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Chapter 1309 Immortal?Animals in captivity?

Chapter 1309 Immortal?Animals in captivity?
Could this be the realm of immortals?If this is the case, it would be too powerful. No matter what kind of attack, Lin Xiu can't be hurt. What kind of body is this?
Everyone's expressions changed, but fortunately, they didn't want to be enemies with Lin Xiu, otherwise, their fate today would not be much better than Ning Caichen's!
Naturally, no one will speak for Ning Caichen about this matter. Ning Caichen's actions are obviously courting death for himself, but he can't blame others.

At this time, Lin Xiu had already reached the gate, he pushed the gate open, and the front was pitch black.

Lin Xiu was also a little excited at this time, is he finally going to reach the fairyland?
Lin Xiu walked forward, and the others immediately followed Lin Xiu.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, everyone suddenly discovered that they appeared in another place

When they looked back, they saw nothing.

Even Lin Xiu could no longer contact Tongtianshu. This place turned out to be a spiritual mountain.

"What is this place? Is this the fairy world?"

"I feel that the aura here is so strong. If I practice here, I guess I will be able to enter the fairyland in less than a year!"

"Look, if the spiritual wood material here is used for refining, maybe it can be made into a fake fairy weapon!"


There are more than 300 people here, it looks like country people have come to the city, and they feel fresh when they see the things here.

Lin Xiu glanced at Mingtian next to him, and Mingtian nodded immediately, this place is indeed the fairy world!
"Although this is a fairyland, I don't know what kind of place it is!" Ming Tian had no choice but to say.

The size of the Immortal World cannot be compared with that of the Wanfa Continent. Perhaps the territory of any force here is several times or even ten times the size of the Wanfa Continent.

Ming Tian also wants to know where this place is. After all, there are chances and dangers everywhere in the fairy world. It is estimated that they will all die!
"Look, here seems to be a place where people live, and there seem to be some people living over there!" Someone said.

Everyone saw that there were some village-like places in front of them, and they immediately walked over. If they could meet someone here now, they would be able to ask clearly what this place is.

"Let's send someone to inquire about this place first, and you don't want to come out together!" Lin Xiu said.

Now everyone is headed by Lin Xiu. When Lin Xiu said this, they naturally agreed.

Lin Xiu walked over with Mu Xian. The people in this village seem to be all literati, but their strength is not weak. The people Lin Xiu encountered were all existences at the level of Transcending Tribulation and Half Immortal. , the villagers here even have fairyland level existences.

"Old man, our husband and wife came here, but we don't know where it is? We passed by here and saw that there are few people here, and we got lost near here!" Lin Xiu asked a white-haired old man.

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Mu Xian's pretty face blushed, who are you married to?
Of course, now that Lin Xiu said this, now is not a good time for Muxian to intervene, and she still understands this.

"You guys just arrived here? How is it possible? There should be no outsiders coming in around here!" Hearing this, the old man hurriedly exclaimed.

Lin Xiu and Mu Xian looked at each other, and they understood that this place was indeed unusual, Lin Xiu said: "Old man, it is true that we did not explain clearly what happened this time, in fact, we came to Immortal Realm from Wanfa Continent. "

"You actually came from the lower world? If so, you are too unlucky!" After the old man heard it, his face showed a look of helplessness.

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiu asked.

At this moment, someone around immediately yelled loudly: "They are coming, hide now!"

Are they coming?

Who are they?

Lin Xiu was a little surprised, but at this moment, the old man immediately pulled Lin Xiu into the house: "Quick, all of you come in!"

The two were pulled in immediately, and the old man said: "No matter what happened to you, you are not allowed to come out, you know? You must not come out!"

The old man's words stunned the two of them.

The old man immediately went out and stood in front of the house.

Others here, did the same.

But at the entrance of the village, more than a dozen people came here. No, they are not so much humans as monsters. The appearance of these people is quite unusual, half human and half demon is normal, and they have three legs the frog, and the two-headed werewolf, and...

At this time, these monsters came here, and they shouted: "Everyone stand up for us, today is the day of counting, everyone has to hand in ten celestial qi pills, those who are not enough, you should Know how to do it?"

Xianqi Dan?
Lin Xiu and Mu Xian looked at each other, not knowing what these people meant.

But I only saw the villagers in front of me, but each of them put a bottle in front of them. These bottles were filled with white pills.

"This should be the elixir condensed by the villagers here absorbing spiritual energy. I never thought that such a thing would happen in this world!" Mu Xian said with a sigh.

"The person at the head doesn't seem to be just in the realm of immortal soldiers, but should be above the realm of immortal soldiers!" Lin Xiu said, "The people here seem to be kept in captivity by monsters!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Mu Xian was shocked immediately, what?Human beings are kept in captivity by monsters?
If the people here are raised in captivity, what is the difference from animals?
But how are the people here kept in captivity?
"Oh? Yours doesn't seem to be enough. What's going on?" One of the heads of the two-headed werewolf said. In the bottle in his hand, there were only five elixir pills, less than half.

"My lord, I had a little problem in my cultivation before, so the condensed pill was a little less, please forgive me..." Before the man could finish speaking, he was slapped and sent flying by the werewolf.

"Grace you are paralyzed! You are just animals raised by us. Since you can't refine enough elixir pills, follow us until you return all the elixir pills!" the werewolf said loudly.

"What? My lord, please, please..." The man called out, but was knocked out directly.

When the people around saw this scene, their faces were a little calm, and there was no change. They had seen this kind of thing too much.

(End of this chapter)

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