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Chapter 1345 Xiaobai's Whereabouts

Chapter 1345 Xiaobai's Whereabouts
"Host, the system upgrade was successful."

Perhaps it was because of just conquering King Qin Guang and Xiang Yu, this upgrade directly brought Lin Xiu to the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.A steady stream of fairy energy rushed towards Lin Xiu like raindrops.The feeling of being full of strength really made Lin Xiu feel secretly refreshed.

He stayed in the early stage of Earth Immortal for a while, and has not improved for a long time. To face the unknown enemy now, he must have more strength and more confidence to save his daughter.

"This upgrade combines the treasure chests obtained by the host into one, and cancels the pretense value, and integrates the experience pill into the treasure chest, which is opened by the treasure chest. The host gets this treasure chest, and the level is unknown."

"Unknown? This is the first time I have obtained this kind of strange treasure chest. Let me see what's inside."

"Open the treasure chest to get it, a treasure map."

Open this treasure map, which is a map of the entire fairyland, with two red dots flashing non-stop.Among them, it turned out to be the location of the remaining fragments of Qinglian swordsmanship, which happened to be in Xihai, which made Lin Xiu very happy.

The Qinglian Sword Art that I obtained before only has the first three forms. Although the power is not weak compared with other exercises, but with the increase in level, it is indeed not enough. This time, with the complete sword art, Lin Xiu is very much looking forward to how this power will be raised.

There is a red dot not far from this fragment, only the two characters Luohan can be seen clearly on it, and the following characters are completely indistinguishable as if they were stained with ink.

"Could it be related to my Arhat Golden Body? No matter, I'll go and have a look when the time comes. It must be a good thing."

"Xiaobai, how are you doing there? Did they mistreat you? Daddy will come to rescue you right away." He said, speeding up and flying forward.

At the same time, Xihai.

"You bad guys don't come here, you bully me like this, when my father comes, you will all die miserably!"

But Xiao Bailong's shout not only didn't make these strangers stop, but made them even more rampant.

"Little girl, it's useless. Your father won't come to you even if you call your throat broken. Be obedient and don't move. The pain will soon be gone."

As he said that, the golden-horned boy grabbed the dragon scale between Xiaobailong's eyebrows, but before he touched it, a white water dragon rushed out from between Xiaobailong's eyebrows, rushing him ten meters away in an instant.

"Unexpectedly, this dragon scale has the function of protecting the owner. It seems that we have to think of other ways."

"Little girl, you are lucky, but next time you will not be so lucky."

As he spoke, he led his men out of the dark room.

"Daddy, come and save Xiaobai, Xiaobai is so scared." Thinking of Lin Xiu, Xiaobai's tears couldn't be stopped.

Western border.

After Lin Xiu inquired, this West Sea Dragon Palace is located in a part of the fairy world called Longteng Continent. This continent has only dragons living for generations, so it is named Longteng Continent. This continent has more people than the Fenggu Continent before.But there is only one first-class power and that is the West Sea Dragon Palace.

The reason why the Dragon Palace is so famous on this continent is entirely because they have Ao Guang, a strong man at the peak of the Golden Immortal, sitting in the town. In addition, Ao Guang's son, Ao Moang, is also extremely powerful and has reached the peak of the Profound Immortal. Touching the true immortal, the second prince Ao Rong also reached the early stage of Xuanxian.

Make other forces dare not act rashly, after all, no one is stupid enough to dare to head-to-head with a person who is at the top of the Golden Immortal.

Moreover, it was recently rumored that Ao Guang had obtained a treasure and was practicing in seclusion to attack Da Luo Jinxian. His strength could be described as quite terrifying.

"It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable this time." Although this is a formidable opponent, I, Lin Xiu, will never retreat in the slightest, because he knows that if he goes one minute earlier, his daughter will be less dangerous .

Thinking of this, he couldn't help speeding up his speed, turning into a wind and heading towards the Soaring Dragon Continent.

Because the underworld is really far away from this continent, even with Lin Xiu's strength, it took him three days to reach this continent.But what is strange is that this continent is very sparsely populated, as if it has experienced a great war, and it is full of depression.

Finally, Lin Xiu found a group of people, but it was an army.

Could it be that there has just been a war on this continent?Just when Lin Xiu was wondering, suddenly another team rushed out and started fighting in an instant, but the difference in strength was too great, and the team that was attacked by surprise was wiped out in a short while.

"Hmph, something that is overestimated, but also delusional to fight with our eldest prince, I am afraid that I don't know how to die."

Could it be that the eldest prince wanted to kill his other brothers and sisters to ensure his inheritance.Also really a ruthless character.

"Hey, have you heard that the eldest prince recently captured the third princess, it seems that it is because she has some treasure on her body, which can enhance the strength of the eldest prince."

As soon as the three words "three princesses" entered Lin Xiu's ears, he immediately became furious, because his father told him that when the little white dragon was picked up that day, the people who came called him "three princesses, three princesses" of.

So upon hearing these three words, Lin Xiu rushed out immediately.

"What did you just say, say it again"

"Where are the lowly human beings who dare to speak to our commander in such a tone? They don't want to live anymore, do they?"

But as soon as the words fell, a sword pierced his body. Lin Xiu just stood there without moving, but the red eyes made people dare not look directly at him.

"I said, tell me everything, you can save your whole body." At this time, Lin Xiu really looked like Shura came into the world.The soldiers next to him were too frightened to say a word.

"Don't say it, don't say it, I'm going to do it"

"Let's talk, please spare our lives, Great Immortal. Ever since the Dragon King practiced in seclusion, the eldest prince has been planning how to get rid of his rivals, and then started this war with entangled forces."

"Isn't he the eldest prince? If you want to establish a king, you will consider establishing him first. Why do you want to kill your brothers and sisters?"

"Daxian, you don't know that the Dragon King has long seen that the first prince is cruel and vicious, so he is not suitable to be the Dragon King, but the second prince is very kind and cares about the suffering of the common people, so he is deeply loved by the Dragon King. Reached the position of the eldest prince"

"But because I have never had a chance, it just so happened that the Dragon King entered the retreat this time and gave the eldest prince this opportunity."

"Then the third princess you're talking about is Little White Dragon?"

"Yes, Daxian, how do you know?"

"Because she is the daughter of Ben Daxian, where is she being imprisoned now, tell me quickly!"

"She was imprisoned in the Dragon Palace not far from here, and is now guarded by the commander."

Before the words fell, all the soldiers in this group were reduced to ashes in an instant.

Ao Moang, if you dare to kill my daughter, just think about how you will die.

(End of this chapter)

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