Chapter 1266

Overcoming Tribulation and Thunder!

This kind of tribulation-crossing thunder is so terrifying that all the people present were surprised. This is the transcending tribulation thunder. Dare to guarantee that I can survive.

But everyone knows that the more people there are, the more dangerous it will be. If ordinary people help others to cross the catastrophe, they will invite the existence of half fairyland level.

Even so, it may not be possible to invite them, because the more people are within the range of the Tribulation Thunder, the stronger the power of the Thunder will be. If there are two people, the power can be increased tenfold. For each additional person, Increase the power tenfold.

It is conceivable that even those in the half-immortal realm would probably be directly wiped out by this tribulation-crossing thunder.

It is precisely because of this that those who cross the catastrophe generally only come to cross the catastrophe by themselves.

But now, there are thousands of people in the area here. If they survive the tribulation in this kind of place, the power of the thunder they will attract will be quite terrifying.

This will increase the power by tens of thousands of times, not to mention the sky thunder, even a fairy, it is estimated that it will not be able to resist it.

"Run away!" Yang Gan said, his complexion changed drastically.

Because there are too many people in the area this time, it takes a little longer to brew the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder here, so that the people around still have a chance to leave the area of ​​the Heavenly Tribulation.

But even so, Xu Banxian and Wu didn't dare to stay, they still wanted to see who wanted to cross the tribulation.

When he saw the person who crossed the tribulation, Xu Banxian's face became weird. The person who crossed the tribulation turned out to be Lin Xiu!

What's the matter?

"How is this possible? He was still an existence at the Shattering Void Realm before, even if he enters the Tribulation Transcending Realm now, it should take at least a year or two before he has a chance to cross the Tribulation!" Yang Qian's face was full of incredulity.

"If you are talented, you can let the tribulation thunder come in advance, but even so, no one will do this, because in this way, you have to prepare in advance for the tribulation thunder." Cen Wen also said.

"Those who have just broken through the Tribulation Realm shouldn't do this, because the longer they wait, the more holy power they can accumulate, and the chances of successfully crossing the Tribulation will be even greater, but now Mr. Liang actually Now we are going to cross the catastrophe!" Mu Xian's expression also changed.

"Is this kid crazy? He is actually going through the tribulation here. The place controlled by the cloud of the tribulation just now includes thousands of people. People are thousands of times stronger!" Xu Banxian said with a frown.

After hearing what the strong men said, the people around also understood the situation here. It was a very unwise choice for Lin Xiu to cross the tribulation here!

Lin Xiu didn't feel this way at all, and now, he was still fighting with this Wudi in front of him.

"Are you crazy? Get out of the way, aren't you planning to cross the catastrophe? What are you dragging me to do?" Wudi's face changed drastically, he was really a little scared, you know that here is going to cross the catastrophe The sky thunder, and the thousands of feet of thunder, this is not something he can resist.

If he stayed here again, wouldn't that mean he would be killed?Even Lin Xiu couldn't make it through, he didn't let himself go, Wu Di didn't want to die here with Lin Xiu!
"Don't worry, my young master will definitely survive the catastrophe, you don't have to worry about me!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Who the hell is worried about you!
Wu Di really wants to shoot Lin Xiu to death right now, but he also knows that the current him does not have such strength at all, and there is no way to do it, because Lin Xiu is too strong, and now he just wants to Leave from here, so as not to let the tribulation-crossing thunder here affect him.

"You let me go! I don't want to fight with you anymore!" Wu Di shouted.

"You don't want to, but I do, because I just want to use this thunder to deal with you!" Lin Xiu smiled.

"You lunatic, you want to use this tribulation thunder to defeat me?" Wu Di said in shock.

"You're right, look, Tianlei is coming!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

When Wu Di heard this, his face changed greatly. Sure enough, the thunder and lightning in the sky kept flickering in the clouds, and at this time, a giant dragon formed by a thunder and lightning rushed down directly.

"No—" Wu Di's expression changed drastically, he wanted to run away, but where there was such a chance, Thunder Dragon directly swallowed Lin Xiu and Wu Di together.

Huge lightning exploded directly on the two of them, and a strong lightning appeared. This lightning appeared, but blinded the eyes of everyone present.

"Ah, it's so cool!" Lin Xiu cried out in comfort.

The surroundings of Lin Xiu's body were bathed in lightning, and it seemed that the lightning could not hurt Lin Xiu at all.

And the half-fairyland Wudi who was originally fighting with Lin Xiu has been blasted into charcoal now.

"This...Lightning turns into a dragon, isn't this the legend that only the thunder that crosses the tribulation can be formed?" Xu Banxian's face changed drastically.

"It is said that ten thousand years ago, there was a strong man of a mysterious race who was killed by all the forces of the Wanfa Continent, triggering a thousand times the sky thunder. Feisheng, is it true?" Yang Gan said in shock after hearing this.

"Isn't this too heaven-defying? Is he still human?" Cen Wen also said.

Everyone looked at Lin Xiu and felt that their eyes had been blinded.

"Elder Liang is pretending again, it's too dazzling!"

"When will we be as good as Elder Liang!"


People around were shocked by it, but Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to others at all.

The pretense value is constantly increasing, and in Lin Xiu's body, there is also a golden pill that flashes with lightning.

Lin Xiu's body began to absorb the lightning here, and the golden core in his body was absorbing the power of lightning here.

Lin Xiu's strength has not improved much, but his body has improved a level.

With the fighting strength that Lin Xiu possesses now, he is already qualified to fight against the Half Immortal Realm, but now, his body is already able to crush Wu Di when he fights again.

With the help of Lin Xiu's powerful elixir of crossing the catastrophe, he had no intention of being injured at all under the attack of the ten thousand times crossing the catastrophe thunder.

After seeing it, the people around felt incredible, this is a thunderbolt that has crossed the tribulation ten thousand times!How could Lin Xiu be able to resist it?

Even Xu Banxian can't resist it, okay?

But when everyone looked at Lin Xiu, they felt quite incredible.

Lin Xiu doesn't seem to be going through a catastrophe, he is obviously enjoying it!

(End of this chapter)

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