Chapter 1284
Everyone at this time could also feel that Lin Xiu's strength was much stronger than these protoss.

Each of these strong men brought by Lin Xiu is a very terrifying existence, even the white-clothed scholar is much stronger than before.

With Yan Chixia and others taking the lead, these Lin Xiu's subordinates rushed out like a broken bamboo.

"Lin Xiu, they are..." Chen Xiang looked at Lin Xiu and said in disbelief.

"They are my subordinates!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Chen Xiang was taken aback. These people are actually Lin Xiu's subordinates?

How can it be?

The strength of these people is quite strong, and the strength of many of them far surpasses Chen Xiang.

And these people turned out to be only Lin Xiu's subordinates, so how strong is Lin Xiu now?
"I came here this time because I plan to go back to Fenggu Continent!" Lin Xiu said to Chen Xiang.

"You want to go back to Fenggu Continent? Why?" Chen Xiang asked hastily.

"These protoss seem to be planning to invade the entire Wanfa Continent and other surrounding continents. Of course, they mainly invade the Wanfa Continent, and there is no reason or mercy for their killing!" Lin Xiu said.

"If they invade the Fenggu Continent, they will also kill all the powerful people of the Great Qin Kingdom?" Chen Xiang said immediately upon hearing this sentence.

"Yes!" Lin Xiu replied immediately.

"I understand, you want to go back to the Holy Court, but I'm afraid the Holy Court can't take care of itself now!" Chen Xiang said with a sigh.

"What do you mean? Could it be that the Protoss has already taken action against the Holy Academy?" Lin Xiu immediately reacted and asked.

"Yes, the Protoss is very powerful, and each of these protoss powerhouses is quite amazing, especially the leader of the Protoss, who is even at the level of the Tribulation Realm. This is not something that people in the Holy Academy can resist. Yes, and now..." Chen Xiang explained to Lin Xiu.

Because of Lin Xiu's appearance here, it is already safe, Chen Xiang is also relieved, she can explain to Lin Xiu about this place!
In this small sanctuary, most of them fell within three days. These protoss did not just kill this time, they also tried to conquer, conquer all these strong men, and make them slaves of the protoss .

Because of this, the strong here have a chance.

However, the stronger the resistance, the more merciless these protoss will be. If the barrier of the Holy Court is broken, it is estimated that these protoss will kill them all.

Because the people in these holy courtyards are the ones who resist the most.

After Lin Xiu heard this, he rushed back to the Holy Court immediately. If he had time, he still had a chance to save the Holy Court!

The enchantment of the Holy Court has been broken, but the resistance of the Holy Court is the greatest. After all, the Holy Court and the elites of other forces are here. These strong people can still deal with the protoss here.

And although the protoss are powerful, the strong here are not weak. They are here, but they have received the most powerful counterattack!

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful human being here, but that's all. Do you think you will be our opponents?" I saw a strong protoss who said disdainfully, "Today I will let you see, what? This is true despair!"

"Your Excellency is only a strong man at the longevity level. With your strength, you are not qualified to say this to me!" Only the dean of the Holy Academy said lightly.

"Really? Then you'll know if you try it!" said the protoss powerhouse, and slammed his palm at the dean of the Holy Academy.

This palm fell from the sky, directly smashing the sky, and even the people around could feel the strong pressure when the palm fell.

If they were hit by this palm, they would probably be killed directly, but at this moment, Ren Duxing, the dean of the Holy Academy, just stood there, as if he didn't see this palm hitting him.

"What is Dean Ren doing? Why doesn't he dodge? This palm is quite powerful, even if it is a strong immortal, it probably won't be able to resist it!"

"It's over, Dean Ren seems to have given up, we have no hope!"

"This protoss is really too strong. If Dean Ren really gives up, there is nothing we can do!"


The people around were full of despair, they sighed, there was nothing they could do, this was a battle at the immortal level, and they had no chance to participate in such a battle, they could only watch from the sidelines.

But at this moment, I only heard Ren Duxing say lightly: "Your attack can't hurt me!"

At this moment, Ren Duxing waved his palm in front of him, only to see that one palm was dispelled by his casual wave.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the people around showed disbelief.

"That's right, your strength is very strong, but I'm even stronger!" said the protoss powerhouse, and steel claws appeared on his palm, and he rushed towards Ren Duxing.

The speed of this protoss powerhouse is extremely fast, but Ren Duxing's speed is even faster, this protoss powerhouse can't hit Ren Duxing at all, and as long as Ren Duxing makes a move, that protoss powerhouse has been chopped off by his palm Flying out, the head was immediately chopped off.

"Wow!" When the people around saw this scene, their faces immediately showed ecstasy, this Ren Lone Walker is actually so strong!

That was a protoss at the longevity level, who was actually defeated by Ren Duxing. It can be seen that Ren Duxing is really powerful!
"Come out!" At this moment, only Ren Duxing's voice was heard.

come out?

The people around looked at each other, they didn't know who Ren Duxing was calling.

But at this time, a figure came out from the Protoss.

"I am the third priest under the command of the seven generals of the protoss, and you are qualified to be my opponent!" Only the protoss said.

"A priest? An existence at the Tribulation Realm level?" Ren Duxing's face changed slightly.

"You have some knowledge, if that's the case, let's start!" The priest didn't talk nonsense, he grabbed Ren Duxing with his palm.

Ren Duxing suddenly discovered that the space around him seemed to be controlled by something, and he was caught all of a sudden.

"What?" Ren Duxing's face changed drastically. He wanted to escape again, but it was too late. He only saw the palm of the priest hitting him. This punch could shatter mountains and rivers. There is no chance to dodge, only hard pick!

A figure directly hit the huge mountain below, only to see that huge mountain collapse in an instant, this attack is really too strong!

"Die!" The priest rushed down and arrested Ren Duxing.

(End of this chapter)

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