Chapter 1369 Revenge
Although Lin Xiu usually exists like a god in their hearts, it is still too difficult for them to accept the words that they can resurrect the dead.

"Su Long, pinch me, I'll see if it hurts, and I'll know if we're dreaming." Gongsun You could only use this method to dispel his doubts.

"Ah, you and I just asked you to pinch me, why do you seem to want to kill me?"

"So it's true, young master, you're finally back, that bastard Ao Zhong wants to tarnish our innocence, but we are the young master's people, and we are determined not to be tarnished by outsiders."

"That scumbag Ao Zhong, not the scumbag dragon, has already been killed by me."

When Gongsun You and Su Long heard Lin Xiu say this, their expressions were even more surprised. That Ao Zhong was someone who could kill even the Protoss. Lin Xiu said that he was able to kill him, which was enough to show that his young master had the power to kill him. How scary.

"Thank you, young master, our lives were all saved by the young master."

"No, you should thank Granny Meng. Without the medicinal materials he found, I really don't know how to save you."

"Okay, okay, don't be modest, without your medical skills, even having a bunch of heaven and earth treasures is useless. Besides, you didn't come to my little hell just to save two maids Right." Granny Meng also saw that Lin Xiu had nothing else to do with him.

"As expected of Granny Meng, you can see my small thoughts right away. I came this time to tell you that I already have the strength to avenge you."

Lin Xiu's words also shook Po Meng's heart slightly, she also knew that Lin Xiu would never say big words, but the Lin Xiu in front of her was the pinnacle of true immortals, even though she was considered the top combat power in this hell, However, there is still a gap with the peak of Jinxian like Taizong.

But Lin Xiu dared to say such a thing, it must be his own confidence.

"Do you want me to go with you to discuss an explanation?"

"Yes, you go with me, in case Taizong repudiates, I will have an explanation."

Po Meng's heart was also slightly shaken. After so many years, she finally waited for the opportunity to avenge her clan and her dead brother.

"Okay, I will follow you to the Great Tang Immortal Mansion."

"But now there is a question, Po Meng, how does your body in the underworld go to the underworld?"

"Don't worry, I can do it myself."

"That's good, I'll make some adjustments, and I'll take you to discuss it right away."

After a short rest, Lin Xiu also handed over Su Long and Gongsun You to Xiang Yu and King Qin Guang, and handed them over to them. Lin Xiu naturally felt relieved that the underworld was now under their control.So there is no need to worry about their safety.

"Let's go, Meng Po, Datang Immortal Mansion, Grandpa, I'm back again."

"Yeah." Granny Meng took out a elixir and ate it, only to see that her body became puffy.

Not long after, Lin Xiu and Meng Po returned to the world.

Datang Immortal Mansion.

Wu Lingtian was also very happy to see Lin Xiu coming back, but he found that the old woman next to Lin Xiu looked at him with hostility.

"Li Xiaoyao, you are finally back. I thought you died in the underworld."

Hearing Wu Lingtian call Lin Xiu and Li Xiaoyao, Po Meng couldn't laugh or cry. This kid is really brainy. He even changed his surname after taking an alias, but she doesn't care about these things. What she wants to know most now This is the trace of Taizong.

"Hey, who is Li Xiaoyao next to you?"

"The purpose of my visit this time is to bring this old woman to meet an old friend."

Hearing Lin Xiu call her "grandmother", Concubine Song gave Lin Xiu a hard look.

"Old man?"

"Yes, where is your Taizong ancestor now? I have something to tell him. Take me to see him quickly."

"The patriarch Taizong is still in the Hall of Mental Cultivation in Xianfu, let me take you there."

I have to say that Datang Immortal Mansion really deserves to be the top power in the Immortal World, with all the hardware facilities.

After a while, Wu Lingtian brought Lin Xiu and Po Meng to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

However, the gate of the palace was closed tightly. It seems that Taizong is also cultivating.

"Ling'er, didn't I tell you not to disturb me these few days?"

This Taizong is worthy of being a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm, and he noticed the group of them before they entered.

"Old Ancestor, Ling'er is also helpless. Immortal Li Xiaoyao has something to do with you, and he has kindness to Ling'er, so Ling'er has no choice but to disturb you, Old Ancestor."

"That's all, I happened to be stuck in this house for a few days, and I also came out to get some air."

When Taizong walked out slowly, Lin Xiu also noticed that Concubine Song's complexion also changed suddenly.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still the same."

A feeling that could not be described as sadness or joy surged into Concubine Song's heart, and she was extremely emotional.

Taizong also carefully looked at Lin Xiu and the old woman next to him. When he saw Concubine Song, he always felt an indescribable familiarity.

"Although I've never seen this old lady before, I feel very familiar with it."

"Let's talk, since I'm Ling'er's benefactor, then I have to give face, right? Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will try my best."

"Well, I'm here today to avenge this old lady."

"Revenge, little brother can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk about it. The old lady next to you and I have never met before. Where is the hatred?"

"Look, old lady, he really is an ungrateful person, he doesn't even recognize his old lover"

Meng Po also changed back to her original appearance.

Wu Lingtian who was on the side was also shocked when he heard Lin Xiu's words and the change in Meng Po's appearance. His ancestor actually had such a romantic past.

Of course, Taizong was the most surprised. Of course he still remembered this incident many years ago, but why is this Concubine Song still alive.

"Hmph, why didn't you say anything? If you didn't have my family's help, you could have achieved what you are now? But you are an ungrateful thing, not only did you not thank my family, but you used my feelings for you to trick me into opening the fairy formation, In the end, all my clan was slaughtered. My clan tried their best to pass me into this hell, and I was able to survive till now. And today I will avenge my dead brother!"

Taizong was also sweating profusely when he heard this, which is enough to show how guilty he was for the bad things he did back then.

"Concubine Song, listen to my explanation. It was true that what I did was wrong at the time, but your Song family came to me to claim credit for being kind to me, and wanted to divide up the power. I also did this for the purpose of centralizing power."

"Hmph, that's enough, don't say any more, even if it's like this, you can kill our whole family, you cruel thing, I have to make you pay the price today."

(End of this chapter)

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