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Chapter 1380 Fighting the True Demon King

Chapter 1380 Fighting the True Demon King
"Brother, this kid is preparing something again. The last time the two of us were bullied by this kid, the third brother suddenly beat me up. This time we can't follow this kid's way, let's do it."

I saw a golden beam of light emanating from the heads of the three demon kings at the same time, and finally the three beams gathered together and were finally launched.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Lin Xiu also smiled coldly. He was urging the enhanced version of the equality of all beings just now, and now he has completed the urging, so facing the offensive of the three brothers, Lin Xiu did not go too far. nervous.

The Qinglian Sword also flew out from Lin Xiu's side, and the blue sword light slowly condensed into blue lotus flowers.With the continuous improvement of Lin Xiu's level, his use of the Qinglian swordsmanship has become more and more mature, and now he can control the Qinglian sword proficiently almost only by relying on his own consciousness.

So almost instantly, several green lotuses also guarded Lin Xiu's surroundings.The golden light beam collided with the blossoming green lotus, which also caused the air to explode again and again, and the surrounding trees were also uprooted. The two forces seemed to be evenly matched, and neither could solve the other. Just as King Elephant thought this When a collision would end in a tie.

A sword with a blue light suddenly pierced his body from behind. Since the elephant king was also paying attention to the battlefield ahead and didn't focus on defending his back, even though it was a simple sword stabbing He was stabbed into his body, and he was seriously injured. As the elephant king spit out a mouthful of blood, the combined state of the three brothers was also released.

The souls of Lion King and Peng King also returned to their bodies, and then a mouthful of blood spewed out. Obviously, one person was injured after the fusion of souls, and the other combined souls were also injured.

The faces of the three brothers were also full of horror. They never expected that Lin Xiu could not only block their combined attack, but also be able to control the flying sword with distraction. Such a terrifying fighting awareness and strength are no longer something they can compete with. .However, they still seem to be hiding some ultimate move.

"Let's talk about it, the three of you are no match for me now, since you came to look for me on my own initiative, then I will accept your lives, young master."

"You kid, don't be too happy. Do you think we haven't prepared anything else this time? We have invited our ancestor to sit in the town this time. He has already reached the strength of the fairy king, so you can die obediently." .”

Sure enough, at that time, Lin Xiu sensed three familiar forces, and there seemed to be a powerful force around him that he had never seen before. It turned out to be the breath of the demon king.

But Lin Xiu didn't panic, because with the equality of all living beings and the Qinglian swordsmanship, he was not afraid of fighting ordinary immortal kings.

I saw a fiery red-haired man walking out of the distant space. I didn't expect that the demon king turned out to be a handsome man, and from it, Lin Xiu felt a familiar coercion. It seems that there is also the existence of dragon blood in it.

"You three trashes were actually bullied by a kid in the early days of the Golden Wonderland. You won't be afraid to lose face to us Shituoling if you say it."

"Old Ancestor, we don't want to either. It was this human kid who used flying swords to plot against us from behind while we were not paying attention, and we were defeated. Otherwise, we would have killed him."

"Okay, don't talk about it, you have been fooled by this simple move, and you still have the face to say it." The ancestor was also very angry. Three of his strongest descendants were actually bullied by a person in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm.So in order to maintain the prestige of Shituoling, he also took action himself.

"How dare you bully my grandson in broad daylight, the boy will take his life."

The speed of the demon king was really terrifying. As soon as he finished speaking, he teleported behind Lin Xiu, and turned around to punch Lin Xiu in the back.

But who is Lin Xiu? Years of experience in licking blood at the edge of a knife has made his fighting consciousness an instinctive reaction. Therefore, when he saw the demon king disappearing into his body, Lin Xiu quickly stepped aside and avoided it. this attack.

Lin Xiu's quick reaction really surprised the demon king, and he was not surprised that his descendants were defeated by this human being.Such an excellent sense of reaction is enough to give him the confidence to fight three against one.However, the huge gap in strength between the Immortal King and the Golden Immortal cannot be made up by relying solely on this fighting awareness.

The demon king didn't give Lin Xiu the slightest chance to breathe, only to see a long spear appeared in his hand.

Lin Xiu could sense that the long spear was not an ordinary long spear, but a seventh-rank fairy weapon, and he could faintly feel the coercion from the dragon clan from above.

The demon king waved his long spear, and a red dragon shadow flew out from the tip of the spear, piercing Lin Xiu's heart. Lin Xiu didn't dare to urge his own Arhat to die, and used the Arhat Palm.

The palm print in the air collided with the dragon shadow. It seemed that the dragon shadow had the upper hand. As expected, the palm print began to shatter under the impact of the dragon shadow, and finally completely shattered the palm print. Shadow blocked it.

Seeing that the attack worked, the demon king swung the spear continuously, and the speed became faster and faster, even producing afterimages.

One after another dragon shadows rushed towards Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu naturally didn't dare to be careless, and Qinglian Arhat hurriedly moved.

Blossoming golden lotuses collided with the dragon shadow, and in the end there was still no winner. They also exploded in the air at the same time, and the space of the explosion began to distort a bit.

The demon king also understood that this level of attack would not cause any harm to Lin Xiu, so he had to use all his strength.

I saw the demon king throwing the spear into the air, and suddenly a huge thunderbolt hit the spear, and after a while, the sky seemed to be calm again.

Under the baptism of thunder and lightning, the gun body began to have a little thunder light around it, which looked very imposing.

Afterwards, the spear returned to the demon king's hand. With a wave of the spear, the huge momentum could not even withstand the surrounding air. The demon king poked the tip of the spear forward, and a huge Thunder Dragon belt Charged towards Lin Xiu with lightning.

At this time, Lin Xiu also understood that if he continued to spend with the demon king like this, he would have to play sooner or later.So he also thought of a very risky method.Facing the huge Thunder Dragon, Lin Xiu actually chose not to activate his Arhat Extinguishing Body, and he seemed to be preparing something.A huge electric current would pass through Lin Xiu's body, only to see a golden light emerge from that magical armor, absorbing a large part of the power of the lightning.However, the power of the lightning was so great that Lin Xiu seemed to be knocked unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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