Chapter 1414 Ambition
"I said three-legged Golden Crow, you are so confused. You know that paying this protection fee is nothing but meat buns and dogs. It is a temporary solution, not the root cause, and you still want to do this."

"Master, I have no other choice. If I don't pay the protection fee, they will slaughter the city. I can ignore my life, but I can't ignore the master and madam."

"Okay, okay, I also know that it's not easy for you. It seems that I still have to do it myself. If the Kunpeng clan dares to come, I will let him go and never return!"

Lin Xiu also understands this kind of role that bullies the weak and fears the tough, only by looking at your fists, this kind of person will only be afraid of his more ruthless role.

"Pass my order down, I will take the lead in the charge, and all the fox soldiers will be dispatched."

"Yes, Master Lin Xiu."

At this time, the Kunpeng clan outside also captured the city gate, and they were about to reach the inner city. At this time, Lin Xiu also rushed out with the fox clan army.

"The army of fox demons listened to my orders, and today they are fighting for our territory, no one is allowed to retreat, did you hear me?

"We are willing to fight for the territory of our clan!"

Shocking shouts resounded throughout the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan. It seems that the most important thing in an army is its soul, and the whole army will be different once Lin Xiu comes back.

Lin Xiu was also the first to rush into the enemy's formation. Once Lin Xiu entered, he was like a wolf into a flock of sheep. Wherever he went, every time the sword rose and fell, it would inevitably bring a human head. The fox soldiers were also led by Lin Xiu , Showing his bravery, it didn't take long to kill all the Kunpeng clansmen.

"The mighty king!"

After all the enemies were killed, the soldiers of the fox clan couldn't help shouting. This loud shout also infected Lin Xiu. He also made up his mind to build a force that truly belonged to him here.

On the other side, within the Kunpeng clan.

A Kunpeng soldier also ran into the hall in a panic.

" to your lord."

Sitting in the main hall is a middle-aged man, wearing a blue-gold robe, looking very luxurious, with a thick black beard, making the whole person look very rough, and the powerful aura emanating from his body also shows that his identity.

"Whatever you look like in a panic, talk about it if you have anything to say."

"My lord, it seems that all the troops we sent to attack the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan were wiped out by the Fox Monster Clan."

"What, all the soldiers we sent to the Fox Demon Clan were wiped out. How is this possible? There are three strong men from the Golden Immortal Realm inside."

King Kunpeng was also very surprised when he heard the news. Previously, he only sent a strong man from the Golden Immortal Realm to turn the fox monster clan upside down, but this time he sent three All the strong men of the Jinxian clan were wiped out.

"When did the fox demon clan become so powerful, or did they invite some strong people, otherwise it would be impossible to improve so much in a short period of time."

"My lord, what should we do next?"

"Immediately ordered that I personally lead all the teams to attack the fox monster clan. I still don't believe it. Even a small fox monster clan can't eat it."

On the other side, Lin Xiu was discussing something with the three-legged Golden Crow.

"Master, do you have any plans when you come back this time?"

"Yes, when I come back this time, I just want to form a super force of my own, and it is best to achieve an existence that can compete with the strength of Tiangong."

It has to be said that Lin Xiu is also a very ambitious person. If he wants to do it, he will not do it, but if he wants to do it, he will do his best.So once he is ready to do something, he will definitely do his best to plan.

"Where does the young master plan to start? There are three major forces, the ape-monster clan, the sea-monster clan, and the demon wolf clan, and of course the Kunpeng clan."

"Among them, the Demon Wolf Clan is the most powerful, followed by the Ape Demon Clan and the Siren Clan, but their strength is much stronger than ours, especially their leader, even the worst Siren Clan is the Immortal King early days."

"There is no problem with this. Shuang'er and I are adding you now, and we can say that there is basically no major problem in dealing with the general Immortal King Realm."

Lin Xiu didn't talk too much, even if he alone could defeat an ordinary Immortal King in the early stage, let alone with the blessings of the three-legged Golden Crow and Shuang'er, an Immortal King would naturally not pose a big threat , making him worry is another issue.

"What I am most worried about now is that, apart from the three of us, there are too few strong members of the Fox Demon Clan. I have also found that the younger generation of our Fox Demon Clan is too weak. Except for a few Outside of the Celestial Fairyland, there are Earth Fairylands and the like, although as a strength that has just risen, if you want to become a giant power, this talent reserve is far from enough."

He also knows that the strength of a power depends not only on whether the top combat power is strong, but also on the strength of some younger generations. Otherwise, even if the top combat power is very strong, when these people start to age or even fall, they will be When this power began to perish.

As for cultivating young forces, the most important thing is to see whether the cultivation resources and hardware facilities are abundant.

And these two things, for the current Fox Monster Clan, are simply whimsical. Originally, some cultivation resources were obtained due to expansion, but because of the invasion of the Kunpeng Clan, there is basically nothing left, which makes Lin Xiu very happy. headache.

At this moment, the messenger also hurried in.

"Report to the patriarch that the Kunpeng clan is leading an army outside and threatening to ask us to hand over half of our cultivation resources, otherwise our city will be slaughtered."

"What, you really think we are soft persimmons, you can pinch if you want, pass the order, no matter who offends our clan, we will be killed all the way."

"It seems that someone saw us as poor and gave us heads. Three-legged Jinwu, let's go."

He is also very confident in his own strength, as long as the offender is not a figure of the Immortal Emperor level, it is definitely not a problem for Lin Xiu to defeat him.

Lin Xiu also rushed to the gate of the city with the three-legged Golden Crow very quickly, and sure enough, he saw a blue-gold robe screaming outside, and Lin Xiu seemed to feel an indescribable aura from him.

When King Kunpeng saw Lin Xiu standing at the forefront of the fox army, he was also shocked. It turned out that the leader of the fox clan was so young, he was really a monster, and he had such achievements at such a young age. Time, the future is immeasurable.

(End of this chapter)

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