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Chapter 128 Really Don't Give Me Face?

Chapter 128 Really Don't Give Me Face? (five more)
"This seems to be a third-level monster storm wolf! The other is a needle tiger! Both are high-level third-level monsters!" Yu Rou's voice came, very soft, as if it was right next to Lin Xiu's ear.

Lin Xiu turned his head and saw Yue Shi and Yu Rou behind him.

"Have you finished thinking about life?" Lin Xiu asked curiously, "Did you realize it?"

The two women blushed and shook their heads a little ashamedly. People have already told you how to achieve epiphany.

Of course, the two of them didn't fully believe what Lin Xiu said. Who doesn't know how capable this cheap person is to make false statements?

"Let's leave quickly, if these two monsters find us, we're probably not their opponents!" Yu Ju said.

With the strength of the three of them, it is not difficult to deal with low-level third-level monsters, but it is very difficult to deal with mid-level and high-level third-level monsters, let alone face both at the same time.

"Why are you nervous? Isn't it just two monsters?" Lin Xiu said disdainfully.

"What? Do you have a way to deal with them?" Moon Master was stunned for a moment and said.

"Of course!" Lin Xiu said confidently.

"What way?" Moon Master said.

"Wait until the two of them are beaten to death, then we'll go pick up some bargains!" Lin Xiu said, his face not blushing, and his heart not beating.

After the two beauties heard this, their eyes were full of contempt. How did your skin grow so thick?

Although this method is indeed a method, how do you look at you, as if you can pick two out of one?
The difference in strength between the two monsters is not that big, but they don't know why there is such a deep hatred, they fought so fiercely, and what is even more surprising is that the injuries of the two monsters are getting worse.

The strength of the Storm Wolf was still a bit stronger, the wind blade slashed at the abdomen of the Acupuncture Tiger, and disemboweled it on the spot!

"It's still me!" the storm wolf roared.

The acupuncture tiger's eyes were full of despair, at this moment, only a figure appeared, and he shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Both the Storm Wolf and the Acupuncture Wolf were taken aback. Where did this human come from?
The storm wolf looked at Lin Xiu vigilantly, but it obviously found that Lin Xiu's strength is not strong, it said: "Human, you can speak animal language? Are you looking for death when you come here?"

"Shut up, my young master came out to maintain world peace, and we must not allow people to bully the weak!" Lin Xiu said.

"Bullying the weak? Do you think it is weak? Human, are you crazy?" the storm wolf said.

Although this Acupuncture Tiger is weaker than it, the real strength of the Acupuncture Tiger is not bad at all!
If the acupuncture tiger hadn't been unable to stand up, he would have given this human a needle!It is a monster, it can be killed, but it cannot be humiliated!
"Give me face, let it go!" Lin Xiu immediately said.

"Give you face? Why should I give you face?" Storm Wolf said.

"You really don't give me face?" Lin Xiu said immediately after hearing this.

"I just won't give it, human, what can you do to me?" the storm wolf said.

"If you don't give me face, you will regret it!" Lin Xiu said, he waved his hand and said, "Come out, my men!"

"Subordinate?" Upon hearing this, Storm Wolf immediately looked behind him, but there was nothing behind him.

The Storm Wolf frowned. What was this man thinking?
The moment the Storm Wolf turned his head, the two figures from the cave escaped and immediately disappeared.

"Human, are you teasing me?" the storm wolf asked.

"They must have fallen asleep just now, I'll yell again!" Lin Xiu blinked and said, "Do it!"

"You still want to tease..." The storm wolf just said halfway, it felt that something was wrong, more than a dozen sounds of cracking wind appeared, and a figure appeared from its right, stabbing at it with a sword. On the left side, more than a dozen flying knives appeared.

If the Storm Wolf was in its heyday, it might still be able to dodge, but he was already injured to such an extent that it was impossible to recover, and more importantly, the opponent's surprise attack this time was completely unexpected.

Five or six throwing knives pierced the Storm Wolf's back, and another sword cut through its body.

"I said that my subordinates are here, why don't you believe me?" Lin Xiu said with a depressed face, looking at the dying Storm Wolf, Lin Xiu said, "If you don't listen to the young master, you will suffer in front of your eyes, right?"

"You... as expected, human beings are so shameless!" said the Storm Wolf.

"Shameless you uncle, this is using your brain, but you won't have it!" Lin Xiu said, stomping on the head of Storm Wolf, "Now I ask you, will you give me face!"


"Will you give me face!"

"I give……"

"Ding, the monster storm wolf gives the host face, collect 100 face points!"

"Ding, collect 100 monster energy, the treasure chest of face has been promoted successfully, and it is currently a silver treasure chest!"

"What? How did the Storm Wolf get so many face points for me?"

"The face points collected by the host are the performance of the other party's respect for the host. The strength and respect of the other party will affect the amount of the host's face points. The storm wolf gives the host face, and the host can collect 100 face points. The maximum number of face points that can be collected is strength. twice as much!"

That is to say... You can let it give yourself face again!
Thinking of this, Lin Xiu showed a bright smile on his face.

Lin Xiu stepped on it again, and he shouted again: "I asked you to give me face and you didn't give me face, but now you are giving me face, are you looking down on me!"

"I didn't..." The storm wolf's heart was broken, death is a matter of a sword, why should I be tortured like this?

"Did you look down on me!" Lin Xiu stepped on it again.

"Do not……"

"Ask you again, will you give me face!"

"Give, give!"

"Ding, the monster storm wolf gives the host face, collect 100 face points!"

When the two beauties saw Lin Xiu being so cruel, their expressions became strange. Could this man be violent?This storm wolf is like this, why are you so ruthless?

Lin Xiu was very happy, this is 200 face points, he said: "For the sake of the face you gave me, I will give you a good time!"

Lin Xiu drew out the Infinity Blade and it was a sword.

There is nothing to talk about with this storm wolf, it is better to end it as soon as possible so that it will suffer less pain, this young master is really too kind!

Lin Xiu thought shamelessly.

With this sword strike, the Storm Wolf will never have a chance to survive again, but the Storm Wolf's eyes are wide open, Nima, if you want me to show you face, you still have to kill me!Do you want to go too far?
 Fifth update!I'm a little tired today, so it's not too much to ask for a reward!orgasm will come soon
(End of this chapter)

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