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Chapter 1216 Heart piercing value from the host

Chapter 1216 Heart piercing value from the host

"It's okay, Suzhen is my friend, so I need to save her!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"I heard that you haven't joined other forces, Lin Xiu, why don't you come to our Taoist sect, I think with Lin Xiu's strength, you will be able to grow quickly, and maybe you can become an outstanding real person in our Taoist sect!" Xu Xian said with a smile.

"Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely go!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Suzhen, Xiaoqing, do you want to come with me? Now I have the ability to take care of you!" Only Xu Xian said.

"This... we have to think about it!" Bai Suzhen said after thinking about it.

"Let's rest here today!" Lin Xiu said.

The others naturally had no problem. Bai Suzhen also found a room in Jinshan Temple to rest. At night, Xu Xian had already arrived outside Bai Suzhen's room, and he knocked on the door.

"Xu Xian, it's so late, what's the matter?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"Suzhen, there is actually something I want to discuss with you, can I go in?" Xu Xian said.

"Come in!" Bai Suzhen nodded.

After Xu Xian came in, he talked to Bai Suzhen about the past, talked for a while, and then said: "Suzhen, I actually have something important to do when I come this time. I didn't intend to bother you about this matter. But I think, only you can help me!"

Seeing Xu Xian's solemn expression, Bai Suzhen quickly said: "Xu Xian, what's the matter with you, just say, as long as I can help you, then I will definitely help you!"

"Since this is the case, let me tell you, the purpose of my coming here this time is to borrow the pagoda on Lin Xiu's body!" Xu Xian said.

"What?" Upon hearing these words, Bai Suzhen's expression changed slightly.

"I want to go back to the Daoist sect this time to inherit the position of elder, but I have to pass a test. I have to catch a nine-tailed fox, which is a powerful existence at the level of the tribulation realm. If I want to catch it, I must have something that can Trapped its magic weapon!"


"The pagoda in Lin Xiu's hand is the best choice. If you can lend it to me, I will definitely be able to go back and become an elder of the Taoist sect. Then we will be able to live together and fly together!"

"Xu Xian, if you are really because of this incident, you can explain it to the young master. I believe the young master will definitely not reject you!"

"Suzhen, I think you know better than me who Lin Xiu is. He will not lend such an important magic weapon to others easily!"

"What do you mean, Xu Xian?"

"Go and steal this pagoda, I will definitely return it after I use it up!"

"Is this really the only way?"

Xu Xian stretched out his hand, grabbed Bai Suzhen's hand, and said, "Suzhen, you believe in me, I will definitely not let you down, I did all this because of you!"

Bai Suzhen withdrew her hand without leaving a trace, stood up, and she said: "Even if it's stealing, I'm afraid it's not so easy. The young master's current strength has reached the Shattering Void Realm, how can I steal the pagoda from him?"

"Don't worry, Suzhen, I've already prepared it for you. This elixir can make Lin Xiu fall into a deep sleep for three days. You have enough time to find his magic weapon and wait for him to wake up." By then, I've already captured the nine-tailed fox!" Xu Xian also stood up and promised.

"This... then fine!" Bai Suzhen thought for a while, and finally agreed.

"This one is called Drunken Soul Pill. Even warriors at the Tribulation Transcendence level will be fascinated by taking it. If it were you, you would definitely be able to get close to him!" Xu Xian said.

Bai Suzhen nodded, and took the pill.

Lin Xiu had a treasure chest compass in his hand, so he could naturally find the special treasure chest here. This treasure chest turned out to be a wooden fish, which really made Lin Xiu very helpless.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the heart-piercing treasure chest!"

"The heart-piercing treasure box, you can get the heart-piercing value to increase the level of the treasure box, the heart-piercing value increases according to the degree of heart-piercing, and the chain of heart-piercing can double the heart-piercing value you get!"

Heartbroken, old man?

Lin Xiu's face became even weirder. Sure enough, the treasure box given by the system is quite strange, and it seems that it will become more and more strange.

Heart-piercing treasure chest, how can it be heart-piercing?How could this young master do such a thing?

"Master Lin Xiu!" At this moment, a lively figure came over. Lin Xiu saw the other party's appearance in blue clothes, and it was obvious that this girl was Xiaoqing.

"Xiaoqing, why did you come here? Do you want to become a monk?" Lin Xiu asked.

"..." Xiaoqing was obviously taken aback when she heard it. She blinked her eyes and said, "Master Lin Xiu, I see you are here, and I am worried that you will be thinking about becoming a monk for a while, so I came here specially to find you!"

"..." This time it was Lin Xiu's turn to be depressed, this girl was quite sharp-tongued.

"Xiaoqing, don't worry, young master, I still have a lot of confidante, so I will never give up my family!" Lin Xiu replied.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe, Master Lin Xiu, you saw my sister and Xu Xian getting back together, so you were jealous for a while, and you couldn't think about it!" Xiaoqing said again.

Fuck, where did this girl come from? Why do you feel that she has a bit of a vicious tongue?

"Ding, I have collected 1000 heart piercing points from the host!"

"Ding, the level of the heart-piercing treasure chest has been increased, and it is currently a bronze treasure chest!"


"Ding, the level of the heart-piercing treasure chest has been raised, and it is currently a golden treasure chest!"

System, did you intentionally add to the chaos?How can I even collect my pricking heart points?Lin Xiu was very dissatisfied, but the system didn't care about it at all.

"Xiaoqing, don't talk nonsense, I have a very pure relationship with Suzhen!" Lin Xiu said quickly, he was not willing to admit that he was really upset.

After all, Bai Suzhen is a beautiful woman, and she is an excellent beauty in terms of figure and appearance. If she is favored by a pig like Xu Xian, Lin Xiu will naturally not be happy.

"Of course I know, even if you want to be impure, young master, my sister Bai probably doesn't want to!" Xiaoqing said again.

"Ding, I have collected 6666 heart piercing points from the host!"

It was the first time for Lin Xiu to be bullied so badly. His heart was broken. Where did this venomous loli come from?

"I think, if you were Young Master Lin Xiu, you still had a chance before, but now that Xu Xian is here, I'm afraid you have no chance at all. Young Master Lin Xiu, do you regret that you didn't take action against my sister Bai before?"

"Ding, I have collected 12345 heart piercing points from the host!"

"Ding, the level of the Heart Treasure Chest has been raised, and it is currently a Platinum Treasure Chest!"

"I...Xiaoqing, why would I think like this?" Lin Xiu's face was a little pale, Xiaoqing was too worried.

(End of this chapter)

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