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Chapter 1207 Your formation is really not good!

Chapter 1207 Your formation is really not good!
"There is such a thing?" After Yan Chixia heard it, he immediately said, "What is this thing?"

Lin Xiu told what happened before, and when Yan Chixia heard it, she was furious: "This evil monk is too much, although that white girl is a monster, but monsters have their own ways, and it's true that monsters have different ways, but he To do such a thing, little brother Lin Xiu, I will definitely help you with this matter!"

"With the help of Hero Yan, I will definitely be able to rescue Suzhen and Xiaohua this time!" Lin Xiu said happily after hearing this.

Lin Xiu actually didn't see through Yan Chixia's strength, but if what he deduced before is true, it means that Yan Chixia has the strength to trap the monster in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, the thousand-year-old centipede spirit. , not easy!

With Yan Chixia's help, Lin Xiu's chances of winning are obviously better.

The ghost kun and earth kun that Lin Xiu got this time were actually quite seriously injured when they fought against the centipede, and they also needed to go back to the monster egg to have a good rest.

However, with Lin Xiu's current strength, as long as he does not encounter the existence of the peak of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, Lin Xiu is not afraid.

If he really meets a strong man at the peak of the Tribulation Transcending Realm, even if this Kun appears, he probably won't be his opponent.

When Lin Xiu thought so, he heard Yan Chixia shout suddenly: "Who, get out!"

A series of wind sounds appeared, and then, eighteen flags suddenly dropped from the sky and were planted around. In an instant, sand and rocks flew around, and the situation changed. Around here, under each flag, a strong man appeared unexpectedly.

"Eighteen Shattering Void Realm experts?" Yan Chixia was startled, and he exclaimed.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Using the Great Desolation Art, Lin Xiu's strength can be raised by one level in half an hour. Now Lin Xiu still has the strength of immortality, but time is running out, if he deals with so many A strong man can still do it.

But the problem is that the eighteen Shattering Void Realm powerhouses here came with this banner, that is to say, they didn't intend to confront Lin Xiu and others head-on, they wanted to use the formation to fight Deal with Lin Xiu and others!
"Who are we? You have no right to know. We are just here to find someone. The woman next to you, as long as you hand her over, we will not make things difficult for you!" Only one person came out, he was dressed in black Clothes look pretty strong.

"A strong immortal!" Yan Chixia said in surprise when she saw this person.

"You...are people from Wushen Temple?" Huang Ling's face changed, she said.

People from Wushen Temple?
As soon as Lin Xiu heard it, his eyes immediately swept to the people around them. These people were dressed in black and had no special features. How did you recognize this Huangling?

"You're right, you won't be a descendant of Huangdian, we need to bring you back, I hope you don't make it too difficult for us!" the man said.

"I won't go back with you!" Huang Ling said coldly, "You can't take me away either!"

"Ridiculous, do you think those two female ghosts and that little ghost beside you can stop me?" the man in black said disdainfully.

"How dare you be rude to me?" Yan Chixia said angrily.

"Who are you?" The man in black asked, obviously not expecting Yan Chixia to appear here.

"I am a Taoist disciple, Yan Chixia!" Yan Chixia said.

"I don't care who you are, what happened here today has nothing to do with you, you'd better leave now, otherwise, you will feel better today!" said the man in black.

"Arrogance, I, Yan Chixia, have lived for so long, but few people dare to talk to me like this. Well, I want to see how strong your Wu Temple is!" Yan Chixia immediately shouted, "The world is boundless, Qiankun borrowed the law and exploded!"

Yan Chixia slammed her palm out, only to see that the front of her face exploded immediately, and the man in black stepped back immediately, and he immediately shouted: "Do it, activate the Eighteen Desolation Formation!"

"This is the Eighteenth Desolation Formation. If you want to break through it from the outside, you must exert a very strong destructive power if you want to break it from the inside. The best way is to find the formation eye and break it!"

Only Huang Ling said anxiously: "You listen to my command now, we may have a way to break this formation!"

While Huang Ling was speaking, the surrounding land had already withered, and the three people here immediately felt that something was wrong, their vitality had been taken away.

"How long will your solution take?" Lin Xiu asked.

"It will take about half an hour!" Huang Ling said.

"It's been too long, let me break the formation!" Lin Xiu didn't have much time for the Great Desolation Art, and Lin Xiu didn't want to wait here for half an hour.

"You? Do you have a way to break the formation?" Huang Ling asked with a frown. If Lin Xiu still had those two kuns, he might not be able to break the formation here, but Lin Xiu now depends on his original strength. To break the formation?This is a bit too forced.

"What? You look down on me?" Lin Xiu laughed.

"That's not what I meant!" Huang Ling shook her head hastily.

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiu blinked.

"..." Huang Ling gave Lin Xiu a blank look.

"You want to break my Eighteen Desolation Formation? Hahaha... My Eighteen Desolation Formation is formed by eighteen Void Shattering experts. It is more powerful than the original Eighteen Desolation Formation. Let alone It's you, even if someone from the Transcending Tribulation Realm is here, he won't be able to escape!"

The man in black said very proudly: "You little brat, I'm afraid you are not even a hundred years old. You are lucky enough to step into the Shattering Void Realm, and you want to break our formation? This is absolutely impossible, you should give up!"

"Is your formation very powerful? If so, then the young master really wants to see it!" Lin Xiu said lightly, only to see a blue sword formation around his body, and Lin Xiu's sword also appeared. Cyan light.

At this moment, Lin Xiu's body suddenly disappeared, and countless cyan sword auras suddenly gushed out from the surroundings. As soon as the violent sword aura appeared, the surrounding formation flags immediately began to waver.

In the first second, all the eighteen flags were cut off, and the formation disappeared.

The face of the man in black changed drastically. Each of these flags is a top-quality magic weapon, and they were cut off so easily?
In the second second, eighteen heads flew up together, and eighteen pillars of blood spurted out from their heads.

Two seconds later, the man in black's eyes widened, unable to believe what he saw.

Eighteen barren formations were broken by force, and it was only two seconds!
"Your formation is really bad!" Lin Xiu's voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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