Chapter 1400
However, the Dark Demon King didn't think too much, and threw the chain directly at Lin Xiu, who was flying towards him. Through this deadly chain.

Just when the Dark Demon King was startled by Lin Xiu's speed, Lin Xiu had already rushed to his side, directly using the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, but when the Dark Demon King was about to take the stick, Lin Xiu was With a slight smile, he immediately moved to the back of the Dark Demon King with his own footwork, and dropped the stick.

This is one of the tricks that Sun Wukong told Lin Xiu. It is true and false, and true and false make people unable to defend themselves. This is also the power of this dog-beating stick method.

The Dark Demon King who was hit by a stick was also shot down directly from the sky, and then fell heavily on the ground. A mouthful of blood spurted out, obviously he had suffered a lot of injuries.

Lin Xiu also did not expect that the dog-beating stick technique would show such a good effect from the very beginning. You must know that the Dark Demon King is also close to the strength of the Immortal Emperor, and it is not an easy task to gain an advantage over him.

The battlefield began to turn in an instant, and Lin Xiu firmly gained the upper hand. No matter from which angle the Dark Demon King attacked, he was able to do it in a watertight way, and when defending, he could also counterattack instantly. Let the Dark Demon King have no power to parry at all.

The Dark Demon King retreated steadily, and Lin Xiu also wanted to capture him alive, and get some information about the Dark Demon Race from his mouth.

"Dark Demon King, you can't beat me anymore, just surrender."

However, the Dark Demon King didn't intend to surrender, instead he rushed towards Lin Xiu.

"No, he's going to blow himself up."

Lin Xiu's keen perception told him that a huge energy was spreading from the body of the Dark Demon King.He didn't dare to be careless, this was the self-destruction of a strong Immortal King, and the power was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although Lin Xiu had the opportunity to retreat and dodge, but considering that if he dodged, the soldiers of the angel clan below would definitely not be able to accept the aftermath of the explosion.

Although the angel clan is not very friendly to him, he will definitely not be like the dark demon clan, who can use the lives of the clan members for his own benefit.

So he chose one person to absorb all the aftermath of the explosion. Although it was very risky, it was still very safe for Lin Xiu.He also sacrificed his Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and added Qinglian Arhat to resist.

But the self-destruction power of this immortal king powerhouse is still too great, Cong Ran Linxiu has already developed his strongest defense.He was still blown away by the shock wave of the explosion more than 10 meters away, and passed out directly.

Seeing this, the Great Elder at the side felt extremely ashamed. He was not as magnanimous as a 17.8-year-old boy. He who could go away just now chose to block the almost fatal explosion for a foreign race. He blushed.

When Lin Xiu woke up, he found himself lying in the bedroom of the Western Temple, next to the girl Shuang'er whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Master Lin Xiu, you finally woke up. You are really going to scare Shuang'er to death." Shuang'er on the side was very excited when he saw Lin Xiu finally woke up.

"What are you talking about, silly girl? How can such an invincible and healthy young master like you die as soon as you want to die?" Lin Xiu also finally saw the maid Shuang'er whom he hadn't seen for a long time, so he was naturally very happy, so he talked with Shuang'er laugh it out.

At this moment, the Great Elder walked in with a look of shame on his face.

"Thanks to little brother Lin Xiu, our Western Temple was able to keep this time. I was confused before and shouldn't deny your number one achievement just because of your foreign identity. Now this old man has figured it out. As long as you are talented, our Western Temple The temple will accept it.

"This time, the little brother's heart of repaying grievances with virtue really makes the old man feel ashamed, so this time the old man wants to invite little brother Lin Xiu to come back to our clan to be the holy son. Not only does he have rich cultivation resources, but he can also accept that every year our angel clan One-time baptism, I don't know what little brother Lin Xiu wants."

The Great Elder obviously took a fancy to Lin Xiu's powerful strength and regretted his previous actions, so he wanted to recruit Lin Xiu into the Angel Clan, so as to ensure the safety of the Angel Clan in the future. Now the Dark Demon Clan Invasion on a large scale, the more powerful there are, the more protection there will be.

But Lin Xiu didn't think so.

"Hmph, you want to give me a candy after you slapped me. You're playing me for a fool. It's not uncommon for the holy son of the angelic clan, but I'm still very interested in the baptism of your angelic clan. Yes, if you really feel sorry, take me there to be baptized, and I will let go of the past."

Lin Xiu is a smart person. The reason why he desperately wanted to be the holy son before was to save the twin girls from the western temple, and now there is no need to save them.If you still want to be the Holy Son, it’s not because your brain is in the water. As the Holy Son, although you can get free training resources, you have to bear the huge obligation of defense. This is very reluctant for Lin Xiu of.

The Great Elder of the Western Temple turned green and pale for a while when Lin Xiu said it, but he didn't make a sound, because he knew that in this world where strength is the most respected, strength is the best right to speak.Now, his strength is far inferior to that of Lin Xiu in front of him, so he will naturally not fight back when beaten or scolded.

"This is possible. Little brother Lin Xiu has made such a great contribution to our temple this time. Naturally, there is no problem if he wants to be baptized. It just so happens that the time for baptism will be three days later. Shuang'er can take you there, old man I will not accompany you."

After speaking, he left in despair.

Seeing the great elder like this, Lin Xiu also felt secretly refreshed. Thinking of the domineering look before, and now this angry look, it also made Lin Xiu feel very happy.

This also made Lin Xiu realize how important strength is in this world. When you have no strength, all your words are a blank sheet of paper, which is not convincing.But when you have enough strength, you will be what you say.This is the benefit of strength, so Lin Xiu also asked to participate in the annual angel baptism.

"By the way, Shuang'er, what exactly is the baptism of the angel, do you know?"

"Well, the so-called angelic baptism is a Dan River left by the predecessors. There is a lot of experience stored in it, and it is easily absorbed. It also has the effect of tempering the blood."

(End of this chapter)

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