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Chapter 1278 The Protoss Comes

Chapter 1278 The Protoss Comes
Babel tree?
When Lin Xiu heard this, his face showed surprise.

"But the Tongtian tree has been cut off, and even in this world, there are not many pieces of the Tongtian tree left. It is obviously impossible to make the Tongtian tree reappear!" Fei Ling shook her head and said. .

"Tang Qing, is the method you mentioned really feasible?" Lin Xiu asked.

This saint is not Shuang'er, but Tang Qing!

I don't know how the Holy Court brought Tang Qing here, but Tang Qing was obviously unwilling, but she couldn't resist.

Tang Qing's heart was already in despair, and at this moment Lin Xiu appeared.

Moreover, he directly destroyed this church and rescued her. Tang Qing didn't dare to believe that this was true. It was only now that Tang Qing dared to believe that this young man was actually Lin Xiu!
In less than a year, Lin Xiu has grown to the point where she can only look up to her!
"Really, according to the previous records, it is from here to the fairy world, and it is through this Tongtian tree!" Tang Qing nodded and said.

"So that's the case, then..." Lin Xiu was not worried at all, since he owns the Tongtian Tree, it is not difficult to get to the fairy world.

Just when Lin Xiu thought so, a black hole appeared in the sky, and in the black hole, some people with golden skin appeared all over their bodies.

Although they are said to be human, their appearance is at most humanoid. They look like humans, but in fact, they are similar to demons, with weapons appearing on their bodies, and each of these strong men is quite powerful. The weakest one actually has the strength of the Holy Realm.

When this black hole came out, a huge aura gushed out from the surroundings, and a strong man was about to descend!
"What... what is this?" Fei Ling asked with a changed face.

"Golden appearance, strong defensive and offensive power, bloody, brutal, from a different space, this is... the Protoss!" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of shock, "The Protoss actually exists! "

"The Protoss? How is it possible? Hasn't the Protoss been exterminated? How could it still appear?" The Blood Emperor's face changed drastically. It was obvious that he had heard the name of the Protoss.

"When the protoss was exterminated, they sent that part of the protoss to a different space so that these protoss could survive, but no one would have imagined that they would come back, and the number of protoss here is still So many!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu raised his head, and his eyes fell into the black hole. There are quite a few powerful protoss gushing out of this black hole, and they are even more brutal than the dark alliance's strong!
"Now this is the territory of our Protoss. Anyone who wants to resist will only die. You lowly races are not qualified to practice here. This place will belong to us from now on!" One of the Protoss strongmen said loudly.

This protoss strongman directly pierced the body of a dark alliance powerhouse in front of him with a single shot, and other protoss powerhouses have also shot. The storm-like strong attack is not something the dark alliance powerhouse can resist at all.

The level of the dark alliance's holy realm powerhouses is in front of these protoss, but the gap is quite large, and the number of protoss powerhouses here is also quite large. If this continues, the people of the dark alliance will probably be wiped out directly.

All I saw was a flash of bloody light, the leader of the dark alliance, the Blood Emperor, had already made a move, and the bloody light turned into a wave of blood, swallowing up a large area of ​​the gods in front of him in an instant.

The blood emperor's strength was indeed quite strong, and when he made a move this time, the dark alliance powerhouses present immediately burst into cheers.

Even the people in the holy city are a little excited now. These protoss kill anyone they see. In comparison, even the people of these secret alliances are not as evil as these protoss.

"Don't worry, everyone, with me here, even the Protoss, I won't let them hurt you!" He only heard that the Blood Emperor immediately began to confuse the hearts of the people here, and he said loudly, "As long as everyone converts to us from now on! The Dark Alliance, this place will also be protected by our Dark Alliance, and..."

The Blood Emperor's words immediately made everyone around him believe them. After all, they didn't want to die. Now that the Holy Court has been almost destroyed, what can they do if they don't believe in the Dark Alliance?
Lin Xiu raised his head and looked at the protoss in the sky. He felt that something was wrong, because these protoss at this time started to condense towards the black hole in the sky.

When seeing these black holes, Lin Xiu had a mysterious feeling in his heart. These protoss probably didn't run away. It's too early for the blood emperor to confuse people here now!

At this time, many protoss actually started to make strange sounds, as if they were thinking about something.

"Blood Emperor, stop pretending here, look, what is that!" Lin Xiu said.

As soon as this sentence came out, the blood emperor frowned, damn, I'm just pretending to be fun, why are you bothering me?
However, when the Blood Emperor looked at the black hole in the sky, his expression became quite ugly. The Blood Emperor was naturally not an ordinary person, and he could tell that there were some powerful creatures coming out of this black hole.

"What is that? I feel a strong pressure appearing, as if, this is the existence of fairyland level!"

"It's terrifying, this kind of power, even the angel just now, doesn't have such power!"

"In the Protoss, is there such a powerful existence?"


The faces of the people around showed panic. This is the Protoss, and the Protoss is already powerful. If there is a powerhouse at the level of the Immortal Realm, no one will be able to resist it!
The voices of the protoss powerhouses gradually became louder, and these protoss powerhouses shouted at the same time: "Welcome God Amaterasu to come to the world!"

Lin Xiu took a look, only to see a dragon appearing in the black hole, and this dragon actually dragged a coffin towards this side.

The power that everyone felt just now came out of this coffin.

Just looking at this coffin, everyone can feel the strong pressure, as if huge mountains are pressing on their heads.

"What is this?" The Blood Emperor asked in surprise.

"God general!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"What? A general?" Fei Ling exclaimed.

"Among the protoss, those who have great strength are qualified to become a god general. The one in front of them is a god general. The strength of a god general is probably at the level of the fairyland!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"This is the Wanfa Continent? You are the creatures here? Now you kneel down and surrender to me, and I will spare you!" A voice seemed to come from the sky, giving people infinite pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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