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Chapter 1248 No need to be so troublesome

Chapter 1248 No need to be so troublesome
Confucius did give Lin Xiu a reward. The content of the reward was this identity, as well as the fifteen-level cultivation method of the Haoran Zhengqi Jue, and also the nine-character mantra.

Of course, for Lin Xiu, it is too difficult to practice the Grand Virtuous Righteousness Jue on the fifteenth floor, and it is just a kind of fairy art. Lin Xiu has a lot of fairy arts, and the Heavenly Demon Five Elements Jue is not inferior to this Great Righteous Qi Jue. up.

As for the nine-character mantra, Lin Xiu is not too rare, but Lin Xiu is a little interested in the identity of this Confucianist Keqing elder.

With this status, it is much easier for Lin Xiu to go to the Holy Court.

"Now do you believe that this young master has passed the test of the road of asking the heart, and I refused you Kong Sheng to accept me as a disciple?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"But why don't you want to be Confucius' disciple?" Yang Gan asked suddenly.

"It's a long story, but since you asked me, I'll make it short. What I said just now is actually just my nonsense!" Lin Xiu began to talk nonsense in a serious manner, "Because I have taken into account the interests of Confucius. identity, so I have to tell this lie, everyone, I'm really sorry!"

The people around were fooled by Lin Xiu.

"Young Master Liang, what is the truth?" Mu Xian asked.

"The truth is that Kong Sheng thought I was extremely talented, so he was ashamed to teach me, saying that I should find a better teacher!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh.

"..." Wood Immortal.

"..." Yang Gan.

"..." Cen Wen.

There was also silence around them. They were obviously defeated by Lin Xiu's shamelessness. After all, what Lin Xiu said this time made everyone feel that he was talking nonsense!

No matter what, Lin Xiu is now the elder Ke Qing of the Confucian School, and he is also the only one who can pass the road of asking the heart in the past thousand years.

People who can pass this road of asking the heart will naturally not be ordinary people.

And more importantly, Lin Xiu taught Yang Gan the [-]th to [-]th levels of the Haoran Righteous Qi Jue that day.

This made the surrounding great Confucians excited and envious at the same time.

Naturally, they would also want to obtain these three levels of Grandeur of Righteousness, but whether to teach these three levels of Grandeur of Righteousness now needs to be decided by Lin Xiu, so this time, the four great Confucians felt quite depressed.

However, Lin Xiu had already made a promise. If the mission to annihilate the Xian Temple went well this time, then Lin Xiu would naturally teach them the three-level grandeur of righteousness, which made the four great scholars quite excited.

After Duan Bo saw that Lin Xiu had become the elder of the Confucian School Keqing, he became very depressed. I am afraid that the enmity between him and Lin Xiu will not be avenged!
"Duan Bo, don't worry, I will never let him go!" Cen Wen said to Duan Bo.

"Master, it's Lin Xiu now, but our Confucian Sect elder Ke Qing, we have no way to deal with him at all!" Duan Bo's face showed pain.

"Master has no heirs in his life, and he has already regarded you as my son. Today, your cultivation base was abolished by Lin Xiu, how can I not bear to take revenge? But today he got the thirteen to fifteenth of the Grand Virtue Righteousness Art. As a senior, and also become our elder Keqing, we can't act rashly!"

"Then Master, what can we do?"

"Fortunately, this time Lin Xiu has already decided that he wants to fight against Wu with us. We can find a chance to get rid of him!"

"Master, is this true?"

"Nature is true, so this matter, leave it to me!"

Cen Wen's eyes were full of chills. What Lin Xiu did this time made him bear a grudge. Naturally, Cen Wen would not let Lin Xiu go.

Two days later, Yang Gan and the other five Confucian scholars were ready to go to the underground world where Na Wu was.

"Who are we waiting for now?" Lin Xiu asked.

"We still have to wait here for a half-immortal. This is Xu Banxian. He is a very outstanding figure in our Confucian school. He has a powerful righteousness and has already cultivated to the twelfth level. Mastered the nine-character mantra!" Yang Gan explained.

A person who can cultivate Confucian supernatural powers to this level is already a strong man in the semi-immortal realm. If he wants to go further, it may not be so simple.

"Then when are we going to wait?" Lin Xiu asked.

"This Xu Banxian is a man who is proficient in disguise. We don't know when he will come!" Yang Gan said helplessly.

But at this time, a middle-aged man with slightly tattered clothes was walking towards the academy.

"Where is the beggar coming from? Get out of here, our academy won't welcome you!" Only a student from the academy said.

"Hehe, it's such a joy to have friends coming from afar, why don't you guys welcome me?" I only heard the man say.

"You beggar, how dare you recite the words of our Confucianist Confucius? Get lost!" I heard the student say again.

"Stop!" Yang Qian's voice came over, only to see that he had already passed by and arrived in front of everyone.

"Excuse me, but Xu Banxian?" Yang Gan asked again.

"Little Ganzi, your strength has improved a lot, and you are now an existence in the late stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm!" Seeing Yang Gan in front of him, the middle-aged man said in surprise.

"Sure enough, it's Xu Banxian!" I only heard another great Confucian say.

"Let's meet Xu Banxian first!" Cen Wen said.

Lin Xiu followed several people to the front of the middle-aged man.

"I heard that there is a little guy named Liang Shanbo here, right? I heard that his talent is quite extraordinary!" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Xiu, "It seems to be you!"

"That's right, my young master is Liang Shanbo, do you want to ask me for advice?" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression.

"Of course, if you want to become the elder Keqing of our Confucianism sect, you need to ask me!" Xu Banxian said.

"Then how do you plan to teach?" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

"Of course let me test your talent first!" Xu Banxian said again.

"I think there is no need to be so troublesome!" Lin Xiu said with a faint smile on his face.

"No need?" Xu Banxian had a puzzled look on his face when he heard it.

He only heard that Lin Xiu had begun to read out a passage of formulas, upon hearing this passage of formulas, Xu Banxian's expression changed drastically.

" is this possible? What kind of formula is this?" Xu Banxian said hastily.

"It's nothing, it's just the No.13 layer of the Grand Virtue of Righteousness, do you want to learn it?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"I think, of course I want to learn, please teach me, little brother!" Xu Banxian said hastily upon hearing this.

 It's been a little bit stuck these days, and the update time has been delayed again. The update tomorrow morning will be delayed a little

(End of this chapter)

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