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Chapter 1213 Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love

Chapter 1213 Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love
"Hmph, I still don't know where Xiaoleiyin Temple is, and dare to lie here? Even I can get rid of you today, and let you know how big a mistake I made today!" Fahai said Then, a staff appeared in his hand.

As soon as the staff was shaken, a golden light appeared immediately, and the golden light shot towards Lin Xiu in front of him in an instant.

After Lin Xiu saw it, he said lightly: "Fa Hai, I tell you, I just look down on you. Today I don't need to dodge your attack, or even resist your attack. You can't hurt me!"

"What did you say?" Fa Hai was furious. Lin Xiu's words were provoking him.

As soon as Lin Xiu's sleeve was lifted up, the golden light fell in front of Lin Xiu, and disappeared strangely, as if being swallowed by something, which looked quite mysterious.

How can it be?

The surrounding disciples of Fahai felt quite shocked. After all, they had never encountered such a thing. It was hard for them to imagine how Lin Xiu resolved this attack.

Fa Hai couldn't believe it. As soon as he threw the staff in his hand, the staff immediately turned into a Buddha seal and flew towards Lin Xiu again, as if to suppress Lin Xiu, but this Buddha seal landed on Lin Xiu's head. At that moment, Lin Xiu raised his sleeves.

The Buddha seal immediately dissipated, and the staff fell in front of Lin Xiu, as if he had lost his Buddha nature.

"Ding, the Buddha Kun swallowed successfully..."

Lin Xiu put away the Buddhist staff. It should be a fake fairy weapon, and Lin Xiu didn't want Fo Kun to eat it.

After all, there are still a lot of Buddhist supernatural powers in this Fa Hai. As long as Lin Xiu is willing, he can still devour several Buddhist supernatural powers.

As long as these supernatural powers can be devoured, then this Buddha Kun can at least grow to Shattering Void Realm!
Fa Hai really didn't believe in evil, he needed to understand why Lin Xiu was able to resist his attack, and he didn't look injured at all.

The attack he made just now seemed more like being restrained.

"Brother Lin Xiu is indeed not an ordinary person. Those Buddhist supernatural powers were so easily dispelled by him!" Yan Chixia said in surprise.

"The young master's strength seems to be stronger than before, but why are those Buddha seals useless to the young master?" Nie Xiaoqian asked doubtfully.

"Is there not enough secrets in him? I think there must be something different looking for in that strange egg of his!" Huang Ling said.

Huang Ling's words were really correct, Lin Xiuxiu used that monster to resist the attack of Buddhist supernatural powers.

But this point, even if it is said, who is willing to believe it?

At least Fa Hai didn't know about it. Now Fa Hai once again used his supernatural powers, but these supernatural powers are all Buddhist supernatural powers. How could there be any chance of hurting Lin Xiu?

"Ding, the Buddha Kun swallowed successfully..."


"Ding, Buddha Kun has successfully evolved, and is currently in the Shattering Void Realm!"

Fo Kun had eaten a lot of Buddhist supernatural powers this time, and Fa Hai's face was very ugly.

Lin Xiu would not forget to ridicule him at this time, only heard Lin Xiu say: "Fa Hai, is your strength only this? If so, how about this, I will sing you a song, how about you listen to it? "

"Sing a song?" Fa Hai frowned. What time is it, and you still want to sing?
Lin Xiu ignored Fa Hai, he had already started singing:

"Why don't you agree with our love..."


"Fahai, you don't understand love~"

"Leifeng Pagoda will fall~"


The more Fahai listened to it, the more irritable and depressed he felt. This song by Lin Xiu was more powerful than any mockery, and Fahai felt very depressed and angry when he heard it.

"Stop singing!" Fahai yelled angrily, "Why, Fahai, you don't understand love? How can I not understand love? You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense!"

"Fahai's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 70! Enter the third level of rage!"

Lin Xiu didn't expect that Fa Hai would be angry like this?But he didn't stop, and continued to sing, if Fa Hai wasn't angered, how could it cause him to continue to attack?
Sure enough, Fa Hai went a little crazy after that, one after another Buddha seals blasted at Lin Xiu. Of course, these Buddha seals could not hurt Lin Xiu. The string of beads on Fa Hai's neck suddenly flew out and flew towards Lin Xiu. Shot it.

The string of Buddhist beads stopped in front of Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu showed a smile on his face: "Thank you for your gift, your Buddhist ball, I have accepted it!"

Fahai saw that the beads seemed to have lost their light, and his face became very ugly. This is his magic weapon, and Lin Xiu took it away like this?What a joke!

Fa Hai now felt that it would be useless to use Buddhist power to deal with Lin Xiu. He didn't understand why Lin Xiu could disrespect his Buddhist supernatural power attack, but it could be seen that Lin Xiu's ability , was something he couldn't handle.

Since the power of the Buddha is not enough, then we can only choose other methods!

Fa Hai's temperament changed, and Fa Hai, who was usually a monk, suddenly developed a strange temperament at this time.

Fahai's face turned black, and red eyeshadow appeared in his eyes, making him look more like a monster.

Pimples appeared on Fa Hai's skin, which looked quite terrifying and disgusting.

Fa Hai's face became round and big, with his eyes protruding. No one had ever seen this appearance before.

"This... he really is a monster!" Yan Chixia exclaimed, "I didn't expect that a monster could cultivate such profound Buddhist supernatural powers, it's really surprising!"

"A monster? Fa Hai is actually a monster?" Huang Ling couldn't accept it, a monk who had attained the Tao turned out to be a monster, and was he such a disgusting monster?
"How did this happen? Master, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?" Fa Hai's disciple immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Go away, today I must kill them all!" Fa Hai ignored his disciples, opened his mouth, and a tongue flew out towards Lin Xiu.

"Nimma, after a long time, it turned out to be a toad monster!" After Lin Xiu saw it, he had a sneer on his face, "Master Ben said that if you are a monster like you, you don't need to resist me at all. You can't hurt me either!"

"Looking for death!" Fa Hai's tongue had already rolled towards Lin Xiu, one circle, two circles, three circles... Just when the tongue was about to entangle Lin Xiu, at this moment, a streak suddenly appeared on Lin Xiu's body. Jin Guang, that tongue was blown open.

Fa Hai was quite familiar with this ray of light, because it turned out to be—the light of Buddha!
(End of this chapter)

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