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Chapter 1223 I am a holy monk from the Great Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1223 I am a holy monk from the Great Qin Dynasty

When Fayuan heard it, Nima, you are so shameless that you dare to call yourself a holy monk!
But behind the dharma circle, those monks were quite shocked when they heard Lin Xiu's words. This young man is also a monk, or a holy monk?

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Tang Sanzang, do you know that you have committed a serious crime?" Fayuan said immediately.

"Big crime? What crime do I have?" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"You allowed your subordinates to attack our Baoluo Temple. As a member of the Buddhist sect, you actually carried out such a looting thing. Do you really think you are a monk by doing this?" Only Fayuan said.

"My fellow Buddhists are different from you. We can drink and eat meat, we can marry and have children, we can also have maids to sleep with, and we have wives and concubines in groups!" Lin Xiu continued.

"No way? There are such monks?"

"Is this also a monk? It's really too much!"

"I don't believe there are such monks!"


The people around said immediately, but in their hearts, they were quite envious.

Such things as the purification of the six sense organs are simply not something ordinary people can bear. If they didn't want to obtain Buddhist supernatural powers, they would not continue to abide by this precept.

"Isn't it because your old monk here is here that you say that? In fact, you really miss it, don't you?" Lin Xiu said.

"Ding... Heart piercing value +"


No one is perfect, and so are the monks here. Abbot Fayuan saw this and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Tang Sanzang. No matter what you say today, I will never let you go. I will definitely arrest you." Accept the punishment of our Buddhist precepts!"

"Then let's see if you have such abilities. Let me see if it's your Little Leiyin Temple's strength, or my young master's Great Qin Buddhism!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Okay!" Fayuan said, and punched Lin Xiu.

"Arhat Boxing!"

That Fayuan is an existence at the longevity level, and the power of this punch is powerful.

It's a pity that his opponent was Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu's long sword pointed, and the sword light flashed all over his body, and he had already slashed in front of Fa Yuan, and Fa Yuan's arm was cut off.

This trick was easily defeated by Lin Xiu.

"You... how do you know how to use a sword?" Fayuan's expression changed.

"My sword is already the weakest move. I didn't expect you to be unable to withstand even my sword. You are too weak!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh.

"Ding, I have collected 5555 points of piercing heart from France!"

"You guys still want to fight this holy monk?" Lin Xiu glanced at the disciples of Baoluo Temple in front of him.

The faces of these Baoluo Temple disciples changed drastically. How could they dare to fight Lin Xiu now?They turned around quickly and fled.

"Let's go!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Yes, master!" The people around said immediately.

Lin Xiu took the crowd away, and this incident has already spread from the mouths of those pilgrims. After all, this incident is so big that it is impossible to hide it.

Baoluo Temple was actually broken into, and all the Buddhist scriptures inside were snatched away. This is really a bit unbelievable.

At the same time, the name Tang Sanzang also began to spread.

"Master, why did we come here to grab Buddhist scriptures?" Bai Suzhen asked a little puzzled.

"I'm afraid Brother Lin Xiu wants to become a monk, so he came here to study the Buddhist scriptures!" Xiaoqing said with a smile.

Lin Xiu said seriously, "Because I found out that there is a secret in the Buddhist scriptures. If I can find it, I might be able to penetrate Buddhism and become a great Buddha!"

"What? Is what you said true?" Xiao Qing asked in disbelief after hearing this.

"Of course it's true. When did brother-in-law lie to you?" Lin Xiu said solemnly, "If you say you are short, you are short, and if you say you are flat-chested, you are flat-chested!"

"Ding, I have collected 9999 points of pricking heart from Xiaoqing!"

Xiaoqing gave Lin Xiu a hard look.

Bai Suzhen's face flushed slightly, but she didn't explain anything.

"Hahaha...Little brother Lin Xiu, this time is really cool. I have long seen these bald tricks not pleasing to my eyes. This time, I can just make a big fuss!" Yan Chixia laughed loudly, and said after chasing after him. .

"Master Lin Xiu, what shall we do next?" the white-clothed scholar asked.

"What should I do? Of course I will continue to look for other Buddhist scriptures!" Lin Xiu replied.

Bai Suzhen kind of agrees with those monks, who told you to offend this person!

In the following week, Lin Xiu was not polite at all, and began to sweep across the Buddhist temples here. Even a large temple like Baoluo Temple could not withstand the attack of Lin Xiu and others, let alone other temples. .

In a week, Lin Xiu and others swept across 37 monasteries.

Every time Lin Xiu had to ridicule the monk first, and then act aggressively, after this round, the pretending point has collected 2000 million, and the heart point has also been collected to 1000 million.

But this treasure chest of Buddhist scriptures, after robbing 10 large monasteries and 27 monasteries during this period of time, Lin Xiu collected a full 9800 Buddhist scriptures.

This time, Lin Xiu's target was Yunxia Temple in Yunxiao Kingdom. It is said that there are several eminent monks there.

The monsters who followed Lin Xiu had a great week. Lin Xiu collected Buddhist scriptures, while they taught the bald donkey a lesson.

These bald donkeys have always surrendered to the monsters. The monsters here have been persecuted by them before, and they are naturally very happy to be able to fight back now.

And Yan Chixia was even more happy. He obviously didn't like the monk. Although he didn't reach the point where Buddhism and Taoism were incompatible, it was not much better.

This time when Lin Xiu and others came to this Yunxia Temple, Lin Xiu would naturally not be polite, as soon as he came here, he immediately reported his name.

"I am a holy monk from the Great Qin Dynasty in the East, Tang Sanzang. This time, I came to Yunxia Temple to obtain scriptures according to the will of the Jade Emperor Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva. I hope everyone in Yunxia Temple can open the door of your Sutra Pavilion, otherwise, poor monk I had no choice but to break in!"

Lin Xiu's voice rolled over, and everyone in Yunxia Temple could hear it clearly, and their expressions became strange.

This Tang Sanzang actually came here!

During this week, everyone in the entire Buddhaland probably knew about Tang Sanzang, and Lin Xiu was probably the only person who dared to rob this Buddhist temple with such an upright reason.

But now, Lin Xiu came to their Yunxia Temple, and the entire Yunxia Temple's monks now showed panic on their faces.

Nima, it's time to come, it's still coming!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and collected 200 pretending points!"


(End of this chapter)

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