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Chapter 1371 Lion Camel Ridge

Chapter 1371 Lion Camel Ridge

"Okay, since you've said that, what else can I do." He said and put down the Qinglian sword in his hand.

"Concubine Song, I am sorry for you. I am selfish and only consider my own interests. I have lied to you, and I am sorry for you."

Under the influence of Concubine Song's tolerant spirit, Taizong also came to his senses.

"Sure enough, Zuidun is the strongest weapon." Lin Xiu smiled helplessly.

"Okay, I've fulfilled your wish for you, and you should follow your brother's advice and reincarnate."

"Well, yes, I should start my life again. Then let's go back to the underworld."

Just as Lin Xiu and Concubine Song were about to leave, Wu Lingtian stopped Lin Xiu.

"Li Xiaoyao, oh, no, Lin Xiu, can you stay and do me a favor?"

Wu Lingtian naturally knew the real name of the young man in front of him from Song Concubine's mouth.

This made Lin Xiu a little embarrassed. Although he had a good impression of Wu Lingtian, he still had important things to do.Shuang'er is still waiting for her to be rescued in the western temple.

"Even before you knew that the Elephant King came to trouble our Great Tang Immortal Mansion again, threatening us to hand over the ancestor, but in the end it was the ancestor who took the initiative to make an appointment to fight, and he retreated."

"But now, the ancestor is injured. If the Elephant King is looking for it, our Great Tang Immortal Mansion will really be wiped out, so I want to invite you to fight." Wu Lingtian also looked depressed when he said this.

Although she is the queen of the Great Tang Immortal Mansion, she can't protect her own Immortal Mansion, which naturally makes her feel very frustrated.

"This...let me think about it, okay?"

Lin Xiu couldn't see women suffering in front of him the most, so seeing Wu Lingtian's dejected look, Lin Xiu couldn't help hesitating.

But in the end, Lin Xiu took over this not easy job.

Lin Xiu is not the kind of selfless and generous person, the reason why he agreed to it is also for his own reasons.

First of all, it was himself who injured Taizong, so that the Great Tang Immortal Mansion lost a top combat power.It can be regarded as something you do by yourself, and you should bear it yourself.Secondly, the blood of the three demon kings in Shituoling is also one of Lin Xiu's fairy body treasure chest collections.

So he had to go to Shituo Ridge. It just happened to happen this time, so it was destined.

But before that, he still needs to complete one thing, which is to heal Taizong's injury.

He no longer has a strong man like the three-legged Golden Crow by his side. Healing Taizong will be another capable helper, and it will also add a guarantee for him to get the demon blood during this trip.

"Okay, I agree, let me heal Taizong's injury before that."

Wu Lingtian also looked at Lin Xiu gratefully. He knew that Lin Xiu had no obligation to help him at all, and that elephant demon was also a difficult character to deal with.So the favorability of Lin Xiu in my heart has also been greatly improved.

Fortunately, although Taizong's injuries were serious, no important organs were injured, and Lin Xiu quickly cured him.

It's just that Lin Xiu always has a weird feeling, he hurt him and healed him himself, feeling like he's asking for trouble.

The time for the battle was set in three days, and it would take about three days from the Great Tang Immortal Mansion to the Shituo Ridge, so Lin Xiu decided to set off immediately.

Three days later, Shituoling.

Two figures floated in the sky, they were naturally Lin Xiu and Taizong. They looked down at the Lion Camel Ridge from the sky, and found that the Elephant King was still very cunning.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents, many soldiers were deployed around Shituoling.Although the strength is not strong, Lin Xiu is also surprised by the large number.The power of Shituoling is indeed not to be underestimated.

Lin Xiu looked inside carefully and found that there were two strong men from the Golden Fairyland next to the Elephant King. Lin Xiu guessed that these two were the Lion King and the Peng King.

The lion king and Peng king were actually the mounts of the gods in the heavenly palace, but because of some mistakes, they were demoted to the human world.Later, in the process of escaping, they were able to escape with the help of the elephant king, so the three sworn sworn brothers, with the elephant king as the king, and the lion king and Peng king as assistants.After years of hard work by the three brothers, today's Shituoling was established.

"Hey, I said Taizong, it's not good for you to offend anyone, but you want to offend these three brothers. You know that you offended one of them, and the other two will never stand idly by."

"You think I'm thinking, if it wasn't for a secret volume of fairy art, how could I have clashed with this gang of bandits."

"Immortal art?" Lin Xiu was also very curious, what kind of a secret book of immortal art would allow Taizong to enter the Shituoling and injure the disciple of the Elephant King regardless of the danger of being besieged.

"The name of that book of fairy art is Shadowy Shadow, it can temporarily prevent your opponent from using fairy art once."

It's no wonder that Emperor Taizong would fight this monster for this secret volume of fairy art, the effect of this fairy art is really good.

"Hey, how long can you hold that elephant king?"

"About half an hour. His combat strength is about the same as mine. As long as he is not desperate, half an hour should be fine."

"Why are you asking this? Could it be that you want to assassinate the other two demon kings while I am dueling with that elephant king?"

"It's not assassination, it's just taking something from them." Lin Xiu showed a strange smile.

Lin Xiu guessed that the immortal body treasure box should extract blood from every demon king this time. Although it is impossible to fight against three, it is not a big deal for Lin Xiu to fight against two. The problem.

So he wanted Taizong to hold back the strongest Elephant King first, and he went deep into Shituoling to find the Lion King and Peng King, wounded or killed them, and after getting blood, he would join Taizong and deal with the strongest elephant king together. Elephant king.

After finding out the distribution of troops on Shituoling, Lin Xiu was confident enough, so he went down to the ground together with Emperor Taizong.

"Sure enough, you still came. I thought you, Emperor Taizong, were a coward. After you injured my apprentice, you hid in your Great Tang Immortal Mansion."

"Asshole, I discovered that book of immortality first, and your disciple wants to come and snatch it from me. In order to get back my own things, he injured your people. There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"What is your thing? The things found in my territory are mine. You not only injured my brother, but also took away my things. Do you think I should hold you accountable?"

This elephant king is also used to being domineering, so he would never allow his brother to be bullied, so he ran aggressively to the Datang Immortal Mansion to find Taizong to find an explanation, but he was not fighting at home, I was afraid that Taizong would give him a blow Ambush is also a choice to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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