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Chapter 1191 I told you to kneel, so you have to kneel!

Chapter 1191 I told you to kneel, so you have to kneel!
All monsters in the world should be captured!
This is also Fa Hai's code of conduct, no matter who the opponent is, he must arrest him!

Although Wang Ze and others wanted to help Bai Suzhen, how could their strength compare with Fa Hai?Fahai only needs one seal of Buddha to knock them all down.

Even Bai Suzhen couldn't resist Fa Hai's palm.

"Bai Suzhen, no matter who comes today, they can't save you!" Only Fa Hai said.

"You dare to attack me? If my young master comes out, he will definitely not let you go!" Bai Suzhen said immediately.

"Your young master? Do you think your young master has a chance to come out alive? Although Lin Xiu is surrounded by strange monsters to protect him, how can he have a chance to come back based on his strength? That Huang will definitely not let go Pass him!" Fa Hai said with a sneer.

"Fahai, it's a bit too much for you to do this!" Only one person beside him said.

Fa Hai saw that this person turned out to be Yang Gan.

"Yang Gan, you don't want to stop the old monk, do you?" Fa Hai said coldly.

"Of course I don't want to stop you, Fa Hai, but I just think that as a Buddhist, it's a bit too much for you to take advantage of others' danger. If Lin Xiu really comes back, I'm afraid you, Fa Hai, will be very dangerous! " Yang Gan said.

Yang Gan also knows Lin Xiu's character quite well. If anyone offends Lin Xiu, he can only wait for Lin Xiu to take revenge!

"Yang Gan, you don't think that Lin Xiu still has a chance to survive, do you? Even if he has those monsters, he is definitely not Huang's opponent!" Fa Hai said disdainfully, "I'm afraid he has been abandoned by Huang now." Extinct!"

"What did you say?" Bai Suzhen said angrily.

"You guys left early, but you don't know that even if we three immortals use the secret method, we can't defeat Huang, and Lin Xiu's monster pets have been seriously injured, he still has a chance to be qualified Survive?" Fa Hai continued.

After Bai Suzhen and the lady in white heard this, their expressions changed. Could it be that this young master is really dead?

"Bai Suzhen, and that snake demon, it's useless for you to struggle any longer, I will subdue you today!" Fa Hai no longer intends to talk nonsense here, only saw him throw out a golden bowl.

The golden bowl is obviously not an ordinary magic weapon, this golden bowl is shining brightly, a golden light directly shines on Bai Suzhen's body, Bai Suzhen's body turns into a huge white snake, but before she has time to struggle, she is already sucked by the golden bowl went in.

"No—" Bai Suzhen let out a scream, but her body had been sucked involuntarily.

As soon as the white-clothed scholar turned around, he wanted to escape. The opponent was too strong. Even if he stayed, it would be useless. If he escaped now, he still had a chance to save his life!
"And you, don't even think about running away!" Fa Hai yelled, the golden bowl turned around, and a golden light shone on the white-clothed scholar.

The body of the white-clothed scholar immediately turned into a flower snake and was taken in.

Both of them were taken away, Fahai glanced around and said: "Monsters are always at odds with people, yet you still want to be with monsters, hmph!"

At this moment, the entire Desolate Temple suddenly trembled, and everyone's expressions changed. They were a little surprised and looked around. Those rotting corpses seemed to be coming this way.

"What are they doing? Why are they all coming this way!"

"It seems that all the irrational people around are over-concentrated here!"

"Everyone, be careful, the attack power of these people seems to be very powerful!"


The strong people around were already a little nervous, but they found that these irrational people stopped, and they all knelt on the ground, kowtowing and prostrating.

With the bodies of the strong in the holy realm, it is naturally impossible to break their foreheads, but judging from their appearance, it seems that they are bowing down to their king.

What is going on here?

At this moment, everyone could see that the gate of the central temple was opened again.

Who came out of it?

All eyes were on the gate, only Lin Xiu and a woman came out.

Fa Hai's expression changed, Lin Xiu actually came out alive!

But who is that woman next to Lin Xiu?

Lin Xiu glanced around, he was a little surprised and said, "What are you doing?"

"Their sanity has been taken away, and now they are worshiping you!" Huang Ling said.

"Oh? So that's the case, please get flat!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Lin Xiu, you managed to come out alive!" Fa Hai stared at Lin Xiu and said, "What did you get?"

"It's none of your business what I get?" Lin Xiu said not at all polite.

"Lin Xiu, you really came back alive, that's great, Miss Bai and Young Master Hua have been captured by Fahai!" Wang Ze said hastily.

"Fa Hai, you are so courageous!" After Lin Xiu heard this, his face turned cold, and he said, "Do you know that they are my subordinates? How dare you attack them?"

"So what if it's your subordinate? Lin Xiu, today I'm not only going to deal with them, but also you!" Fa Hai sneered and continued, "Your pets have all been injured, right? , do you still have the qualifications to fight against me?"

"Fahai, you don't seem to know whose territory this is!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "Didn't you realize that these people are all bowing down to me?"

A look of surprise appeared on Fa Hai's face. These people seemed to really bow down to Lin Xiu. Doesn't that mean...

"This is my territory, you all must listen to me!" Lin Xiu said with a sneer, "Fahai, you, kneel down!"

"What did you say? You want me to kneel down... what!!!" Fahai's face changed drastically, and a terrifying force pressed down on him.

Fahai's face turned red, and he didn't know if it was because of anger or because he was under too much pressure. He felt as if there were ten thousand mountains pressing down on his back, and he couldn't bear it anymore. With great strength, he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

This is the power of the entire temple. Now Lin Xiu is the master of this temple. Although it has only been less than half an hour, it is enough for Lin Xiu!
Using the power of the temple, even if the opponent is a strong man in the Tribulation Realm, he can be pressed to the ground, let alone Fa Hai.

And Fa Hai actually knelt in front of Lin Xiu, it was really unbelievable, their faces changed, how did Lin Xiu do it?
"My site, if I tell you to kneel, you have to kneel!" Lin Xiu sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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