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Chapter 1299 Immortal Demon Card, Guan Yu

Chapter 1299 Immortal Demon Card, Guan Yu
"Is there no stronger opponent? If not, then you can die too!" Naturally, Lin Xiu would not be polite, only to see that he waved his hand, and tree roots immediately sprouted from the surrounding ground.

The residents of the Protoss are not soldiers of the Protoss, let alone resist this kind of attack!The entire city was almost directly slaughtered by Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu would not let go of the magic weapons here, and took them all away.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting 1200 points of divine water!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting 5900 points of divine water!"


Little Tathagata has been watching this scene without saying a word.

"Little monk, do you think I'm doing something wrong?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Amitabha, since the poor monk has participated in this war, he is no longer an outsider. In this war, there is no distinction between right and wrong, only life and death!" The little monk replied.

"Little monk, you see clearly!" Lin Xiu said with a smile after hearing this.

That's right, there is indeed no right or wrong in this war, only life and death. People in Wanfa Continent either live or die. However, the fate of people in Wanfa Continent is almost concentrated on two sides. man's hand.

If the two of them fail, the Divine Master descends to the Ten Thousand Laws Continent, and the entire Ten Thousand Laws Continent will probably fall into despair.

This time, Little Tathagata gave up his status as a worldly expert. Now that he is involved in this matter, it is naturally difficult to escape from here.

With the current status of Little Tathagata, he participated in this matter, but he was ready to die, or be stained with the fate of killing, but in order to save the common people in Wanfa Continent, he did not hesitate to pay the price!

"However, the killing here does not require the poor monk to take action. Lin Xiu benefactor, I believe you can handle it!" Little Tathagata said again.

After Lin Xiu heard this, he nodded and said, "You're right, I can already handle the matter here alone, but if there are people of the general level, I'm afraid you need to take action!"

"I know!" Little Tathagata replied, he naturally knew that he didn't come here to play.

Lin Xiu dealt with the people here because Lin Xiu had enough immortal energy to replenish. Even if the spiritual energy here could not be absorbed, Lin Xiu still had the Immortal Field Ring. The immortal energy inside could be said to be inexhaustible, and Lin Xiu didn't have to worry about consuming it at all. Holy Power issue.

But Little Tathagata was different, he didn't get enough holy power, so he could only use it sparingly, but even so, Lin Xiu still needed Little Tathagata's help.

Next, Lin Xiu began to massacre in the entire God Realm here. To Lin Xiu's surprise, the little Tathagata did not intend to stop him at all, but after Lin Xiu slaughtered the city, he would recite sutras here, and then Leave with Lin Xiu.

Divine Domain, Divine Palace!
"Report!" A protoss strongman said loudly immediately.

"Is there any news about that Saitama?" A tall man said.

"Yes, Lord God, we have already discovered the whereabouts of that Saitama, but two more of our cities were slaughtered by him!" Only the protoss strong man said.

"Bastard, this Qiyu is so bold! Immediately send the generals to encircle and suppress him!" The divine master said angrily.

"Sacred Lord, we have already dispatched Tenmyo and Tenzhi to fight, but that Saitama is very cunning, he doesn't give us a chance to encircle him, as soon as our people get close to him, he will immediately lead people away! "

"Take someone to escape? You have a god general, can't you catch up with him?"

"This Qiyu should have a magic weapon of space, so he can put people in it and take him away. The generals we sent couldn't find his whereabouts at all, and if we spread our hands, our people would also will be wiped out by them!"

This is really a big problem. Even the god master feels quite helpless. This Saitama is really quite a headache for him.

"What's going on with our plan to invade the Ten Thousand Laws Continent?" the Almighty asked again.

"God Lord, although we have invaded Wanfa Continent now, we have also received tenacious resistance from Wanfa Continent, and four of our current generals have also been killed. This time, we have transferred two generals back. Our It is probably a bit troublesome for people to deal with the strong in Wanfa Continent!"

"Forget it, let's get rid of these two annoying reptiles first!" Only God Master said.

In the eyes of the God Lord, Wanfa Continent is already in his pocket, so he doesn't have to worry at all, but these two people have a bit of courage, it would be best if they can be subdued, if not, then destroy them all!
Lin Xiu has already destroyed seven cities. It has to be said that this divine domain is indeed vast, but even so, Lin Xiu can still feel that Tongtianshu seems to be able to follow him wherever he passes.

The Tongtian tree has not left the Xiantian ring, but it seems that part of its body has appeared here, and it is growing very fast. Wherever Lin Xiu is, it can go there.

This took Lin Xiu by surprise, but it would be even better if this is the case, because the Tongtian Tree told Lin Xiu that it can destroy the environment here and control everything here, that is to say, this Tongtian Tree Trees can actually conquer this space.

The bigger the Tongtian tree grows, the more beneficial it will be for Lin Xiu!
And now, Lin Xiu's magic water treasure box has also been collected.

Lin Xiu opened the treasure box, only to see that there was a fairy card in this treasure box.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the fairy card, Guan Yu!"

Guan Yu, the guard of the Nantian Gate, has a strength that is completely inconsistent with his identity!

According to folklore, Guan Yu is the guard of the South Gate of Heaven, but in Lin Xiu's system, this Guan Yu is a real god!
No wonder there is no Guan Yu in the hero card. It turned out that it was in this fairy card.

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, and at this moment, there was a voice behind him: "I finally found you!"

Little Tathagata's face changed slightly. When he turned his head, he saw a large number of strong men staring in this direction. They were the strong men of the Protoss.

"So you found us!" Lin Xiu smiled when he saw it.

Seeing Lin Xiu's expression, those protoss who didn't know thought they were playing hide-and-seek!
"Qiyu, we finally found you, don't try to run away!" one of the generals said.

"Escape? I don't need to escape at all, because my people have already arrived!" Lin Xiu said lightly. In Lin Xiu's hand, the fairy card had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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