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Chapter 1351 The chosen person?

Chapter 1351 The chosen person?
When Lin Xiu went back outside again, Xiaobai and another person also went back outside at the same time.

It seems that Xiaobai has also passed the trial of the Sword Immortal. As expected, she has the blood of Ni Lin and the orthodox Dragon Clan, and her power cannot be underestimated.

Seeing Lin Xiu come out, Geoduck didn't seem too surprised, which seemed to be a reasonable thing.

"Congratulations to the three of you, you have passed the test of the gate of trial and obtained the qualification to practice, but what really determines whether you can practice or not depends on the will of this fragment."

As he spoke, he took out the fragmented scroll that had already been covered in dust, only the four big characters Qinglian Sword Art on it were still vaguely discernible.

"The three of you, please put your hands on this fragment. If the fragment reacts, it means that you are destined to this Qinglian Sword Art, and you can practice it. However, I cannot guarantee that one of you three must be will succeed, and maybe all three will fail"

"Oh my god, this is too deceitful. I have been fighting for so long, and you told me that there is still a chance of failure. This sword fairy is too deceitful."

"Who will come first?"

"I'll come first!"

The one who spoke was the remaining man. He was very handsome and made people feel that he was the kind of honest man.But after Lin Xiu took a closer look, he found that this man didn't seem to be what he appeared on the surface, which always gave Lin Xiu a strange feeling.

The man put his hand on the remnant scroll of Qinglian, but the remnant scroll didn't respond at all.

Clearly he failed.

After knowing that he had failed, the man walked to the side with a blank expression on his face.

"Daddy, let me try it first, you are an unlucky ghost anyway, I must be luckier than you, I can't even get a word, so don't even think about it," he said with a grimace.

Lin Xiu also had a dumbfounding expression, this little white dragon was really picked up by me, and he didn't give my father any face at all.

Xiao Bailong also put his hand on it, but after a long time, there was no reaction, and he also retreated to the side with his mouth pouted angrily.

Lin Xiu was the only one left. Could it be that this time he was going to return for nothing? Forget it, it's all over, and it's time to fight for character again.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Lin Xiu put his hand on the fragmented scroll.After a while, still no response

"Daddy, I just said that if I don't succeed, you don't even want to succeed, ahhaha" Xiao Bailong gloated when he saw that Lin Xiu didn't succeed.

Lin Xiu also looked helpless. Just when he was about to give up, the wine jug he got from the treasure chest unexpectedly reacted. The wine jug flew out of the ring as if it had come to life, and finally hovered above the remnant scroll. Juan reacted, as if he was communicating with the flagon, and after a while, he and the flagon returned to the Nana Ring.

"It turns out that this jug is still useful, haha, I am really the chosen one."

"Congratulations, Lin Xiu, you have obtained the qualification to practice this fragment, but the jug just now seems to be a relic of the master."

"Ah, I don't know about that, I got it from a treasure chest outside."

"Sure enough, you and the master are very destined. When the master is still here, he likes to travel around with this flagon, but, hey"

"It's okay, Geoduck, I already know the will of the senior, I will inherit it well, and carry forward this Qinglian swordsmanship."

"Sure enough, this remnant scroll did not choose the wrong person. Well, I should go back. I must work hard to practice." After finishing speaking, the geoduck left.

Lin Xiu and Xiaobai then also left the Qinglian Mountains.But no one noticed that the expressionless young man had a sinister smile on his lips after seeing Lin Xiu get the Qinglian scroll.

After leaving the Qinglian Mountains, Lin Xiu and his party finally reunited. Seeing Lin Xiu's smiling face, Xiang Yu and Qin Guangwang knew that Lin Xiu must have obtained the Qinglian Sword Art.

"Since the lord should take something, what's the next step?"

"It's time to settle accounts with the eldest prince and the commander."

It's time to settle the account of abusing his daughter.If you touch Lin Xiu's nilin, there is only one end-death.

"Since the lord will not go back with us, we will go back first."

Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang have been out for a while, and there are still many things to deal with in the underworld, especially after the unification of the underworld, many things have been abandoned.It is indispensable for these two powerful figures to sit in town.Lin Xiu naturally knows this
"If the lord needs us to help the lord, crush this jade talisman and we will arrive right away."

Then Xiang Yu and Qin Guangwang also left here, leaving only Lin Xiu, father and daughter, to stay in Qinglian Town.

"Xiaobai, let's rest here for a few days first, collect information about the eldest prince, and then daddy will avenge you."

"Well, Xiaobai believes that Daddy will definitely make the scalp numb from the beatings of those scoundrels."

The father and daughter found a popular hotel to live in, and decided to recuperate for a few days, and practice the Qinglian Sword Art that they had just obtained.

When Lin Xiu took out the fragmented copy of Qinglian Sword Art, it was automatically put together with the first three formulas obtained earlier, and finally made up a complete copy.

Lin Xiu opened this Qinglian Sword Art book, and found that every move and style seemed to be imprinted in his mind after reading it once. After reading it again, basically all the moves were recorded in his mind.

When I turned to the last page, there was a line of small characters below that caught Lin Xiu's attention.

A special reminder from the sword fairy: "I heard that wine is more suitable for this set of swordsmanship"

This Li Bai really loves to drink as recorded in history, but I happen to have a wine jug left by him here, so the wine in this jug should be different.

In the next few days, Lin Xiu continued to get familiar with this set of Qinglian swordsmanship.

He discovered that this Qinglian swordsmanship is also divided into three realms "Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Transformation Realm".

It is written in the book that it can be compared to the heaven-level exercises when practiced to the level of transformation, which shows its power.

Lin Xiu's Qinglian swordsmanship only reached Xiaocheng before, and it has such great power,
It's hard to imagine entering Dacheng, or even Huajing. At that time, with Lin Xiu's own strength and this Qinglian Sword Art, it should be enough to fight against Jinxian in the later stage.

One day, Xiao Bailong was wandering with Lin Xiu in the street when he heard a familiar yet unfamiliar name—Zhen Yuanzi.

"Hey, something big is going to happen, do you know." A person said to the person beside him with a mysterious expression.

"What's the matter, what's the big deal?"

"I heard that after the third princess was rescued by others, the eldest prince invited a man named Zhen Yuanzi to help him catch the third princess. Now the eldest prince is offering a reward across the country."

As soon as he heard the words "Zhen Yuanzi", Lin Xiu couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. The road to the enemy is really narrow, if there is a road to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no door to hell, you come here.

(End of this chapter)

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