Chapter 1383
In order to get the first place in this day's list, this is a hurdle that Li Ba still has to overcome.

But his intuition told Lin Xiu that this Li Ba was not easy to deal with, and this would be another fierce battle.

Lin Xiu was also the first to strike. With the blessing of Arhat's Great Destroyer, Lin Xiu's punch can also cause a strong man in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Realm to suffer a lot.So Lin Xiu punched Li Ba unpretentiously.

But what surprised Lin Xiu was that his not-so-weak punch hit Li Ba, like throwing cotton onto a steel plate, and it had no effect at all.

This also had to make Lin Xiu pay more attention to Li Ba. This Li Ba may be the most tyrannical body he has ever seen.This also made Lin Xiu feel very headache. If his attack was like scratching an itch, then the chance of winning this game was basically zero.

Naturally, Li Ba would not let Lin Xiu be in a daze, and slashed at the top of Lin Xiu's head with an axe. However, because Li Ba's speed was not very fast, Lin Xiu also dodged to the side lightly, avoiding this time. attack.

"It's not a problem to be beaten like this all the time. No matter what, I have to take the initiative."

Lin Xiu also opened up his own equality of all beings, and blossoming green lotus also appeared around Lin Xiu in an instant, and another set of green lotus swordsmanship poured on Li Ba, but this time the green lotus swordsmanship didn't seem to have any effect. Unfavorable effect before.

When the blossoming green lotus hit Li Ba, a protective cover appeared around him, absorbing most of the damage caused by the green lotus.So hitting him has no effect.

This made Lin Xiu feel very tricky. You must know that it is almost his strongest attack so far. If even this attack can't cause substantial damage to Li Ba, the competition is almost over.

Li Ba also saw that Lin Xiu's attack had no effect, and started his own attack rhythm.He yelled loudly and stomped his feet, causing the entire stage to shake.

This is really a brute, and this power is the most terrifying that Lin Xiu has ever seen. If he was punched by him, even with Lin Xiu's tyrannical body, Cong would probably be seriously injured.

So Lin Xiu was not careless, and kept concentrating on dodging Li Ba's attack.

Seeing that his attack was unable to hit Lin Xiu, Li Ba also seemed to be thinking about countermeasures.

Lin Xiu also understood that Li Ba could not be hurt by his own attack at all, and he had to rely on his strength to win this competition.

Li Ba didn't give Lin Xiu too much chance to breathe, and he slashed at Lin Xiu with another axe, smashing a big hole in the ground.

Seeing that his repeated attacks didn't work, Li Ba couldn't help bursting into real anger. He curled up his body into a ball, and then started to spin like a spinning top crazily.

"You fake, try my meat bomb attack."

As he said that, he rolled towards Lin Xiu. This was the first time Lin Xiu saw someone using his own body as an attack weapon, but after Lin Xiu saw how tyrannical Li Ba's body was.He didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly urged his body to hide.But what surprised him was that Li Ba seemed to be rolling faster and faster, and sooner or later he would be crushed to death by Li Ba.

At this critical moment, Lin Xiu finally thought of how to deal with the impact of the meat bomb.

I saw Lin Xiu flying towards the outside of the city suddenly, and Li Ba was also chasing after him.

"Hurry up, there is a canyon or something, or this young master is really going to die here."

As Lin Xiu wished, a grand canyon appeared in front of him. Lin Xiu also jumped forward, and at the same time, he used the enchanting magic to the rear.

Li Yuanba in the back was also blocked by Lin Xiu because he had been following behind him all the time. Naturally, he didn't see a canyon in front of him. Losing control of his body, he also fell into the valley.

Lin Xiu only heard a bang, and the whole canyon seemed to vibrate because of it.

"This Li Ba is really a big bull. He can make such a big noise with just a fall. I'd better go down and have a look. I feel that this person is quite simple and honest, and he is worth dating."

Speaking of jumping into the canyon, he saw Li Ba covered in blood at a glance.

"What are you doing? Don't come here. I've already lost. Do you still want to kill someone to silence me?" Li Ba felt a little flustered when he saw Lin Xiu following him again.

Lin Xiu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Li Ba's appearance, did he look so scary?

"Brother, I'm not that kind of person. Let me go to the end of the trial, and let me heal your injury."

Fortunately, Li Ba's injury was not serious, and no internal organs were injured. Lin Xiu also quickly healed Li Ba's injury.

"Hey, although you healed my injury, don't think I will admit that you defeated me. I won't admit that you defeated me with this method." Li Ba obviously used this method to Lin Xiu. This method defeated myself very unconvinced.

Lin Xiu was also amused by Li Ba's words. He is really a warlike madman, but he still thinks about winning or losing at this time.But this honest and simple personality is indeed a trustworthy friend.

"Brother Li Ba, do you know what strength that Wang Dian is?"

Lin Xiu was also very curious about Wang Dian and others who had not appeared for a long time.

"Then Wang Dian has already reached the later stage of the Immortal King, and his strength is outstanding. I have challenged him many times but ended in failure. In addition, he is in the same group as the top three, with Wang Dian as the leader." Mentioning the name Wang Dian, Li Ba He also looked very unwilling, and was defeated by him many times because of being calculated.

"Why don't our two brothers also form an alliance." Lin Xiu also knew that if this was the case, it would be difficult for him to deal with the three of them. Second, Lin Xiu is very difficult to beat.

"No, I won't form an alliance with someone who can't beat me." He said with a look of dissatisfaction again.

"..." Lin Xiu was also very speechless, and Li Ba was also stubborn, so he couldn't talk to him.

Hey, I can only rely on myself in this ladder match.

"Tomorrow, the downtown trading market will be open. Players on the top and bottom rankings can exchange for something to prepare for the ladder competition." After finishing speaking, Li Ba held his own ax and didn't look back. gone.

"He is really an interesting person. I don't know if I meet him in the ladder competition, will I be an enemy or a friend."

(End of this chapter)

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