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Chapter 1281 Eat my old grandson with a stick

Chapter 1281 Eat my old grandson with a stick

The protoss in the sky were destroyed by [-]% in front of this seven-color cloud.

But this colorful cloud finally turned into a half-human, half-monkey appearance.

Of course, this is not an ordinary monkey. I only saw that this monkey was wearing a golden crown and a golden armor. This monkey was holding a golden stick in his hand, which looked very majestic.

It's just that he has a thunderous mouth, a lonely face, and a pair of star-like eyes, but the monkey hair all over his body is obviously a bit forked.

Isn't this exactly Monkey King?

What Lin Xiu summoned before was just a monkey, but now this one is the clone of Monkey King!

"It's you who called my grandson over here? Forget it, you are destined to be with my grandson. What do you want to do, I can fulfill a wish for you!" Only Monkey King's avatar said.

"Brother Monkey, have you seen that ugly guy? You help me beat him so badly that he can't move!" Lin Xiu said.

The people around were a little surprised when they heard Lin Xiu's words. Is Lin Xiu already crazy?Put your hopes on a monkey?
"Hahaha... I think you are stupid. Do you think this monkey will be my opponent? Then you might as well entrust a dog to win me!" After hearing this, the general laughed. Said.

"Monkey? No matter how powerful this monkey is, it won't be our opponent!"

"When he came out, there was so much movement, I thought there would be something powerful coming, but I didn't expect it to be just a monkey!"

"It's really ridiculous. What can this monkey do?"


The protoss around said disdainfully.

Not to mention these protoss, even the people in this holy city don't think that a monkey can threaten the gods.

This is a god general, the generals in the god clan, even the blood emperor, can't resist a move in front of this god general.

Even Lin Xiu's fairy-level Zu Kun is no match for him, so what's the use of this monkey?
"It's useless, Feiling, take the others out of here quickly, we are no match for him!" Only the Blood Emperor said.

"Let's go? Do you think you can still escape?" Only the general laughed and said, "All of you, if you don't surrender, you will die! Go and kill them all!"

"Yes, my lord!" The surrounding protoss immediately rushed forward.

The powerhouses of the Protoss race are so powerful now, they have no intention of letting go of the powerhouses here, and their attacks are quite vicious, as long as they dare to resist, they will definitely not let them go.

Lin Xiu's subordinates had already gathered beside Lin Xiu, their faces were a bit ugly, these protoss powerhouses were so powerful, Lin Xiu's subordinates couldn't resist them a bit.

"Master Lin Xiu, this adult really okay?" Mu Xian asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Brother Monkey's strength is not comparable to these gods. As long as Brother Monkey makes a move, let alone a god general, even a god master, he is not a one-shot opponent!" I only heard Lin Xiu say.

"Master, is this true? Why do I feel that he is a little unreliable, and he hasn't made a move yet!" Bai Suzhen said.

"You monster, what are you talking about?" Sun Wukong glared at Bai Suzhen and said.

At this moment, Bai Suzhen immediately felt a huge pressure rushing towards her, and she was almost so frightened that her legs went limp.

"Brother Monkey, please calm down, she is just ignorant, your lord has a lot, so don't bother with her." Lin Xiu said immediately.

"It's still you who can talk, okay, if that's the case, I'll help you!" Sun Wukong smiled.

"Monkey who only speaks big words, you are not qualified to fight our Lord General, so let me deal with you!" Only three protoss had rushed over.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath, and when he blew it out, he saw that the protoss in front of him were blown away immediately. When these protoss fell to the ground, they were already corpses.

This scene shocked everyone around.

"What's going on here? The gust of wind just now was made by this monkey?"

"This is too exaggerated, how is this possible? Just one breath can blow these protoss away?"

"It's impossible, how could this monkey be so powerful!"


The people of the Dark Alliance around said immediately.

Even the general was a little surprised: "It turns out that you are also an existence at the level of the fairyland. Well, you are qualified to be my opponent!"

"Eligible to be your opponent?" Hearing this sentence, Monkey King showed contempt on his face.

"That's right, you are qualified to be my opponent, and you can also choose to be my subordinate. If you want, you can avoid death. Otherwise, you will only die at my hands today!" Said.

"Hahaha... I have practiced supernatural powers for so long, and no one has dared to talk to me like this. What are you, a hot chicken? If I hit you with a stick, you might die!" Monkey King laughed.

"Looking for death!" said the general, holding a spear in his hand, and stabbing at Monkey King.

"Eat my grandson's stick!" Sun Wukong swung his stick. At this moment, the mountains and rivers shattered, the sky and the earth split together. Everyone around saw the power of this stick and felt that the end of the world was coming. .

Lin Xiu didn't know how shocked he was. This is just a clone of Monkey King. Do you want to be so exaggerated?Just this stick seems to smash the world into pieces. If this monkey goes crazy, he will probably be afraid even himself!
But now, the most fearful thing is probably the god general in front of him. This god general would never have imagined that the monkey in front of him would be so powerful. Its stick alone already possessed such terrifying power. the power!
There was a strong golden light shining on the spear of the general, but it was overshadowed by this stick, and his eyes were full of horror: "No——"

The spear was broken by a stick, and this stick had smashed the god general to the ground, and the ground was instantly shattered.

The whole body of the god general has been turned into a puddle of meat sauce. This stick is far from being able to resist the existence of the god general level.

"I thought he was so amazing, but it seems that's all!" Sun Wukong said with a curl of his lips.

"..." Wood Immortal.

"..." Bai Suzhen.

"..." Yan Chixia.

Even Lin Xiu was frightened for a moment. Is this the strength of Monkey Brother?No, this is just a clone of Monkey King. The strength of Monkey King at its peak is estimated to be more than a hundred times that of this clone. Lin Xiu can no longer imagine how strong he is!
(End of this chapter)

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