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Chapter 1240 The Great Confucian

Chapter 1240 The Great Confucian
"Young Master Liang, this time I've really troubled you. I'm also responsible for Duan Ran's matter!" Mu Xian said with a sigh.

"Ms. Muxian, this matter has nothing to do with you. This happened only because of Duan Ran, and I won't take this matter to heart!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"Not only this one thing, but also this one thing!" Mu Xian took out the calligraphy, she sighed and said, "I forgot to return this calligraphy to you yesterday, Young Master Liang, and it was damaged in the end, really terribly sorry!"

"It's just a piece of writing. If it's broken, it's broken. Just rewrite it!" Lin Xiu said, waving his hand.

"This... Mr. Liang really has a lot of adults, and Mr. Liang's mind makes Mu Xian admire him very much!" Mu Xian said.

"Xingxian's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 60!"

"Miss Muxian, if you think this calligraphy is good, I can rewrite it for you!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Young Master Liang, is what you said true?" Hearing this sentence, Mu Xian's eyes lit up, and he said.

"Of course it's true!" Lin Xiu said.

"Then I'll grind ink for Mr. Liang now!" Mu Xian blushed a little. It was the first time she had done such a thing for someone to grind ink, but now that she was doing this for Lin Xiu, she naturally wouldn't feel it. What is the problem.

After Lin Xiu rewrote the not worth visiting the garden, he wrote a new one.

When seeing Lin Xiu's new words, Mu Xian couldn't help being startled.

The wooden fairy thought about it and said: "The upper cover left the name of King Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Confucius set up a mandala in the Zhou Dynasty. Dong Xian loved me and made a forest, and Sun Chu Zeng pityed the cold and delicious food. Yurun Hong is delicate and tender, and the smoke is steamed and emerald. It is slightly sour when you are too familiar with it, and you will be in the wheat field every year."

This poem is actually not worth as much as the garden tour, and there are a few lines, she can't even understand the meaning, but when she sees the words, her heart is touched a little, it seems that this poem is Write about her in general.

"Young Master Liang, what does your poem mean?" Mu Xian asked.

"This poem actually doesn't have much meaning, because it is used to describe a woman!" Lin Xiu said.

"Describe a woman?" Hearing this sentence, Mu Xian became even more puzzled.

"That's right, it is used to describe a story about a flower fairy, and this flower fairy is named Xingxian!" Lin Xiu looked at the wood fairy with a smile on his face.

"This... Mr. Liang, do you know about Xingxian?" Mu Xian's expression changed slightly, and he finally said.

"Of course I know, otherwise, why would I come here on purpose? You think so? Miss Muxian? No, it should be Miss Xingxian!" Lin Xiu looked at Muxian and said with a smile.

He really knows himself!
Muxian's face changed slightly, she looked at Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu said again: "Girl Muxian, you don't have to worry too much, if you don't want to leave, I won't force you to leave, but you stay here Here, it’s never a good thing!”

"You want to take me away? Then where are you going?" Mu Xian asked.

"Leave this world and go to the fairy world!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu didn't know if he would go to the fairyland, but judging from the current situation, even if he didn't want to go, the system might not let him go.

In this case, it is better to use this to lure the wooden fairy.

"Immortal Realm? I feel that I have some relationship with Immortal Realm. I don't know how you know my identity, Mr. Liang?" Mu Xian asked again.

"Ms. Wood Fairy, do you believe that there is a way of heaven in the dark?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"I believe that there is a voice that seems to tell me that I want to follow you, Mr. Liang. If I really want to leave here, I will definitely follow you, Mr. Liang. However, Mr. Liang, please give me time to think about it for a few days!" Xingxian said.

"Okay!" Lin Xiu nodded, but did not force Xingxian.

Now Xingxian's affection for Lin Xiu has reached 60, Lin Xiu believes that the system will not cheat him, and Muxian will definitely leave with him, and maybe he will have a chance to become his woman in the future.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not let a woman as temperamental and perfect as Mu Xian be, but he had to trick her away first!
The next day, some great Confucians who had crossed the Tribulation Realm came to the academy, and even Yang Gan had to go out to greet him.

Since other great Confucians are coming, Yang Qian will naturally come out to meet him, and this time, the four great Confucians will come together.

"Yang Qian, we are here. This is the person you recommended? I heard that he is called Liang Shanbo, right?" Only one of them said.

"Sure enough, a hero is born in a young age. Judging from the age of this Liang Shanbo, he is estimated to be only eighteen or nine years old, and he already has the strength to break the void!" One of the fat scholars said with a kind smile.

"Guys, we won't be talking here anymore, please come in with me!" Yang Gan said.

The four great Confucian scholars came with their referees, and each of these four referees has the strength of the immortal state, and I am afraid that they are all excellent successors of the four people.

After all, if you want to enter the road to heaven, everyone has only one chance!
Moreover, if ordinary people want to go in, they need the cooperation of five great Confucians. To use it, it will also consume a lot of money. Ordinary great Confucianists will not start this kind of road of questioning.

Therefore, those who can generally enter this kind of path of questioning the heart can only have the opportunity to enter if they have a close relationship with this kind of great Confucianism. For people like Lin Xiu who only have friendship with Yang Gan, it is really too difficult to enter it.

As for Yang Gan helping Lin Xiu to enter it, it was because Yang Gan felt that Lin Xiu might have something that could pass through the road of questioning the heart, and that kind of thing would not be found in ordinary people.

Lin Xiu and the other four referees were all sent out, because the five great Confucians had to meet for a while.

As soon as Lin Xiu came out, he heard someone's voice behind him: "Are you that Liang Shanbo?"

Lin Xiu glanced back, and a person had followed him. Judging from his appearance, Lin Xiu could guess that this person was here to cause trouble for him, because this person actually looked the same as Duan Of course very similar.

"You are looking for this young master, do you want me to give you advice?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Advice? Are you kidding? I, Duan Bo, need your advice? Liang Shanbo, you injured my younger brother Duan Ran. I already know what happened this year, so don't try to deny it!" The man in front of him Said.

"When did I say I'm going to deny it?" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression on his face when he heard it, "Your brother is so weak, yet he still wants to attack me, and blame me for being injured? There is no reason!"

(End of this chapter)

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