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Chapter 125 You will regret it if you don't give me face

Chapter 125 You will regret it if you don't give me face

Lin Xiu said another word in animal language.

"You said to give you face? Why should we give you face?" Longzhu said disdainfully, "It's just a human being. Even if you know animal language, we need to give you face?"

"What if this is the case?" Lin Xiu said, only to see a giant shadow appearing behind him.

A shadow of a giant dragon!
"This... this is Wuhun!" Yu Rou's face was full of shock.

"How could it be? How could he have such a powerful martial soul? This...this seems to be a dragon martial soul!" Moon Master's eyes were also full of shock, this power is too terrifying!
The ninth-level martial spirit, obviously, neither of them had seen it before, and they didn't know that the appearance of this martial spirit would be accompanied by Longwei!

As soon as Longwei appeared, it was as if the emperor had descended, causing the monsters here to fall to the ground.

Longwei, that has a great deterrent effect on monsters.

Seeing the appearance of these monsters, the two women were frightened again. Can this martial soul still play like this?

" are from the Dragon Clan?" Longzhu said hastily.

"You don't have the right to know who this young master is. If you give me face, I, Ye Liangchen, thank you very much, but if you don't want to give me face, then you will regret it!" Lin Xiu showed disdain on his face, he Akimbo, pointing nostrils at the dragon pig, yes, that's how confident and arrogant.

"Ye Liangchen?" Long Zhu had never heard of this name. Of course, with his identity, he could not get in touch with people from the Dragon Clan. It was just the person in front of him. What if he was really from the Dragon Clan?
Not to mention Lin Xiu's strength, but if he is a dragon, the power behind him is definitely not comparable to that of a half-dragon!

"No, you are not a dragon!" At this moment, Longzhu suddenly said, "I heard that human beings have something called a martial soul, and your martial soul is a dragon!"

Lin Xiu was a little surprised. How come the IQ of pigs in this world is so high?She actually saw through his identity all at once!

But you still have to pretend, Lin Xiu showed a contemptuous expression on his face: "Do you think that what you know is the truth? Then you can try to attack me!"

Longzhu hesitated, knowing that the other party might be pretending, but this man's aura is too strong, so he dare not make a move, what if he is real?
"I'll give you three seconds, get out or stay forever!" Lin Xiu looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle with his hands behind his back, "If it wasn't for the fact that you are monsters, this young master has already started killing you. But this young master will only give you one chance!"

"What should I do? He looks awesome!"

"That's right, I've never seen such an awesome person!"

"This kind of pretense, I'm afraid he is really a dragon!"


The monsters began to discuss in low voices. Obviously, this kind of pretentiousness is not common among monsters, so Lin Xiu's pretentiousness this time shocked them.

"No, I feel the aura of the dragon soul stone on him, you stole my dragon soul stone!" Long Zhu seemed to feel something, he said.

"What is the dragon soul stone that robbed you? Are you qualified to own this dragon soul stone? I'm not afraid to tell you that only the strong are worthy of owning the dragon soul stone!" After Lin Xiu heard this, he snorted coldly and said .

Only the strong deserve to have it. Could it be that this man is really a strong man?
"No, this Dragon Soul Stone belongs to me!" Dragon Pig's eyes were red, and it roared loudly.

"Since you don't give me face, don't blame me for being rude!" Lin Xiu said, only to see him jump up and jump onto the tree.

"He wants to escape!"

"Sure enough, he doesn't have any strength at all, he's just bragging!"

"Let's go together, let's shoot together, he will definitely not be our opponent!"

Seeing Lin Xiu jumping on the tree, the monsters thought that Lin Xiu was going to escape, so they shouted immediately.

There are a total of more than ten monsters here. If these monsters join forces, it will be really terrifying.

"Lin Xiu... is he going to run away?" Moon Master asked doubtfully.

"Escape? Master Yue, are you kidding? Since they don't give me face, I will let them see the consequences of not giving me face!" Lin Xiu had already drawn the Infinity Sword from his hand, his eyes were fixed, The breath on his body suddenly increased.

"Sword power... how could he have sword power? Could it be that he has reached the peak of his sword skills!" Yu Rou was startled.


Lin Xiu shouted loudly, such a trick that is so pretentious must be used in a pretentious way.

It's just that Lin Xiu didn't notice that there were cracks in the joint attack order on his body, not only on him, but also on other people's bodies.

This combined attack command was overused. This move not only consumed all the energy in Lin Xiu's body, but also consumed [-]% of the energy in other people before it could be used.

I only saw Lin Xiu's body jumping down suddenly, and the whole person turned into a figure, appearing below, those monsters couldn't see Lin Xiu's figure at all, but they seemed to see hundreds of Lin Xiu appearing, and the sword Light flickered around them, terrifying sword lights appeared, and those monsters kept screaming.

Every time these sword lights appeared, the monsters here shot out a bloody arrow.

One monster fell, two monsters fell, three, four...

The monsters fell one by one, even the monsters in the Wuxu Realm were no exception. That dragon pig was covered with dragon scales, but even so, wounds still appeared on its body. I dare to believe that Lin Xiu's attack would be so terrifying.

puff puff puff...

The monsters fell down, only the dragon pig was still standing, but even so, there were several wounds on its body.

The dragon pig rushed out, not daring to stay at all, Lin Xiu's figure reappeared, he turned his back to the two women, seeing the corpses of monster beasts that fell in front of him, Lin Xiu was both happy and depressed.

The happy thing is that Tianwai Feixian deserves to be a heaven-level high-grade martial art. The power of this martial art is really amazing. What is depressing is that Lin Xiu feels that he has not yet exerted its true power.

What made Lin Xiu even more helpless was that he felt that the combined attack order on his body had been shattered. It is estimated that the Flying Immortal Outside the Sky would not be able to use it for the time being.

What hurt Lin Xiu the most was that the pig escaped. Damn, I pretended to be coercive for a long time, and let the rightful owner escape!
"Lin Xiu, you... how can you be so strong?" Moon Master looked at Lin Xiu's back, her face was full of shock.

Lin Xiu's energy in his body has actually been exhausted now. He immediately swallowed several pills to restore energy, and then said: "Strong? I just exerted [-]% of my strength. Raise that pig and make it stronger, I just killed it!"

Lin Xiu fiddled with his hair, he didn't have to kill the monster, but he had to pretend, and the hairdo couldn't be messed up either!
 The second update!Looking at the current situation, the chances of promotion are very difficult, but I still thank you for your recommendations and rewards. There will still be five changes today. I can only ask for some rewards. Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by a car-turning dolphin , book friend 59****06 rewarded 100 book coins
(End of this chapter)

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