1221 Threat
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

And what makes people feel the most helpless is that this kun can still devour their attacks, no matter what tricks they use, there is no way to hurt the Buddha kun, and it only needs to attack once, and the monks here will be killed kill.

This is a completely unequal battle!
"Stand back, I'll deal with him!" Said Wu Se.

Wu Se is a strong man in the Tribulation Realm, and he wants to deal with this Buddha Kun himself!
The surrounding monks retreated immediately, a golden light appeared on the cassock on Wu Se's body, and he rushed towards Fo Kun.

Fo Kun didn't make any unnecessary movements. He opened his mouth, and a "卍" character flew out. Wu Se punched out, and this fist directly smashed the "卍" character in front of him into pieces.

The hearts of the monks around were shocked, the colorless elder was really powerful!
They had already seen the powerful power of this swastika, but Elder Wuhui was obviously stronger, and he was able to smash this swastika so easily.

As long as you get close to this Buddha Kun, I believe that this Buddha Kun will never be its opponent.

Wu Se muttered something, only to see a golden lotus spat out from his mouth, and the golden lotus slammed towards Fo Kun, at the same time Wu Se's palm also turned golden, and an Arhat fist slammed towards Fo Kun.

Fo Kun opened his mouth, only to see all the Buddha's light, all of which were swallowed by Fo Kun, the golden lotus was sucked in, even the golden light on the colorless Arhat Fist dissipated more than half, this punch exploded When it came to Fo Kun, there was no threat at all.

The colorless face changed again, and the beads on his neck turned into 108 starlights, blasting down towards Fo Kun.

The golden Buddha on Fo Kun's head stretched out his hands at this time, only to see that all the Buddhist beads had been caught by the golden Buddha's hands, and the Buddha's light had all disappeared.

Colorless's continuous attacks had no effect at all, and the magic weapon on his body was taken away, which shocked him. At this time, the golden Buddha on the Buddha Kun's head blasted out with a palm. It directly hit the colorless body.

Colorless flew upside down a hundred feet away before stopping, vomiting out a mouthful of blood.

"Old monk, is your strength just that? Even my pet can't deal with it, let alone me. If I make a move, none of you can escape alone!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Xiu to let go of such a good opportunity to pretend.

The people around saw Lin Xiu being so arrogant, but they had nothing to do. After all, they couldn't refute what Lin Xiu said. They couldn't even beat his pets. Can they win the owner?
"Let's retreat!" I only heard Na Wu Se say at this time.

"What? Elder Colorless, are we really going to retreat?" Fazheng said unwillingly after hearing this.

"We are not its opponents. To deal with it, I am afraid that at least four experts in the Tribulation Realm are needed. It is possible to set up the Great Arhat Profound Formation. We can't defeat him now!" Wu Se shook his head and said.

The colorless strength is naturally a strong man at the Tribulation Realm level, but now, he has been defeated by this Buddha Kun. If other people make a move, can he win Buddha Kun?

If it was other monsters, they might be able to rely on the large number of strong people here to consume their strength with Buddhist supernatural powers, but the biggest problem now is that this monster is not afraid of Buddhist supernatural powers at all. It can also be devoured!

No matter what kind of Buddhist supernatural powers, they can be devoured by this monster, and all their faces are from the Buddhist sect, how can they beat them?
"Okay, let's go!" Fazheng had no choice but to say.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Xiu said suddenly.

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, I can't deal with this monster of yours. I lost today, but if you want to keep us, I'm afraid you can't do it!" Only Wu Se said.

"I never thought of keeping you guys. I'll stop you, but I just want to tell you something!" A thought suddenly appeared in Lin Xiu's heart.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Se asked.

"I came here today to save my subordinates. Fahai captured two of my subordinates, so I came here and killed them. Today, you Buddhist sects are encircling and suppressing me. Then, after this young master , I will not be polite to you Buddhists, I need an apology from you Buddhists to me!"

Lin Xiu continued: "If you Buddhists don't apologize to me, then don't blame me. You Buddhists will regret it!"

"The benefactor is threatening our Buddhism?" Wu Se frowned.

"You can understand this as a threat!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Wu Se stared at Lin Xiu, and he said, "Does the benefactor know how powerful our Buddhist realm is in this continent?"

"Of course I know, but I will also let you Buddhists know what will happen if you offend someone you shouldn't offend!" Lin Xiu said.

"Let's go!" Wu Se finished, and left with the other Buddhist disciples.

"Brother Lin Xiu, what are you going to do?" Yan Chixia asked.

"How to do it? I want to know the location of all the temples in this Buddhist domain!" Lin Xiu said with a smile on his face.

"You want to..." Yan Chixia said.

I am afraid it is difficult to count the number of Buddhist temples in Foyu. However, there are already 100 million Buddhist temples on the surface, and there are more than 300 famous ones.

For example, now, in this place called Baoluo Kingdom, there is a Baoluo Temple!

Although it is called Baoluo Kingdom, everyone knows that it is controlled by Xiao Leiyin Temple behind the scenes.

However, in Baoluo Temple, there are powerful monks at the level of immortality.

Today's Baoluo Temple is still full of incense, but at this time, there is a group of pilgrims who are a little abnormal. They come here to make trouble. There are more than 20 people in this group, and [-]% of them have fierce looks.

The person in the lead is quite handsome and extraordinary.

I only heard the young man in the head say: "I heard that there are eminent monks here in Baoluo Temple, so I came here today to experience the strength of eminent Buddhist monks!"

"Amitabha, benefactor, our Baoluo Temple will not conduct competitions, benefactor, please come back!" Only the host came out and said.

"If that's the case, then I'll borrow something from your temple!" Lin Xiu said again.

"What does the donor want to borrow?" the host asked.

"You don't need to borrow anything, just a few Buddhist scriptures!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"The almsgiver came all the way here just to borrow Buddhist scriptures from our Baoluo Temple?" The abbot of Baoluo Temple couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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