Chapter 1301 God Lord
At this time, the people of the protoss here saw that outside the main city, a group of people came here. The leader was a young man in armor, and beside him was a monk, a middle-aged general, and others. There are many monsters.

When these people came here, the Almighty looked a little nervously at the people in front of him. He could feel that among the group of people standing in front of him, only the middle-aged man holding a long-handled sword had the most terrifying aura. .

Even if he is a divine master, he would not dare to underestimate this man, but he is a divine master, and he must not show it, and this time, he has already prepared a big gift for Lin Xiu and others.

No matter who you are or what strength you have, you will all die today!

The eyes of the God Lord were full of chills, and he said lightly: "Qiyu, I appreciate your strength, but if you dare to come here today, it proves that you are looking for death by yourself. If this is the case, then you can't blame me anymore Already!"

"Looking for death? It's up to you?" Hearing these words, Lin Xiu showed disdain, "I'm not afraid to tell you that no one in your entire city can take a punch from me. If you don't believe me, come out and try!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, the faces of the people around him became weird. Lin Xiu was the only one who dared to be so arrogant in front of the God Lord.

"I don't need to fight with you, because if you believe in today, it is absolutely impossible to survive!" the Almighty said coldly, only to see the Almighty raise his hand.

A ray of light appeared in the entire main city, and only a huge mirror appeared in the sky above the main city, and a strong light burst out of the mirror immediately.

"My lord, Yunchang please fight!" Guan Yu immediately shouted.

"Yun Chang, this battle is up to you!" Lin Xiu nodded and said.

Guan Yu flew out immediately, only to see the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand cutting out in front of him.

"It's useless, he still wants to smash our Shenwu mirror? Are you kidding, we are protected by an enchantment here!"

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't break our barrier. He's just doing useless work!"

"As long as this Shenwujing's attack hits them, all of them will die!"


The people around immediately started talking.

Shenwu Mirror, this is not an ordinary magic weapon, but a fairy weapon. Its power is naturally quite powerful. With the power of this Shenwu Mirror, even a god general cannot resist it.

Now this Shenwu mirror has stored enough power, with its power, there is no problem at all in beheading the big man in front of him.

And the enchantment of the main city is not something that Guan Yu can break!
Just when the surrounding protoss thought that Guan Yu would not be able to break this barrier, they saw that the big sword in Guan Yu's hand had already been chopped off. This knife cut down towards the barrier. This knife not only broke the barrier, but also The entire main city was cut in half.

When the Protoss saw this scene, their faces were full of disbelief. What kind of attack is this?Cut the entire main city in half with one knife?This is too scary!

The face of the Divine Lord also changed. As soon as he recited the formula, the mirror in the sky immediately turned, and he saw that the mirror of Shenwu had already shone on Guan Yu.

The powerhouses of the Protoss immediately showed joy: "Great, Shenwujing has locked him!"

"As long as this Shenwu mirror locks on to him, it is absolutely impossible for him to survive!"

"Yes, this time, he is dead!"


The eyes of the people around all fell on Guan Yu, only to see a strong light appearing from the mirror, shining down on Guan Yu, and this light would directly shine on Guan Yu.

"Drink!" Guan Yu yelled, and slashed at the light in front of him. The light was cut in half like this.

Those protoss were stunned all of a sudden, who is this?How could it be so scary?
With the power of this knife, Shen Wujing's attack was scattered.

What a powerful attack, what a terrifying power!

But Guan Yu didn't stop, he had already rushed towards that mirror, and this mirror was shattered in the next second.

Seeing this scene, the Divine Lord's expression changed again, and he said, "Who the hell are you? Are you a fairy?"

"You have no right to know who I am. Today, I am ordered by the lord to take your head!" Guan Yu said, rushing towards the lord.

When had this divine master been so provoked, he was furious: "Okay, if this is the case, then I will meet you!"

As soon as the Divine Lord made a move, he possessed overwhelming power. He was not afraid of Guan Yu, and it was even more impossible for Guan Yu to back down. The two immediately started fighting.

When other people saw this, they didn't watch the battle from the sidelines, but chose to attack Lin Xiu and others.

"Little monk, we should do it too!" Lin Xiu said.

"Amitabha, since this is the case, Lin Xiu, the benefactor, and the poor monk will accompany you!" Little Tathagata replied.

The two attacked almost at the same time. Around Lin Xiu, those monsters were released immediately. There were [-] to [-] protoss who rushed out. If they surrounded him, even Lin Xiu would feel a little pressure.

Fortunately, Lin Xiuke still has a helper!
I only saw a series of roots flying out of the ground. These roots were like long spears, easily piercing the body of the protoss powerhouse, and devoured the flesh and blood of the protoss powerhouse here.

The roots of Tongtian Tree have already grown here.

"Do it, kill all the protoss here!" Lin Xiu gave the order, and the people around immediately responded, and they had already started.

The protoss powerhouse in front of him was threatened by countless tree beards reaching the sky, and also Lin Xiu and others shot him, so he already felt very strong pressure.

Especially the little monk's attack completely made them desperate. They only saw the little monk's body was shining with gold. He blasted out with one palm, but with the power of heaven and earth, he killed the hundreds of god soldiers in front of him in an instant.

This is also the first time that the little monk has shot with all his strength in front of Lin Xiu. It is indeed quite powerful. The protoss in front of him used thousands of people to deal with the little Tathagata, but even so, they could not hurt the golden body of the little Tathagata. It seems that it is not so simple to injure the golden body of the little Tathagata.

Lin Xiu controlled several magic tools, and at the same time released Zu Kun. Zu Kun's injuries have almost recovered now. Its combat power is quite powerful. This huge body can already hold tens of thousands of gods strong.

And Lin Xiu also had the three-legged Golden Crow and the Tongtian Tree to help, and the dead people of these protoss were one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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