Chapter 1343

Xiang Yu's expression changed slightly. It was obvious that the current King Qin Guang was going to play for real!

King Qin Guang's chain has the effect of ecstasy. As long as this chain entangles Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu may also be caught by him. There is no way to resist this kind of attack!

At this moment, an umbrella flew out, and this umbrella turned into a ray of light, blocking Xiang Yu's face.

Those chains were all blocked outside, and Xiang Yu could not be hurt at all.

Seeing this scene, King Qin Guang's face changed greatly. His immortal artifact soul lock chain is not an ordinary magical artifact, but a fifth-order immortal artifact, but now when he encounters this umbrella, he Unable to hurt Xiang Yu, this has proved one thing.

The level of this umbrella is no worse than his soul lock chain!

Where did Xiang Yu get such a level of fairy artifact?
Xiang Yu was originally born with supernatural power, and not only that, his combat effectiveness is also quite terrifying, but all of this is because he does not rely on the fairy weapon. Now that Xiang Yu has the fairy weapon, his combat effectiveness will definitely increase one step up.

King Qin Guang couldn't believe what would happen if he fought Xiang Yu like this, but now King Qin Guang had no choice!
King Qin Guang's soul lock chain started a frenzied attack, but now, this attack has no effect at all. That umbrella has become Xiang Yu's protective umbrella. No matter how King Qin Guang attacks, it will also hurt him. It was less than Xiang Yu's, but the halberd in Xiang Yu's hand continued to emit thunder.

The thunder and lightning attacks came down, and with Xiang Yu's natural power, King Qin Guang had no way to resist it.

"You lost!" Xiang Yu yelled, only to see that his long halberd had already struck King Qin Guang's body, King Qin Guang was blown away, and one of his arms had been chopped off by Xiang Yu.

And not only that, Qin Guangwang's face became quite pale, and a mouthful of blood was already spit out.

"You... where on earth did you get this powerful fairy weapon?" King Qin Guang was not reconciled, he said loudly.

"It's from me!" Only a voice was heard.

At this time, the battle here has reached a fierce stage. Xiang Yu has to get back his original remnant soul, coupled with his strong fighting power, and the help of Lin Xiu's immortal weapon, Qin Guangwang finally lost.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Qin Guangwang said loudly.

"Why? Because Xiang Yu is my subordinate!" Lin Xiu replied.

After King Qin Guang heard it, his eyes widened, and he looked at Xiang Yu in disbelief: "You... you are actually his subordinate? How is this possible?"

"Kill him!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Now that he has reached this fairy world, Lin Xiu also understands how cruel this world is. This time is Xiang Yu's opportunity, and it is also his opportunity!
As long as this King Qin Guang is eliminated, Xiang Yu will be the master of this underworld in the future, and Xiang Yu is also his servant. One can imagine what this means.

Lin Xiu will be the person behind the scenes of this underworld!

King Qin Guang naturally understood what Lin Xiu meant, his face was a little ugly, he didn't expect this young man to have such ambitions, but if it was true, he would definitely die.

King Qin Guang gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, I am willing to be your slave, please spare my life!"

Both Xiang Yu and Lin Xiu were taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect that King Qin Guang would give in. This was beyond their expectations. After hearing this, Lin Xiu smiled and said, "Okay, Qin Guang Wang, since this is the case, I will give you a chance!"

King Qin Guang donated his soul blood, and since then, he has been reduced to a slave. There is no way to do it. If King Qin Guang is unwilling to do this today, he will definitely die. He can see it from Lin Xiu's eyes , Lin Xiu will never let him go.

After getting King Qin Guang's soul blood, Lin Xiu could directly search for the whereabouts of that concubine Song here.

Lin Xiu stayed in the Library Pavilion here for three days.

In these three days, Lin Xiu got a lot of information, not only that, what surprised Lin Xiu the most was that after Lin Xiu subdued Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang, his system had already started to upgrade.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for subduing the forces of the underworld, the system has started to upgrade, and the upgrade time is ten days!"

Lin Xiu ordered King Qin Guang to search for news about Zhen Yuanzi, and to find the whereabouts of this Concubine Song.

Regarding this concubine Song, Lin Xiu found a record from the underworld.

According to rumors, Tang Taizong in the Great Tang Immortal Mansion is a hero. He was just a mortal before, but later he was helped by a fairy family, the Song family, and he was able to practice. And he himself is a genius, and his cultivation speed is astonishing. , In just ten years, he has cultivated to the Heavenly Wonderland.

There was a young girl in the Song family named Concubine Song who fell in love with Tang Taizong and was willing to marry him as his wife.

But Tang Taizong left without saying goodbye, and not long after that, there was a change in Xuanwumen. Tang Taizong single-handedly fought against the alliance of brothers. Not only that, he even killed his father and brother, becoming a generation of emperors.

The people of the Song family soon received the news of Tang Taizong's return. They thought that Concubine Song would become the queen of the world.

But what happened next was beyond belief.

Not only did Tang Taizong not pick up Concubine Song, he even wiped out the entire Song family. Even Concubine Song was killed by him.

Only then did Lin Xiu understand that this Emperor Taizong was really a ruthless person. It is no wonder that an existence of this level would become the overlord of one side. A person with such ambition and courage would naturally not be weak or weak. Willing to be mediocre.

But even killing one's own woman is too terrifying!

Of course, Lin Xiu was not in the mood to pay attention to Tang Taizong's actions. Anyway, the Song family has been wiped out now, and the ghost knight probably wanted to seek revenge from Taizong. Unfortunately, he did not have such a chance to meet Taizong.

But this is already lucky, if he really meets Taizong, with Taizong's current strength, he is not something that a dead soul can provoke!

If this ghost knight really met Taizong, he would probably be killed again and disappear.

But where is this concubine Song now?

According to the records here, she did not reincarnate. Lin Xiu was a little surprised. When he wanted to continue reading, he received a message.

Someone is coming for him!

who is it?

Lin Xiu was a little surprised, he came out of the library, and when Lin Xiu came out, he was surprised that it was her.

(End of this chapter)

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