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Chapter 1268 is still a trick

Chapter 1268 Still a trick

Xu Banxian didn't think that Lin Xiu could win, but he couldn't!
Xu Banxian had already made a move, and a magical power blasted at the huge idol, but this idol didn't appear to be injured at all. Judging from the appearance of this idol, it wasn't injured at all.

And this god seems to be able to display supernatural powers, and there is even a voice from inside: "You all have to die!"

"Today I will show you the powerful supernatural powers of our Confucian sect!" Xu Banxian said coldly.

Nine rays of light appeared on Xu Banxian's palm, as if nine suns appeared on Xu Banxian's hand.

Seeing this scene, those disciples were full of joy.

"It's the nine-character mantra, and it's the first time I've seen the real nine-character mantra!"

"As expected of Xu Banxian, he was able to grasp the supreme magical power of our Confucian school, the nine-character mantra!"

"This nine-character mantra can destroy all evil spirits, and its power is quite powerful! What kind of evil is this evil god? It is impossible for us to be the opponent of the half-immortal!"


The surrounding Confucian disciples were all very happy.

The nine-character mantra is indeed a very powerful supernatural power, and it is also the most powerful strength of Confucianism. However, it only has very powerful power in killing evil and demons, but it is not suitable for this place!

Lin Xiu shook his head, and in the next second, the nine-character mantra had already blasted towards the statue in front of him.


There were nine consecutive bangs, and the statue's body was knocked back continuously.

The surrounding Confucian disciples immediately began to applaud, but gradually, they realized something was wrong.

Because these Confucian disciples discovered that the statue in front of them didn't look like it was being bombarded at all, but looked more like it was standing still.

When this statue reappeared in front of everyone, everyone saw pits appearing on the statue, but it was not destroyed!

Immediately afterwards, the idol suddenly appeared in front of Xu Banxian. He raised his palm and patted Xu Banxian's body.

Xu Banxian's face changed drastically. He was protected by the golden light formed by the words, but in the next moment, his whole body was shot flying and hit the ground.

Xu Banxian's face changed drastically. He never imagined that this idol would be so terrifying, not only able to resist his attack, but also blast him to the ground.

The surrounding Confucian disciples all turned pale with fright. This one is Xu Banxian, who was severely injured by a palm strike.

What kind of monster is this?Do they still have a chance to be compared with this level of existence?

Yang Gan's face also turned pale, an opponent of this level was far from what he could handle!

"It seems that this time, I will let the young master take action!" Lin Xiu said with a smile on his face.

"Can you win me this time?" Only a voice came from the statue.

"Do you need to ask? Of course it is possible!" Lin Xiu replied, and he said, "Do you think you can win me by changing your body?"

"Elder Liang, be careful, he didn't just change his body!" Cen Wen said hastily.

"His current holy power is also much stronger than before, definitely not comparable to ordinary half-immortal realm!" Yang Gan also said.

"Even Xu Banxian is not his fault, Mr. Liang, you better not make a move!" Mu Xian said.

"Don't worry, one move is enough for me to defeat him!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Still a trick?When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they all looked at Lin Xiu like a fool. They didn't believe Lin Xiu said just now that Lei Wu only needed one move, but Lin Xiu did it. Now the statue is obviously stronger However, Lin Xiu still said that he could win with one move?
But now, they still don't believe it, because the current statue is much stronger than Wu just now, and even Xu Banxian is far from its opponent, but Lin Xiu's tone is still so big!

"In this case, come and try!" A voice came from the idol.

Lin Xiu said: "In this case, you are next!"

On Lin Xiu's palm, a ball of light appeared, and Lin Xiu threw it out casually, as if this was not a powerful attack, but just throwing a ball of garbage.

Lin Xiu threw out this ball of light, and for a moment, he saw countless lightning rays appearing in the sky.

It was too late when Wu found out, this thunderbolt was [-]% of the power of the thunderbolt that was ten thousand times stronger just now, so how could a half-immortal realm be able to resist it?

At this moment, the thunder rolled, and the thunder light instantly bombarded the surrounding area. At this moment, the surroundings of the statue were destroyed by the lightning light, and all the surrounding buildings were destroyed.

Everyone could see that half of the statue's body was blown off, which shocked them for a while.

You must know that Xu Banxian's nine-character mantra just now can't even hurt the statue at all, but now, Lin Xiu immediately destroyed half of the body of this statue as soon as he made a move. What kind of strength is this?
"No...impossible!" Wu's voice came, and his face was full of disbelief.

Just now Lin Xiu defeated Wu with only one move, and now Lin Xiu defeated the statue with one move!
Sure enough, Lin Xiu's strength was quite terrifying, beyond everyone's expectations!
"Lin Xiu, leave it to me!" Hearing a voice, Lin Xiu immediately saw a ray of light flying to the sky, appearing in front of the statue.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Xiu asked in surprise.

"The Temple of Desolation has been separated for so long, now it's time to merge!" Only the barren bell could be seen shouting.

Upon hearing this, Wu said fearfully, "No, you can't do this, no—"

Wu's soul was directly pulled out from the statue, and Huang Ling swallowed the soul directly, only to see that her hair began to change, it had gradually turned white, and around her body, there seemed to be countless roads Lightning chains are average.

"Huang Ling!" Lin Xiu looked at this woman in surprise, although Lin Xiu protected this woman because of Huang's last wish, but people are not grass, and with Huang Ling for so long, it is impossible for Lin Xiu to treat her as a stranger up.

"I have now inherited the inheritance of the Temple of Desolation and the Temple of Desolation. From now on, I will be the owner of the Temple of Desolation. I need time to integrate the power of Desolation here. Please leave here, Lin Xiu. I will come back to find you after my fusion is completed." Yours!" Huang Ling's voice came.

"She is now merging the power of the immortal, I'm afraid she will need to retreat in a short time, let's leave first!" Xu Banxian crawled out from the ground, and said in a bit of a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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