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Chapter 1326 Taizong VS Elephant King

Chapter 1326 Taizong VS Elephant King
"Of course!" Taizong said, "As long as it is what I have done, I will not deny it!"

"Okay, since this is the case, there is no need to say anything, let's do it!" The elephant king rushed directly to Taizong, using his hands and nose.

These two powerhouses are both at the Golden Immortal level, and they cannot be compared with others. The battle between the two cannot be interfered by other people. Even Wu Lingtian can only watch from the sidelines.

Taizong was not surprised at the sudden attack by King Xiang, he just said loudly: "King Xiang, do you want to be my enemy just because of a disciple?"

"That's right, today I must seek justice!" Xiang Wang said loudly.

Xiang Wang's voice resounded all around, and under the gaze of everyone, he had no intention of showing mercy, this time Xiang Wang made a move with all his strength, only to see him flipping his hand, and a long halberd appeared in front of him In the palm of his hand, the halberd pointed towards the void.

In the eyes of everyone, a ripple appeared in the space, and then the ripple blasted towards Taizong.

Taizong's face changed drastically, but he really saw clearly that the elephant monster in front of him really had no intention of showing mercy at all.

If he was hit by this elephant monster's attack, even if he was Taizong, he would be severely injured, and if it was serious, it might even threaten his life.

Of course, the power of the Golden Immortal is naturally not comparable to other people, and the Golden Immortal will not be killed easily, and generally the immortal who has reached the level of the Golden Immortal is weak, although the attack of the Elephant King is quite powerful now , but Taizong will not sit still.

All I saw was that Taizong's right hand held a murderer in front of him, and then, a ray of light flew out in front of him, which turned out to be a lotus flower.

It can be seen that this lotus has a lot to do with Buddhism. As soon as it flew out, it immediately hit the ripples emitted by the elephant king.

Two formidable forces collided fiercely in the air, and immediately after, under everyone's gaze, from the center of the explosion, strands of forces continuously spread out to the surroundings.

The center of this explosion actually possessed such terrifying power that it directly set off a gust of wind, which looked extremely terrifying.

The strong wind spread to Chang'an City, and many people were directly blown out.

Some people with extraordinary strength also felt pain in their cheeks. The strong wind blew on their faces, as if they had been cut by a knife. How terrifying are the strengths of these two people!
After all, it is the realm of golden immortals. In Chang'an City, there is no existence of this level. Everyone is shocked just watching the two strong men of golden immortal level. Also unreachable.

The Elephant King didn't intend to stop attacking. After his ripples were sent out, his whole body turned into a ray of light and stabbed towards Taizong. The long halberd in his hand kept stabbing out, and dozens of halberd beams pierced directly. To Taizong.

Taizong's complexion changed, and his complexion became quite ugly. If this elephant king continues like this, if he is not given a chance to escape, he said angrily: "Elephant king, are you really going to fight me?"

"What? Taizong, don't you dare? I won't let you see blood today, so I won't be called Xiangwang!" Xiangwang sneered.

"Okay, since you're stubborn, I'll let you see my strength. I'd like to see whether you are stronger than Shituoling, or my Great Tang Immortal Mansion is stronger!" Taizong also fired a real fire.

Taizong is the proud son of heaven. Since the Sanzang Sanzang brought the Tripitaka back, he has been studying the scriptures, and finally let him study the Tao of Longevity and become a generation of golden immortals.

Taizong was originally the son of destiny, he was also an emperor, how could he meet such a rude person?For thousands of years, even some nearby big monsters and even gods dared not offend him easily, so what if this elephant king came from Shi Tuoling?

Could it be that I am afraid that he will fail?Taizong held the Taizong sword in his hand, and was wearing the imperial robe of immortal armor. His whole body shone with golden light, and he greeted him with a sword.


Only a crisp sound was heard, Taizong's sword collided with the long halberd, making a loud noise, and the two also tested each other's strength, King Xiang was a little surprised.

Taizong's strength surpassed King Xiang's imagination, but it was still within the range he could accept.

Taizong also felt the extraordinaryness of the elephant king. He deserved to be the strongest in Shituo Ridge. This elephant king has a strength that other people can't match. No wonder he can become the ancestor of a sect!
However, this is not an excuse for him to come to Datang Immortal Mansion to make trouble!

Taizong's face was stern, and the sword in his hand turned into hundreds of rays of light, shooting towards the elephant king in front of him.

The Elephant King didn't show any weakness at all. He sucked in his nose, and when he exhaled again, the gust of wind directly turned into thousands of sharp blades, flying towards the front without any hesitation.

The battle between the two became more and more fierce, and the people in Chang'an City were terrified. Is this the power of the strong Jinxian?

In the space around the two of them, even the air is probably squeezed out. This kind of powerful fighting power is beyond the imagination of others.

"That's amazing, is this the realm of the Golden Immortal? I never thought that someone would be able to fight Emperor Taizong!" Wu Lingtian said with a look of shock on his face.

"It's really powerful, but I think that elephant monster is stronger!" Lin Xiu said beside Wu Lingtian.

"How do you tell?" Wu Lingtian asked a little puzzled.

"You see, up to now, that elephant demon has not used any magic, but has been fighting Emperor Taizong with his body!" Lin Xiu said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Wu Lingtian also found out when he looked again. Indeed, the elephant demon is now using his nose and long halberd. Physically, he has been able to fight Taizong evenly, but he seems to have never used it. A magic trick.

In contrast, Taizong used more than a dozen tricks of immortality, but he still couldn't win the elephant king, and Wu Lingtian's face turned pale.

But at this time, only saw the next scene, a bloody light appeared, and the elephant demon's body was cut by a sword light, and wounds appeared.

Lin Xiu was a little excited when he saw it. This is the blood of the demon king. I wonder if it could be the blood of the demon king?

After all, Lin Xiu's fairy body treasure box needs to collect all kinds of fairy bodies, and the demon emperor will be one of them.

King Xiang was furious, this Taizong dared to hurt him?

"It seems that I should let you see my real ability!" Xiang Wang said coldly.

"Whatever ability you have, just use it, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance!" Taizong said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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