Chapter 1391 Crisis
On the other side, following Lin Xiu's non-stop rush, he finally returned to Longteng Continent after a day and a night of travelling. However, it seemed that there were no people coming and going as Lin Xiu imagined. Like a catastrophe.

This also brought a very bad premonition to Lin Xiu, just as Lin Xiu expected, walking forward, Lin Xiu actually found several corpses in front of him.Several of them appeared to be aborigines here, but the rest of the remaining bodies seemed to have come from foreign invasions.

Because clusters of black air were still emitting from these corpses, they looked very hideous and terrifying.

This bad premonition also made Lin Xiu involuntarily quicken his pace, and he also felt a little worried.

"Don't let anything happen, Xiaobai."

Half an hour later, Lin Xiu finally arrived at the entrance of the West Sea Dragon Palace. What could be replaced was not a magnificent gate, but a look of burning, killing and looting.This scene of devastation also made Lin Xiu feel even more uneasy.

Suddenly there seemed to be a sound of fighting from inside, and Lin Xiu also rushed in.

In the West Sea Dragon Palace, a large group of soldiers has surrounded the meeting hall of the Dragon Palace.

"Little Bailong, I still advise you to hand over the Ruyi Golden Cudgel obediently, otherwise your brother will go to hell, hahaha."

The person who spoke seemed to be the leader of that team of soldiers, and the elder brother he was talking about was naturally Ao Moang.

"Don't give him Bai'er, this is the treasure of our palace. If you give it to this bastard, our entire Longteng Continent will suffer." Of course it was Ao Guang, the owner of the Dragon Palace, but at this time he completely lost his former self. Majestic, it seems that he has been severely injured, and his body is dripping with blood, and he looks very embarrassed.

Xiao Bailong also looked very embarrassed, on one side was his brother's life, although this Ao Moang once wanted to harm him, but they are still brother and sister after all, the blood is thicker than water, so he can't just sit back and watch his brother in spite of.On the other side, if he handed over the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, it would definitely bring disaster to the entire Soaring Dragon Continent.For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

"Haha, did you see, Ao Moang, your sister doesn't even care about your life and death, and thinks that a stick is more important than your life. You are quite pitiful, so let me give you a ride."

There was a black flame in this man's hand, and he slammed down on Ao Moang's head.

Just at this critical moment, Lin Xiu arrived in time.

"Stop!" Before the words finished, a blue sword flew out and hit the man's hand, and Ao Moang also fell from his hand.

This Ao Moang also just came back from the brink of death, and he hasn't recovered yet.

"Who dares to spoil my good deeds, come out to see if I don't burn you into meat slag."

"It's your grandpa, if you dare to grab something from grandpa, you don't want to have a good life today!"

While speaking, Lin Xiu also came out of the cave beside him.

"Father. You are finally back." Xiaobai, who hadn't seen Lin Xiu for a long time, couldn't help getting excited when she saw Lin Xiu appear here, because in her heart, her father was like a god of war, without him invincible enemy

"Yes, Daddy came back to see you, don't worry, Daddy will help you get rid of this scumbag right away." Lin Xiu had a smile on his face. It is very reassuring and will give people a hopeful force.This is also one of the reasons why there are always many people around Lin Xiu, fighting for him.

Hearing Lin Xiu call him Zhalong, the dragon with black air all over his body was also furious.

"You brat dare to spoil my good deeds, let's see if I will burn you to ashes later."

"Lin Xiu, be careful, this black dragon doesn't know what kind of secret method it used, its strength has grown very fast, even I am no match for him."

Ao Guang also discovered that Lin Xiu's current strength had reached the peak of the Golden Immortal. Although he was still some distance away from the top powerhouses, the speed of his growth surprised him even with the dragon blood.

It was because Qing Xin himself did not forcibly snatch the little white dragon away from Lin Xiu at that time, otherwise such an amazingly talented person, given him some time, would shake the fairy world for him.Not to mention the West Sea Dragon Palace.

The black dragon was also the first to take the shot, throwing out several groups of black flames at the same time. After the shot, the flames became bigger and bigger, but Lin Xiu's speed was still enough to cope with the speed of the flames.A chic turn around also avoided the attack of the flames.

But although the flame did not hit Lin Xiu, it also hit the rock wall of the cave, and the rocks on the rock wall seemed to be corroded.The flame seems to have the effect of corroding objects. It seems that ordinary armor is useless against the flame.

But Lin Xiu is different, he has a defensive artifact like the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

Seeing that the black dragon missed a blow, several balls of flames flew out. This time Lin Xiu did not choose to dodge, but directly chose to try to absorb the flames with the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

I have to say that Lin Xiu is indeed a person who dares to try, and he also dares to try various combinations in battle.

This time, Lin Xiu was right again. The black flame was completely absorbed by the pagoda, and it seemed that after being absorbed by the pagoda, it could still be used by Lin Xiu. As an artifact, the Linglong Pagoda does serve a very good auxiliary purpose.

Seeing that his flame was absorbed, the black dragon was also a little surprised. You must know that your flame is made of many dead souls, so it has a corrosive effect, so ordinary defensive spiritual weapons have no effect on it.But Lin Xiu's pagoda can not only defend against his demon fire, but also transform his own demon fire into something useful to him, which makes Heilong surprised. ,

However, this black dragon is a master of the Immortal King Realm after all, and he quickly returned to the fighting state. He was also holding a halberd in his hand, and the halberd was still emitting a trace of black air.

The next move of the black dragon also stunned Lin Xiu and others. He actually swallowed the halberd from his mouth. What's even more incredible is that after swallowing, not only did he not hurt himself, but instead made the black halberd on his body The aura became more intense, and it seemed that after swallowing the halberd, the black dragon's strength had increased a lot.

"Stinky boy, there are not many people who can force me to use this trick. You can be proud of yourself if you can do this."

(End of this chapter)

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