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Chapter 1439 Taixu Academy

Chapter 1439 Taixu Academy
Lin Xiu also didn't expect that this blow, which mixed mental power and Yuan power, could have such a good effect, and it also gave Lin Xiu another trump card invisibly.

"Now, no one should have any objection to brother Lin Xiu taking 40.00% of the shares."

Both King Chunzhu and Liu Yue were defeated by Lin Xiu, and the others naturally had nothing to say, so they acquiesced.

After this hunting competition, Lin Xiu's Nine-Tailed Fox Clan also made a lot of money, not only gained a lot of experience pills, skills, but also many magic cores and fairy weapons.This also allows the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to truly have the capital to become a superpower.

Lin Xiu also quickly returned to his Nine-Tailed Fox Clan in the hunting competition, and started his grand plan for supremacy.

After returning, Lin Xiu also established a complete talent training system, as well as a reward and punishment system.Anyone who has made great contributions to the fox clan can obtain various skills, fairy weapons and even the existence of magic cores accordingly.

After arranging the general rules, Lin Xiu also became the hands-off shopkeeper again. He is not a person who likes to manage others by nature, so he also entrusts the big and small affairs of the clan to the three-legged Jinwu, but he and the two My son was playing outside all day long, as if he forgot that he still had a very important thing to do.

One day, Lin Xiuxiu and Shuang'er were enjoying the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms outside, when suddenly Lin Xiu's stomach hurt, as if something was about to come out of his stomach.Lin Xiu also hurriedly wanted to find a place to check his body, but halfway there, the Treasure Box Immortal who hadn't seen him for a long time ran out of Lin Xiu's body.

"How did you escape from my body, Immortal?"

"I feel that there seems to be a powerful and evil force that may be awakened. So I came out to remind you that we must speed up the collection of fairy body treasure boxes."

"Could it be that the immortal is talking about the real mastermind behind the dark demons?"

"He may have been preparing something before, but now it seems that he is almost ready."

But I don't even know the location of the Jade Emperor, let alone collect his blood. "

"I'm here to tell you some news about this Tiangong. There is a place called Taixu Academy in this Tiangong. Every year, many strong people come to this Taixu Academy. This Taixu Academy has a special The rule is that each student can only cultivate in it for one year, after one year, no matter whether you are satisfied with the results, you will be forcibly kicked out of this Taixu Academy."

"But is there any connection between this Taixu Academy and my meeting with the Jade Emperor?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. Otherwise, why would I talk so much nonsense with you? This Taixu Academy will have a final exam every year, and all students must take it. And most importantly, the Jade Emperor will also come to watch it in person .”

"Immortal, do you mean that you want me to attend this Taixu academy?"

"Well, I asked you to go not only to let you meet the Jade Emperor, but more importantly, the Taixu Academy is a force supported by Tiangong, so it is conceivable how rich the cultivation resources and contacts they will have Relationship, which can also make your strength grow rapidly."

"Then are there any restrictions on joining this Taixu Academy?"

"Of course there is, but you must reach above the Immortal King. So don't worry, just go."

"Then thank you, I pack up and get ready to go."

"You and I have a relationship of coexistence and death. To help you is to help myself, so you don't have to thank me, just go."

Lin Xiu also briefly introduced the Taixu Academy to Shuang'er, and Shuang'er was naturally willing to go with him.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, I will leave the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to you. Don't mess it up for me. The Dark Demon Clan is going to launch the final attack immediately. So if you encounter something that cannot be solved , just crush this token quickly, and I will be right back."

"Don't worry, if you hand over the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to me, I will definitely manage it well. When you come back next time, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan will also be one of the top forces in the society."

Lin Xiu also explained all the matters, and then started a new journey with Shuang'er.

Because Tiangong is still relatively far away from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, Lin Xiu deliberately took a break on the road and did not rush to Tiangong.

Finally, two days later, Lin Xiu arrived at Taixu Academy.

This Taixu Academy is worthy of being a school specially sponsored by Tiangong, and its scale is quite large, covering an area almost three times that of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, and it also has all the hardware facilities inside.

The strange thing is that there are no guards in front of this Taixu Academy, only a huge stone, which says that to enter, you must touch this stone, and pour your own energy into this stone.

Lin Xiu turned on his pupil technique and took a closer look. It turned out that there was an invisible barrier in front of the door, which should be related to this stone.

"Let me try it."

He put his hand on the stone and slowly poured his own energy into the stone. With the injection of energy, the stone also lighted up slightly.In the end, as Lin Xiu injected all his energy, a blue light shot out from the stone.

As the blue light shot out, Lin Xiu also saw that the barrier standing in front of the Taixu Academy finally disappeared.

"Sure enough, this stone is used to test the strength of the entrant."

"Shuang'er, put your hands on it and try."

When Shuang'er put his hand on it, the stone actually emitted a golden light, and finally the barrier disappeared.

The two of them also successfully entered this school, and it is really full of heroes.Lin Xiu and Shuang'er also saw a few familiar figures.

It turned out that Liu Yue and King Chunzhu also practiced here. When Lin Xiu saw them, they also saw Er Linxiu and Shuang'er.

"Ah, you are here too, so we will have another chance to fight well."

It seems that Liu Yue still can't forget the loss to Lin Xiu, and he has been looking for opportunities to fight Lin Xiu again.

"Okay, let's have a fair fight another day."

Lin Xiu is also a person who likes Liu Yue's personality very much. He does things frankly and is trustworthy.

"Okay, we left beforehand, and you guys should take a good look around and get familiar with the new environment. The entrance exam for freshmen will be in two days, and I hope to meet you at the end."

The entrance examination of this Taixu Academy is specially held to test the strength of this new student.After this test, all students will be divided into three different levels of students to study.

(End of this chapter)

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