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Chapter 1231 Disciple Meets Master Sanzang

Chapter 1231 Disciple Meets Master Sanzang
But in fact, Lin Xiu didn't have the slightest intention to spread Buddhism. All his Buddhist scriptures have been turned into Arhat Golden Body Secret Art by him. How else can he spread it?But Lin Xiu is not an ordinary person, he has read many short stories in his previous life.

If he wanted to talk about this kind of Zen theory, Lin Xiu would not be afraid of this little monk.

"Sage Sanzang, I wonder if you have heard a sentence?"


"The Buddha said that evil words hurt people and they will go to hell after death. Wouldn't it be worse for those who beat people? I don't know if the Tripitaka believes in heaven and hell?"

"I don't know if you have heard a sentence, little monk?"


"The Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

As soon as this sentence came out, not only the little Tathagata, but even the four elders, the abbot of Yunxia Temple and other monks all changed their expressions.

If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked by Lin Xiu's heart!

What kind of grand ideal is this person, is it possible to say such words?

"Amiyuan Buddha, Sanzang Sanzang is really a wonderful person!" The little monk finally said, obviously, Lin Xiu's words had convinced him, and he said, "Sanzang Sanzang, the poor monk has a word , I want to ask the Tripitaka for advice!"

Lin Xiu looked at the little monk.

"If the holy monk Sanzang can solve the confusion for the poor monk, the poor monk is willing to recognize the holy monk Sanzang as his teacher!" Little Tathagata said.

"What? No!" Upon hearing this, Wu Nian said hastily.

"The Dharma of the holy monk is more profound than that of the poor monk, why not?" Little Tathagata said with a slight smile.

This sentence made Wu Nian unable to say anything, and so did the others.

"In this case, little monk, you can say it!" Lin Xiu said.

"The poor monk has a saying of self-discipline. The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand. Always wipe it diligently so as not to stir up dust! But this poor monk always feels a little insufficient. I wonder if the holy monk Sanzang can help me revise it?" Little Tathagata asked.

"I don't know what you mean, little monk?" Lin Xiu asked instead of answering.

"The words of the poor monk mean that the body is like a bodhi tree that enlightened the ancients, and the heart is like a spotless and bright mirror, constantly observing oneself, not letting dust and dirt obscure the nature of the light!" Little Tathagata Said.

"Then I don't know what is covering this mirror?"

"Naturally it's dust!"

"Where did the dust come from? Where did it go?"

"This... the poor monk understands!"

Little Tathagata's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said: "So that's how it is, so that's how it is! Master, please accept my disciple's worship!"

As Little Tathagata spoke, he wanted to kneel down. Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "Get up, this holy monk will not accept you as a disciple!"

"What? Holy monk, your Buddhist principles are far superior to ordinary monks, and the poor monk really wants to worship under the disciple of the holy monk!" Only the little Tathagata said.

"My Buddha once told me that in my life, I will only have four disciples, a monkey, a pig, a wild man, and a dragon horse, so you and I have no relationship between master and apprentice!" Lin Xiu Said lightly.

"This...then it seems that the poor monk has no blessings!" Little Tathagata said with a sigh.

"What's going on here? Why do I feel that brother Lin Xiu is fooling people casually, why did that little monk fall for it? Are all monks so easy to deceive now?" Xiaoqing said doubtfully.

"..." Wuxin.

"..." Wu Nian.

"..." No way.

What is it that monks are so easy to deceive?How can we lie?
"Master Lin Xiu means that there is no dust in the first place, so why do we need to sweep it from time to time? This artistic conception is higher than that of this little monk. It is worthy of the young master!" Bai Suzhen said.

"Then how should this sentence be changed?" I only heard Xiaoqing ask.

Bai Suzhen shook her head.

"Little monk, since you have already understood, I will not take these four monks away!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes, Holy Monk!" The little Tathagata said again, "Holy Monk, I will prepare the scriptures, and someone will send them to the Holy Monk tomorrow. Although these scriptures may not be very useful to the Holy Monk, they are I also hope that the holy monk can continue to carry forward our Dharma!"

"Naturally!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Let's go!" Little Tathagata said to the four elders.

"Little... my lord, I don't know what I said just now, how should I change it?" Wu Xin asked.

"Bodhi doesn't have a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, so where does the dust come from?" The little monk replied, "Holy monk Tripitaka, I don't know if the poor monk is right?"

"Little monk, you have a very high understanding. I think you must not be an ordinary monk in that little Leiyin Temple!" Lin Xiu looked at the little monk and said.

Although what Lin Xiu said was not nonsense, it was something I had seen before, but it was completely different from this little Tathagata. He was a true Buddhist master. Even if Lin Xiu had a thick skin, he would not dare to be his master.

The four elders were also a little surprised when they heard Lin Xiu's words. Lin Xiu's eyesight is not bad.

"The poor monk thinks, we should meet again in the future, and the holy monk will know the name of the poor monk by then!" Little Tathagata said.

"Even if you don't tell the little monk, I can guess it!" Lin Xiu said, pointing to the sky.

Little Tathagata smiled, turned his head and left.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

This time, Lin Xiu's pretense was quite successful. In addition to the previous pretense, the current pretense value has already collected 3000 million.

"Brother Lin Xiu, what are you talking about? Who is he?" Xiaoqing asked.

"The boss of Little Leiyin Temple!" Lin Xiu replied, and then said, "Everyone, we should also leave now!"

After Xiaoqing heard it, she was very surprised and said: "The boss of Little Leiyin Temple? Isn't that Little Tathagata? What? He is Little Tathagata?"

Xiao Qing was very surprised, but Little Tathagata and others had already left.

The matter of this Buddhist realm was already over, Lin Xiu had no intention of staying any longer, but at this moment, Lin Xiu saw someone.

"Master Lin Xiu, Yang Gan, a great scholar of our Confucian school, wants to invite you to visit the Confucian school!" A Confucian disciple appeared in front of Lin Xiu and said.

"Great Confucianism?" Lin Xiu said in surprise.

"Yes, the great Confucians in our Confucian school are equivalent to the elders of other forces, and Yang Qian is one of the great Confucianists in our Confucian school!" The Confucian school disciple explained to Lin Xiu.

"Okay, I see, I will arrive soon!" Lin Xiu said.

Yang Qian had already invited Lin Xiu to come to the Confucian School before, and Lin Xiu agreed at that time, and this time he sent someone over, and he was able to find his own position, it seems that Yang Gan really wanted to find him for something!
(End of this chapter)

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