Chapter 1404
Because of the previous battle, Shuang'er also stood aside and did not make a move, so there is no information about Shuang'er in the intelligence.

Just when Lin Xiu realized that he had been fooled, the cloud of black air rushed over quickly. At this moment, Shuang'er finally made a move, shooting a golden light from his fingertips to dispel the black air in time.

Only then did the Dark Demon King notice that the woman next to Lin Xiu was also taken aback by Shuang'er's strength. She was able to easily block his own black energy, and indeed she had enough strength for him to face up to.

At this time, Lin Xiu also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had Shuang'er by his side, otherwise he would have to pay a precious price for his carelessness. However, Lin Xiu is not the kind who would fall twice in the same place. Therefore, he also began to treat the Dark Demon King seriously.

Taking advantage of the Dark Demon King's slight loss of consciousness, Lin Xiu quickly put aside the ax and quickly opened the distance from the Dark Demon King.

The Dark Demon King was also upset when he saw that he had missed the best opportunity because of this pair, so he directly chose a more direct long-range attack, because he knew that after Lin Xiu had suffered a loss, he would definitely not give himself a second chance. The opportunity to get close, so he also chooses long-range attacks.

He slammed the big ax into the ground, and a crack opened on the ground. Suddenly, an earth dragon emerged from the crack directly under Lin Xiu's feet. Fortunately, Lin Xiu's reaction was fast enough, and he directly doubled With a flick of his feet, he flew off the ground.However, the earth dragon didn't seem to intend to let Lin Xiu go, and also rushed into the sky vertically. Looking at the situation, Lin Xiu also knew that if the earth dragon didn't break it up, it seemed that it would never stop chasing him.

So he didn't run away anyway, and finally took out his Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and hit the earth dragon with a blow, and the earth dragon was smashed to pieces in an instant.

But just when Lin Xiu thought he could escape the earth dragon's pursuit, the shattered earth dragon reassembled from the ground, as if the earth dragon would never be broken.

Just when Lin Xiu didn't know how to deal with the earth dragon, Shuang'er's voice came from the side.

"Lin Xiu, lead this earth dragon into the water."

It seems that the authorities are really obsessed, and the bystanders are clear. Even Lin Xiu has forgotten such a simple method.

There was a lake not far from the battlefield, so Lin Xiu didn't hesitate at all. First, he slowly slowed down to lure the earth dragon to follow, and then when he was waiting for the earth dragon to come after him, he suddenly dived into the lake. into the water.

Sure enough, as Shuang'er said, when the earth dragon followed Lin Xiu into the water, it was instantly dissolved.Seeing this, Lin Xiu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, the Dark Demon King couldn't help gnashing his teeth at Shuang'er, so he also wanted to kill Shuang'er first.

The Dark Demon King also took out the soul chain that the old nine had used before, and threw it directly at Lin Xiu.

Just when Lin Xiu thought that the chains were rushing towards him, suddenly the chains of the soul suddenly turned and rushed towards Shuang'er beside him, which Lin Xiu did not expect.

Fortunately, the pair's reaction was not slow. When they saw the chain suddenly turn around, they also hurriedly urged their angel wings to retreat directly to the rear.

Lin Xiu didn't hesitate either, and Ruyi's golden cudgel came out, knocking the chain away from Shuang'er's face, but the Dark Demon King didn't give up, and wrapped the chain around Lin Xiu's golden cudgel.

The Dark Demon King also wanted to use the golden cudgel as a medium to transmit the black energy, but Lin Xiu also saw through his trick, and hurriedly activated his Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to completely wipe out the black energy on his golden cudgel. Purified.

Lin Xiu also realized that this was a good opportunity to fight back. He also secretly injected spiritual power into the jar with his mind, and then sent the white beam of light to the Dark Demon King through the chain.

The Dark Demon King also sensed a powerful energy coming through his chain, and hurriedly wanted to take the chain back from the golden cudgel.But how could Lin Xiu let go of such a good opportunity so easily? He also tightly grasped the golden cudgel, preventing the Dark Demon King from completely taking back the chain.

I saw the white beam of light passing along the chain to the Dark Demon King. In an instant, the Dark Demon King squatted down with his head in pain as if he had suffered an electric shock, and the hand holding the chain was also loosened.

Clouds of black air emanated from the Dark Demon King's body, as if he had suffered a huge and serious injury.

What the Dark Demon King spewed out was not blood, but streams of black air.

Just when Lin Xiu thought that the winning ticket was in his hands, the Dark Demon King also directly dug out the heart from the soldiers on the side and ate it directly. The black energy that escaped also returned to the Dark Demon King's body. The secret methods of the family are very evil, and they can directly attract all the blood that they have lost from the air.

It seemed that if he couldn't defeat him at once, the continuous recovery would drag Lin Xiu to death.

Lin Xiu didn't hesitate either, he activated the dog-beating stick technique and the Qinglian sword technique at the same time, holding the golden cudgel in one hand, and the Qinglian sword suspended in the air.

This is also after Lin Xiu upgraded to the peak of Jinxian, with the improvement of his mental power, he can control two weapons and use two exercises at the same time.

I saw that Lin Xiu used his Qinglian Sword to protect his body to prevent the Dark Demon King from attacking, and he used the dog-beating stick method as an offensive method. This attack and defense made the Dark Demon King unable to parry, and finally Lin Xiu also didn't give the Dark Demon King a chance to counterattack, and Qinglian Arhat directly pierced the Dark Demon King's chest with his sword.

The black air all over the sky instantly exploded from the blade of Lin Xiu's Qinglian Sword, but another mass of black matter mixed out of it.

"Haha, you kid didn't expect that, when I come back next time, I will definitely tear you to pieces."

It turned out that the dark demon king wanted to escape his soul before Lin Xiu noticed it, and then resurrected his soul with a dead body.

But Lin Xiu would not give the Dark Demon King such an opportunity, and he also urged the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to see that the soul of the Dark Demon King who was about to escape was locked in the pagoda.

"Let me out, let me out, if my elder brother finds out, he will take revenge on you." The Dark Demon King's voice also came from Qibao Linglong Pagoda.

Lin Xiu also ignored the Dark Demon King's cry, and directly locked the Dark Demon King in the pagoda. After the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda refines the Dark Demon King's soul, he can get some experience pills. Don't have much experience, but it's better than nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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