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Chapter 140 Why Don't You Give Me Face?

Chapter 140 Why Don't You Give Me Face?

But after Lu Ting heard it, he felt very speechless in his heart. This is your subordinate, but his strength is ten times stronger than yours. If you say such words, will you blush?

"It seems that you only have this kind of strength. Since this is the case, I don't need to test it anymore!" Lu Bu's voice came.

This surprised Lu Ting. Could it be that Lu Bu was only testing him just now, and didn't use his full strength at all?
Impossible, I don't believe it!

Lu Ting's palm is claw-shaped, and a whirlwind is wrapped around each of his fingers. This move is the strongest move he has, the second soul skill!

"Wind Crack Claw!"

Wherever Lu Ting's palm passed, the air was torn open, and Lu Ting's palm seemed to contain a whirlwind, and it had already blasted towards Lu Bu.

"Slaying the Heavenly Halberd!" Lu Bu yelled, and he sent the halberd in front of him, like an ordinary halberd, but in the blink of an eye, he attacked Lu Ting in an instant. Ting's claws faced each other, and a huge wave of air burst out.

Lu Bu's body didn't move, but Lu Ting flew backwards, and a huge blood hole appeared in his palm. In this competition, the winner was already obvious.

When Lu Bu gained power, Fang Tian cut Lu Ting with his halberd. If Lu Ting was hit by this cut, Lu Ting would surely die.

With the sound of an eagle's cry, the eagle martial soul immediately stood in front of Fang Tian's painted halberd, and Fang Tian's painted halberd cut the eagle martial soul in half in an instant. Without the martial soul controlled by the master of the martial soul, the strength is not even strong. Like a monster of the same level.

Seeing Lu Bu's murderous look, Lu Ting's face changed drastically. Does this man really want to kill himself?
"Don't—" Yu Rou immediately yelled loudly, she rushed to Lu Ting and said, "Lin Xiu, please don't kill my master!"

"My lord, do you want to kill her?" Lu Bu asked Lin Xiu.

"Let me tell you something!" Lin Xiu said, only to see that he had already walked towards Yu Rou and Lu Ting.

Lu Ting was seriously injured by Lu Bu. Although he will not lose his fighting power now, it is obvious that he can no longer compare with Lu Bu.

"Lin Xiu, this is my master, you can't kill him!" Yu Rou begged.

"Yu Rou, do you know that he came here today to kill me, if Feng Xian is not here today, I might be the one who died!" Lin Xiu said with a cold look at Yu Rou.

"I know, I tried to persuade my master, but Lin Xiu, please let my master go, I only have one master!" Yu Rou knelt down and said.

"I've already paid you back!"

"My favor, please help my master, you saved me before, I will pay you back this life!"

Yu Rou's eyes were firm. She drew out her sword and wanted to kill herself.

"No, Xiaorou!"

With a swipe of Lin Xiu's hand, only a crisp sound appeared, and Yu Rou's sword was knocked out.

"Since you respect your master so much, then I won't kill him!" Lin Xiu said with a sigh in his heart.

Lin Xiu remembered the news in the letter left by his cheap father, he had better not kill Lu Ting, otherwise, it would be very difficult to explain to Ling Yunzong.

"Really? Thank you, Master Lin Xiu!" When Yu Rou heard this, joy appeared on her face.

"However, what he did to my second uncle, I need to pay back twice!" Lin Xiu said, only to see his body swaying, appearing in front of Lu Ting, punching out with his right hand, and the Fu Yuan fist punched Lu Ting. Ting's arm snapped off.

"Don't—" Yu Rou wanted to stop her, but Lu Bu stood in her way.

Lin Xiu ignored Yu Rou's words at all, his eyes fell on Lu Ting, and Lu Ting's face showed pain.

"Ah—" Lu Ting let out a scream, but Lin Xiu had already grabbed his arm, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Lu Ting, if it weren't for Miss Yu Rou and my father's face today, you would already be a dead person, and now you are only allowed to recuperate for a few months, and you have made money!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, his knees shook He lifted it and bumped into Lu Ting's arm.

"Crack!" There was a crisp fracture sound, and Lu Ting's arm twisted strangely, and he screamed and fell into a coma.

"Master—" Yu Rou shouted hastily.

"What's your name? He's not dead!" Lin Xiu said, slapping Lu Ting's face hard.

When Yu Rou heard this, the corner of her mouth twitched. It was true that she was not dead, but she was also half dead!Can I not be nervous?
"What are you doing? Lin Xiu, you've already taken revenge, what are you going to do?" Yu Rou asked hastily.

"Of course I want him to show me face!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Lu Ting's face was swollen. He finally woke up. Lin Xiu grabbed his collar and said, "Lu Ting, I just asked you to give me face. Why didn't you give me face? Why didn't you give me face?"

"I...I'll give it!" Lu Ting was completely confused, but he didn't want to be slapped by Lin Xiu again in front of so many people, he shouted quickly.

"Ding, Lu Ting, a high-level warrior in the Wuxu Realm, gave the host face and collected 101 face points!"

"Ding, Lu Ting, a high-level warrior in the Wuxu Realm, gave the host face and collected 103 face points!"

Each person can show face twice at most. Now Lu Ting is very afraid of Lin Xiu. Seeing this, Lin Xiu threw him aside and said, "What elder Lingyunzong, that's all! Let's go!"

After everyone saw it, they were also at a loss. It is obvious that Lu Ting is like this. If you still bully others, are you still human?
Why save face? In their eyes, Lin Xiu is just looking for excuses to torture Lu Ting. After all, this bitch can do such a thing!
Lu Ting lost a lot of face this time, but he was also very depressed, but he didn't dare to resist at all. This Lu Bu's strength far surpassed him, and even if it wasn't Wu Zunjing, he might not be far behind.

"Master!" Yu Rou immediately came over to help Lu Ting up.

"He... is terrible..." Lu Ting's words were a little unclear.

"Master, don't offend him anymore, he's just a bitch, we can't beat him!" Yu Rou sighed as she thought of Lin Xiu's various situations.

A layer of cold sweat appeared on the backs of the members of the Tang family. They were once again thankful that they did not offend Lin Xiu this time, otherwise, they would have died here this time.

Lin Xiu took the members of the Lin family out. After all, the monster cores collected this time were enough, and Lin Xiu and others didn't need to collect other inner alchemy.

After Lin Xiu and others left here, Yu Rou treated Lu Ting's injury first. The wound medicine in Yu Rou's hand was still Lin Xiu's, and this kind of wound medicine was better than the one on her body. This is really a mockery.

"It's time for us to leave too!" Yu Judao was heard, "This time, let's not fight with Lin Xiu anymore, we can't win him!"

"Yes!" Tang Feng and others quickly replied.

At this time, only a loud noise was heard, and the ground trembled violently.

"What is approaching?" Tang Wan'er exclaimed.

 Thanks to a sun dolphin for the reward of 100 book coins, today is still the third watch!

(End of this chapter)

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