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Chapter 1324 The Powerful Elephant Demon

Chapter 1324 The Powerful Elephant Demon

"You are not my opponent, do you want to force me to take action?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xingbo's face became quite ugly. So far, Lin Xiu has not taken the initiative to make a move, and all his attacks seem to have no effect in front of Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu even defended Didn't do anything, just let him attack.

But even so, Xiang Xingbo couldn't hurt Lin Xiu. We can know how big the gap between the two is.

Even if Xiang Xingbo wanted to lose face again, this time he had to admit defeat. He sighed and said, "I lost!"

Lin Xiu almost laughed in his heart. He said that obviously to bluff Xiang Xingbo. Xiang Xingbo is in the middle stage of Earth Immortal. If Lin Xiu wanted to defeat him, he probably couldn't do it without spending a lot of effort. Unlike It is so easy to resist Xiang Xingbo's attack now.

The Baosha cassock on his body has amazing defensive power, which gave him a chance to pretend to be inscrutable, but Xiang Xingbo couldn't do anything to him.

How could Xiang Xingbo imagine that Lin Xiu would be such a person, but his resentment towards Lin Xiu was not small.

"Ding, 5 resentment points have been collected!"

Lin Xiu looked around, and finally no one challenged Lin Xiu anymore.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be an Earth Immortal and getting 2 pretending points!"

After the people around dispersed, Lin Xiu had already gone back to the room. This time, he collected quite a few fairy artifacts. Of course, Lin Xiu didn't like them, so Lin Xiu handed all these fairy artifacts to the Three-legged Golden Crow .

After the three-legged Jinwu saw these fairy artifacts, his face showed joy: "Master, with these fairy artifacts, I can also completely restore the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and in this way, I can also restore [-]% of my original strength! "

"It's only recovered [-]% of its strength? Isn't the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda about to be fully recovered? How can you recover half of your strength?" Lin Xiu asked quickly.

"Although the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda has been restored, young master, your strength is too weak to fully display the power of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda itself is an eighth-order fairy weapon, and its power can be said to be quite huge. !” said the three-legged Golden Crow.

When Lin Xiu heard this, he was greatly surprised. The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda turned out to be such a powerful treasure?

"However, in your hands, young master, its current power is at most comparable to that of a Tier [-] Immortal Artifact!" Only the Three-legged Golden Crow said again.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xiu couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Ding, 4 resentment points have been collected!"

"Of course, you don't have to worry, young master. I believe that your strength will definitely improve a lot in the future, and with my protection, you don't have to worry, young master. Even if I only recover [-]% of my strength, I already have the fighting power of the peak Xuanxian I should be able to help you, young master!" said the three-legged Jinwu.

"With [-]% of your strength, you already have the strength of the peak Xuanxian? Then how strong was your strength when you were in your prime?" Lin Xiu's face changed, and he asked.

"Golden Immortal Peak!" The three-legged Golden Crow replied proudly.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised. In the realm of immortals, the most Lin Xiu knew was the realm of golden immortals, because from the cultivation of immortal soldiers, to earth immortals, heavenly immortals, mysterious immortals, true immortals, and then golden immortals.

Even in the entire Datang Immortal Mansion, there would not be more than a handful of Jinxian-level existences. The three-legged Golden Crow in front of him actually said that he had the strength of the peak Jinxian when he was in his prime, which is already quite terrifying.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the three-legged Golden Crow in front of him, and he said, "You are not lying to me, are you? Looking at you, how can you have the strength like a golden fairy?"

"..." Three-legged Golden Crow.

"Ding, 15 resentment points have been collected!"

The three-legged Golden Crow is very depressed, I look so powerful, why is it so wrong in your eyes?
Of course, the Three-Legged Golden Crow didn't want to argue with Lin Xiu about this issue. He said, "Master, I will also repair the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda on the top floor, but during this time, I may need to retreat and practice, so I have no choice!"

"Then, can I use the fairy artifact here?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Of course you can, but young master, your current realm is only the Earth Fairyland. According to the laws in the fairyland, you can only make the immortal artifacts one level stronger than your strength at most."

"Right now, there are six immortal artifacts in this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, including two of the third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier artifacts. Even if you use them all, you can only exert the power of the third-tier immortal artifacts. So, young master, you If you encounter a Xuanxian, you must be careful, it is best not to fight hard!"

The three-legged Golden Crow spoke seriously to Lin Xiu again.

"Xiao Wu, how long have you been in retreat?" Lin Xiu asked.

"One month at the fastest, one year at the slowest!" The three-legged Jinwu replied.

"I see, it seems that I can't rely on you during this period of time!" Lin Xiu said a little depressed.

"Master, you are the one who owns the complete Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda now. As long as you don't meet an opponent at the Xuanxian level, he will not be your opponent. As long as you don't meet an existence at the Jinxian level, you just need to hide in the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda." Inside, he can't hurt you!" The three-legged Jinwu also said.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is actually not an attack type magic weapon, but a trapping and defensive magic weapon, but there are third, fourth and fifth level magic weapons, which are enough for Lin Xiu to use well.

"I understand, don't worry!" Lin Xiu nodded and said.

After the three-legged Golden Crow finished speaking, it disappeared, and Lin Xiu also came out of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. It was already a day later.

Lin Xiuxiu was planning to go to Wu Lingtian, but at this moment, he felt an earthquake in his surroundings.

earthquake?How can this be?This is the fairy world, not the mortal world, how could there be an earthquake?

Even if there is, it is impossible to affect this place. This is the main city of the Great Tang Immortal Mansion, Chang'an!
"Taizong, you are too old to die, why don't you come out to see Lao Tzu? If you don't get out again, don't blame Lao Tzu for being rude, I will destroy the city of Chang'an!" Only an extremely arrogant voice sounded.

The sound was quite terrifying, it was transmitted directly into Chang'an City, and it was still echoing around, so one could tell that this was definitely not an ordinary person.

Lin Xiu's expression changed. He looked up to the sky, only to see a nose that was an inch long above the sky. His legs were thick and seemed to take up half of his body. His two teeth were extremely sharp. It had already extended to the front of his face, these two teeth were actually white.

It is not difficult to see that this is an elephant demon, and it is also a powerful and abnormal elephant demon!

(End of this chapter)

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