chapter 1188 Evolution failed, the bone kun mutated

No matter how powerful God’s words are, they cannot save you!
Everyone present could see that Huang was using his real strength this time, and its sword was truly invincible, and it was impossible to resist it.

Huang beheaded and killed the elder in red, causing Yang Qian and Fa Hai's expressions to change drastically. How could they dare to stay and run away at the same time, and escaped to the gate. As long as they can escape from the gate, they are safe.

But how could Huang give them a chance, only seeing Huang grasping the palm, the door was about to be closed, the hearts of the two of them tightened, they absolutely could not stay any longer, now, they could only forcefully leave!
"Little Teleportation!"

Fa Hai's body flashed suddenly, and he appeared at the door. His body flickered, and he fled from the door.

The door was closed immediately, and everyone's expressions changed.

Fa Hai actually escaped!
Huang looked at Yang Gan, Yang Gan's face was a bit ugly, this time, am I really going to die here?
At this moment, Lin Xiu suddenly received a reminder.

"The host's feeding is abnormal, the bone kun failed to evolve, and a mutation occurred. It became a bone rot kun, and its combat power increased!"

Evolutionary failure can also improve combat effectiveness?

No, even if it evolves successfully, it can't help me now, right?

"Bone Rot Kun is back in the Kunpeng Treasure Box, waiting for the host to call!"

came back?
Lin Xiu's face showed joy, and he immediately threw out the strange egg: "Come out, Bone Rot Kun, the decision is you!"

It was the first time Lin Xiu saw the bone rot kun. Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the bone rot kun in front of him. To Lin Xiu's surprise, the bone rot kun was not as big as before, but only It was ten feet in size, and this time, it was covered with bone spurs around its body.

"Xiao Wu, how strong is it?" Lin Xiu asked.

"At least the combat power of the Transcending Tribulation Realm!" The three-legged Golden Crow replied.

Lin Xiu was a little depressed. The system said that the combat power of the bone rot kun was stronger than that of the bone kun, so naturally it would not only have the combat power of the tribulation realm.

"Bone Rot Kun, defeat him!" Lin Xiu didn't hesitate. Now this is Lin Xiu's only hope. Of course, in Lin Xiu's hand, there is also a purification treasure box, but Lin Xiu feels that it may be difficult to open it now. better.

This purification sword can purify things like skeletons. If Lin Xiu finds an opportunity to use it to attack the Huang in front of him, it may be more beneficial!
Bone Rot Kun heard Lin Xiu's order, only to see it suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Huang, bumped into Huang's body, and the bone spur directly penetrated Huang's armor.

Lin Xiu felt a little pain in his heart, this is Huang's armor, Nima, it's too wasteful, it's a fairy-level armor, I don't know if it can be restored!
However, Bone Rot Kun's combat power was indeed beyond Lin Xiu's expectations. The three strong men just now couldn't even break through Huang's battle armor, but Bone Rot Kun could!Doesn't this mean that Bone Rot Kun's attack power is still higher than theirs?
Huang punched the bone rot kun, and the bones on the bone rot kun's body unexpectedly blocked it, but it was obvious that the bone armor had cracks.

The Bone Rotten Kun was knocked out, even so, the people present were startled, where did Lin Xiu summon such a powerful monster?
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

Even Yang Qian secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva now, this kun is too strong!

The current bone rot kun is facing head-to-head with Huang, its bone spurs can hurt Huang, and Huang can also hurt its bone armor, but there is no blood flowing out of the body of the bone kun, just black mist, but it cannot Not to mention, the combat effectiveness of this bone kun is indeed terrifying.

More and more cracks appeared on the battle armor on Huang's body, and even an arm was bitten off by Shigu Kun.

However, Shigu Kun's body was also seriously damaged, and black mist was rising from several places.

Unexpectedly, you were able to push Mr. Huang to such an extent!

At this moment, a figure came out slowly. She was wearing a black cloak, and her appearance was completely unclear, but it was obvious that it was a woman.

There are people here besides them!

Lin Xiu's face changed slightly, he looked at this woman, and the others also looked at this woman.

"Who are you?" Yang Gan asked immediately.

"You don't have the right to know who I am, but I'll give you a chance, so you leave now, otherwise, Lord Huang won't let you go!" the woman said lightly.

Yang Gan stared at the woman, he was hesitating, he couldn't feel the breath of this woman at all, but Huang didn't attack her, which proved that she must have something to do with Huang, if she let Huang attack him, he would It really won't be this Huang's opponent.

"Okay, I'll leave!" Yang Gan finally didn't dare to gamble, he said.


The door opened again, and the woman said in a calm tone: "This is your last chance, leave now, you can still save your life!"

The three of Fairy Miaoyin walked out immediately, they didn't want to stay in such a horrible place anymore.

Yang Gan glanced at Lin Xiu, and said, "Lin Xiu, you don't plan to leave here?"

"Why should I leave?" Lin Xiu asked back, "I am not afraid of this Rage God!"

Yang Gan was taken aback, Lin Xiu was protected by the three-legged Golden Crow, and Lin Xiu also had a bone-rotten kun, he really didn't have to be afraid of Huang, after all, the current Huang had nothing to do with the bone-rot kun.

However, Yang Gan still decided to leave. After all, he was a little worried that Lin Xiu would suddenly make a move to get rid of him by the way.

Yang Qian had already walked out, and the woman said: "Are you sure you want to stay? You should know that Lord Huang's strength should be more than that. If he continues to attack, your pet may not be able to resist it." !"

"Your Master Huang's strength, I have already seen it, but if my guess is not wrong, his strength should almost stop here!" Lin Xiu said.

"What did you say?" the woman asked with a cold tone.

"You should also be a member of this Rage God Temple, otherwise, you can't just appear here now, so Rage God will not attack you, but you will appear here, doesn't this prove one thing?" Lin Xiu He continued.

"What's the matter?" the woman said.

"Rage God is not sure that he can win this pet of mine, and it is even possible that he was so seriously injured that he lost his combat effectiveness. Otherwise, why would you take the risk to appear here?" Lin Xiu continued.

(End of this chapter)

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