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Chapter 1314 Madam sent me to patrol the mountains!

Chapter 1314 Madam sent me to patrol the mountains!
The highest quality immortal stone in the lower realm, here, can only belong to the ninth grade immortal stone, which is the lowest quality immortal stone.

Here, immortal stones are divided into nine grades, and each grade is exchanged in a hundred system, that is to say, 100 yuan of ninth grade immortal stones is equivalent to the value of one eighth grade immortal stone.

The current fairy stone mine here is a seventh-grade fairy stone mine, and there is even a chance to dig out a sixth-grade fairy stone.

Most of the enslaved people here are human beings, even the Blood Emperor, Little Tathagata, etc., are now captured here to work as coolies.

"Hurry up, less ink marks here, believe it or not, I will reward you with a whip?" I heard the two-headed wolf monster say loudly, and the whip immediately hit the blood emperor's back.

The blood emperor was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. In the lower realm, he was a superior person, but here, he could only be reduced to a prisoner.

Not only the Blood Emperor, but also other people, they have been caught here after encountering the monsters here, even if they don't want to, even resisting is useless.

After all, the monsters here are too strong, and they are not their opponents at all.

"Wolf man, you got this whip recently, it looks good, did you have any adventures?" asked a lion demon next to him.

"Ever since he got this magic weapon, he has been showing it off here. You can tell it's not an ordinary magic weapon at first glance!" said a eagle demon.

"Brother wolf boy is extraordinary. He was able to get an adventure. It seems that he will definitely be favored by Madam in the future. Then he must support the younger brother a lot!" said a dog monster.

"..." The monsters immediately began to flatter them. It can be known that this wolf monster is indeed not an ordinary monster. He is lucky and can get a lot of good things.

The wolf man doesn't take these things to heart, because outsiders only know that the whip in his hand is a magic weapon, but they don't know that in his heart, he actually doesn't care, because the white whip in his hand The dragon whip was actually not the best luck he got, but the jade pendant on him was.

I don't know what level of treasure it is left by a strong man, it is so special, just wearing it on his body can increase his cultivation speed so much.

As long as he is given enough time, the wolf boy feels that he can even improve a lot of strength, and it is very likely that his realm will enter a higher level, and it is not impossible to even surpass his wife. At that time, that charming lady will become his. Pillow people.

The more he thought about it like this, the more excited the wolf man felt, just thinking about it already made his blood boil.

But at this time, the people around found out that someone came again, besides a monster, there was also a boy and a woman.

The boy was quite handsome, and the girl was also quite beautiful. When the wolf man saw it, he immediately said: "It seems that we have a new guest, why don't you hurry up and welcome our new guest!"

When the people around heard it, they immediately laughed.

"Mr. Lin Xiu, are you here too?" When they saw Lin Xiu, everyone around them exclaimed.

It turned out that Lin Xiu was their last hope, but now that Lin Xiu has been caught here, they are already filled with despair. You must know that the people here are so powerful, if they rely on their own strength, it is probably impossible for them to escape .

Originally, everyone had hoped that Lin Xiu would come, but now, seeing that Lin Xiu was caught like this, what hope do they have?
"I didn't expect a human beauty to come. As for this kid, I will send him to be a miner!" said the wolf man.

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the monsters behind Lin Xiu changed. This man is the wife's guest. Isn't this wolf man courting death for saying this?

After Lin Xiu heard what the wolf man said, a smile appeared on his face: "You mean, you want to send me to be a miner?"

The wolf man sneered and said, "Why, don't you dare to be willing?"

"What if I don't want to?" Lin Xiu replied.

"If you don't want to, I'll beat you until you're willing!" The wolf man said, and slapped Lin Xiu with a whip.

"Bold!" The person standing behind Lin Xiu immediately shouted.

The monster grabbed the wolf man's whip and said angrily, "Wolf man, do you want to rebel?"

Hearing this, the wolf man trembled with fright: "Master Hu Ling, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, didn't you come to offend Master Lin Xiu? You know, he is Madam's distinguished guest!" Hu Ling said angrily.

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people present all changed. They couldn't believe it was true. This Lin Xiu was obviously just a human being, how could he be Madam's distinguished guest?
But Hu Ling is the guard next to Madam, so what he said naturally cannot be false!

"He...he is Madam's distinguished guest? How is this possible?" Hearing these words, the wolf man's face changed drastically. He would never have imagined that Lin Xiu would have such an identity.

"Guest who offended Madam, you are looking for death, wolf man, do you want to die?" The fox spirit shouted again.

The wolf man knelt down on the ground immediately, not daring to resist. One must know that the strength of the fox is far superior to him. Even if he has this magic weapon of the whip in his hand, it is impossible to compare with the fox.

"Mr. Hu Ling, don't be so irritable. I am a peace-loving person. This Mr. Wolf, it's just that those who don't know are not guilty!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Lin Xiu, you have a lot!" Only the fox spirit said immediately.

"However, if he does this, it will also embarrass Madam. How about it, hand over all the treasures on his body to me, and treat it as an apology to Madam!" Lin Xiu said again.

"..." The wolf man.

"..." Hu Ling.

"..." Other people around.

This is too cruel!

The faces of the people around have changed, Nima, hand over all the treasures on your body?This is killing the wolf man!
"Lord Lin Xiu is right, hand over all the treasures on your body!" Hu Ling said immediately.

After the wolf man heard it, he gritted his teeth, but he still didn't dare to resist. Now that he resists, he has no choice but to die. He can only hand over everything on his body to Lin Xiu, even the magic weapon of the whip in his hand. hand it over.

Seeing this, the people around sighed in their hearts, who told the wolf man to be so unlucky?He even offended Madam's guest.

And the surrounding humans were also quite surprised. Lin Xiu actually became the guest of the lady here, and he was able to make this wolf man hand over his magic weapon. Does he have such a big face?
"Ding...Pretentious value +"


At this time, Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the wolf man, and he said with a smile: "It seems that there is still a treasure that has not been handed over!"

(End of this chapter)

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