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Chapter 1411 The Perverted Four Weevils

Chapter 1411 The Perverted Four Elephant Armor

"Shuang'er, I'm ready, lead it here."

Just when Shuang'er was at a loss, Lin Xiu's voice finally came from his ear.It turned out that Lin Xiu had finally prepared his ultimate move.

Shuang'er also nodded slightly, and also made a move with Yu Tianjian, drawing a cross in the air, and then a cross of sword energy flew towards the monster.At the same time, Shuang'er also retreated towards the rear.

Naturally, the sword energy had no effect on the monster beast, and it only had the effect of attracting the monster beast's attention.The monster also blocked it casually, blocking the white sword light.Then seeing the pair wanting to run away, they also chased after them.

But it happened to hit Lin Xiu's arms, and Shuang'er quickly rushed to Lin Xiu's side, and then the monster immediately followed.Lin Xiu also saw that the monster rushed into his trap, and pulled Shuang'er back crazily.

At the same time, Lin Xiu also activated the large formation that had been arranged, and the Qinglian Sword Formation was about to explode. To be sure, Lin Xiu still added his own spiritual attack inside.

Sure enough, the monster still fell into Lin Xiu's trap. As soon as it entered Lin Xiu's formation, a violent sword intent rushed towards it, followed by a white spirit attack.

The berserk energy also crazily tore apart the monster's defense. First of all, it was difficult for him to concentrate on defending after being severely traumatized, and Lin Xiu's berserk sword rain crazily tore through the monster's defense. Not long after, it Cracks began to appear on Xuanwu's back, obviously unable to withstand the double attack.

"Shuang'er, can you still activate the death wings again?"

The reason why Lin Xiu asked this question was that he could see that his attack alone could not completely knock down this monster with one blow, so he wanted to ensure that he could completely knock it down, so she also wanted to use Shuang'er Mortal Wings.

"It should be possible to cast it once, I will try my best."

I saw all the 12 wings on Shuang'er's back unfolded, and then flew towards the sky in different directions, and then scattered in the sky. The white feathers all over the sky finally locked on the monster.

Sure enough, it was similar to what Lin Xiu predicted. Although his mental attack and the Qinglian sword array had a good effect, but the monster with a strong defense like Xuanwu did not suffer any substantial damage. Almost destroyed by this monster.

At this time, the wings all over the sky also seemed to have received an order, and they inserted towards the monster beast, and instantly white covered the monster beast's surroundings.Indeed, the monster whose defense had been broken by Lin Xiu before was also powerless to resist the deadly wings, and the white wings were inserted into its body without hindrance.

In an instant, the red blood intertwined with the white feathers, there was a kind of desolate beauty, and the monster also fell down in the white feathers.

Seeing this, Lin Xiu was relieved, this time without Shuang'er's lethal wings, it is still unclear who will win the battle.

"Finally beat this difficult guy." Lin Xiu also smiled and looked at Shuang'er aside. If she hadn't shot at a critical moment this time, she might have been beaten to death by this monster.The cooperation between them this time also brought about subtle changes in their emotions.

From the previous master-servant relationship to the current comrades-in-arms fighting side by side, the tacit understanding between them has improved.

"Let's go, Shuang'er, let's go and see the treasure we got through so much hard work."

Lin Xiu also couldn't wait to see whether the things he almost sacrificed his life for were worth it.

Shuang'er was also pulled by Lin Xiu, and returned to the place where the monster was imprisoned before. Sure enough, the ugly armor was still there.

When Lin Xiu picked up the armor, the scroll ran out of Lin Xiu's ring on his own initiative, and this time there was no map, and some words appeared on it.

It turns out that this armor is called the Four Elephant Armor. In addition to its powerful defensive effect, it also has an effect that makes Lin Xiu very excited. When it takes damage, it can reflect nearly 50% of the damage.

This is a very powerful effect, especially in protracted battles, combined with Lin Xiu's powerful recovery ability.It can be said that as long as the opponent can't kill Lin Xiu with one blow, he will probably be consumed by the anti-injury effect and Lin Xiu's powerful recovery ability.

In the counterattack, it can even have unexpected effects.

"It seems that we have found something good this time, let's go, Shuanger, let's go up."

"Okay." But there seems to be something wrong with the pair, and they look a little weak.

Lin Xiu hurriedly began to check Shuang'er's body, and finally found the problem. It turned out that the flame of the monster was blocked by Shuang'er on the surface, or a little flame rushed into Shuang'er's body, and this The flames are still a bit evil, not only burning the blood, but also rushing to the top of Shuang'er's head, which is also a sign of eroding the spiritual power.

Moreover, this pair used the lethal wings twice in a row today, and the energy consumption was quite large, so the body's resistance became very weak.

In the current situation, even Lin Xiu has no choice but to go back to the Four Elephant Palace first, so as to have enough medicinal materials to treat Shuang'er.

"Shuang'er, hold on, we'll go up right away, and I'll find herbs to treat you when we get there."

"Lin Xiu, I...I'm fine, I just need to rest."

"Stop talking, you have suffered serious internal injuries, and your vitality has been consumed too much. I will take you up immediately."

Lin Xiu also didn't even think about it, the Arhat's Immortal Body was opened, and at the same time the mental attack was activated at the same time, and it exploded towards the entrance in an instant. After several repeated attempts, the entrance was finally opened.

They also quickly picked up Shuang'er and returned to the ground. Everyone in Sixiang Palace was very surprised to see that Lin Xiu and Shuang'er came out of it.

Lin Xiu also didn't care about other people's eyes. He picked up Shuang'er and walked towards the pharmacy. At this time, Shuang'er had passed out due to too much energy consumption. This also made Lin Xiu very worried, and hurried out of the pharmacy Looking for the medicinal materials he needs, there are also some 7th and 8th grade medicinal materials.

Now, the four masters of the Four Elephant Palace are a little reluctant. After all, these are some treasures in their palace. Although Lin Xiu is also one of them now, he has not made any contribution to the Four Elephant Palace. He is not worthy to take away these rare medicinal materials so brazenly.

"Hey, let me tell you that you really treat this place as your own home, you can take whatever you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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