Chapter 1441
Just when Wu Qu was about to knock Li Yan out of the ring with a single stick, Lin Xiu suddenly shot the nunchaku away with a green lotus sword, and then jumped onto the ring.

"This Wuqu used cheating methods, please referees to investigate clearly."

Lin Xiu's sudden remark surprised the people below. You must know that Wu Qu is a disciple of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, how could a disciple of Patriarch Bodhi do such a thing.

"You're talking nonsense, you said I cheated, what evidence can you produce?"

This Wu Qu obviously wanted to be exposed, so he also blushed and defended.

"Little friend, if you say someone else, you need evidence."

Although Immortal Taixu is powerful, he still lacks experience in fighting against the dark demons, and the dark demon seeds in Wu Qu's body have just been planted, so it is not easy to detect.

"You said you want evidence, then I'll show you!"

Lin Xiu also urged his own Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and when the golden light shone on Wu Qu, a little bit of black energy was also drawn from him.

"This... Could it be the corrosive black air of the Dark Demon Race?"

"Returning to the Immortal, that's right."

The people in the audience are all at least at the level of the Immortal King, and they also have experience in fighting against the Dark Demon Race.

"This Wu Qu really cheated on the Dark Demon Clan, it really ruined the reputation of Patriarch Bodhi!"

"Disqualify this Martial Qu, and immediately expel him from this Taixu Academy."

He also knew that if this Wuqu was not dealt with, if this matter got out, it would have a very bad impact on the reputation of the entire Taixu Academy.

"Little friend, thanks to you this time, otherwise this person who had an affair with the Dark Demons would have come in. I am quite interested in the pagoda in your hand, can you lend me a look."

"Okay, the immortal wants to see how I dare not obey?"

Immortal Taixu took the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda from Lin Xiu's hand and played with it carefully.

"Little friend, your Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda seems to be a bit incomplete, it seems that there is still something missing."

Lin Xiu also heard that the three-legged Golden Crow said that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda had to be repaired because it received huge damage when it came into the world, but after so many immortal artifacts were absorbed, it was almost repaired.However, Immortal Taixu actually said that his Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was missing something, which made Lin Xiu very puzzled.

"If you don't worry, little friend, you can hand over the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda to me, and I can repair it for you."

"Of course I can. If the immortal can help me repair the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, that's exactly what I wish for."

"There should be no major problems in repairing it, but you need a stone and you need to find it yourself."

"This stone is called Earth Origin Stone, because it is produced in a special place, so it is also very precious. Earth Origin Stone usually appears near the crater, and it must be an active volcano. By the way, I don't know your name yet. "

"Senior, this junior's name is Lin Xiu."

Hearing Lin Xiu's name, Immortal Taixu couldn't help but change his face slightly, it seems that he has also heard Lin Xiu's name before.

"It turns out that you are the one who dared to challenge the Western Temple alone. Even this old man admires your courage."

"Senior is really overrated. I'm just guarding something that should be guarded."

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he took a meaningful look at Shuang'er beside him.

"Haha, young people are really interesting. Well, after you find the source stone, come to Yuqianlou to find me. I'm still looking forward to your performance."

Immortal Taixu is naturally a discerning person, and he can tell at a glance that the relationship between Shuang'er and Lin Xiu is unusual, so he also joked.

Not long after, Lin Xiu's match also started, and Lin Xiu was facing a disciple of the Queen Mother.The name is Golden Eagle King, which also belongs to the peak strength of Immortal King.

The Golden Eagle King didn't seem to intend to give Lin Xiu a chance, and he also made an instant move, sacrificing his martial soul, and a golden eagle with a length of tens of feet flew in the sky.

The golden eagle waved its huge wings and rushed towards Lin Xiu, its huge claws grabbed Lin Xiu's heart.

Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless, and sacrificed his Qinglian sword to protect his chest.The sharp claws of the Golden Eagle King touched Qinglianjian, sparking huge sparks. The huge impact also forced Lin Xiu to retreat several meters before he stabilized his figure.

Seeing that one blow was not enough, the Golden Eagle King waved his crescent halberd from his hand to point at the void, and saw a huge formation coming out from under Lin Xiu's feet.

A golden six-pointed formation appeared at Lin Xiu's feet, but Lin Xiu didn't seem to feel any energy overflowing from this large formation.

Then I saw the Golden Eagle King Xiemei smile, and urged his martial soul to fly towards Lin Xiu again, and the huge golden claws grabbed Lin Xiu again.Lin Xiu also wanted to hide to the side, but he found that he couldn't move his feet even half a step.

"My large formation can change the gravity of the place you are in, so I just slightly changed the gravity of your feet."

This time, the golden eagle king's claws caught Lin Xiu's chest impartially. Fortunately, Lin Xiu was protected by a four-elephant armor, so the claws caught Lin Xiu's chest mountain, and he did not suffer any serious injuries, but the chest There were still three long scratches.

"This time the opponent is still a bit interesting."

Lin Xiu didn't seem to be flustered either. The Ruyi Golden Cudgel appeared in his hand, but this time he didn't swing it at the Golden Eagle King, but slammed it on his feet.Using the counter-impact force of the ground, he jumped out of the range of the large formation.

Then I saw a golden light beam shot out from the hand, directly hitting the martial soul of the Golden Eagle King, and the martial soul was shattered in one blow.

The Golden Eagle King saw that if he did not fight back, he would be directly at a disadvantage.

Also holding a halberd, he rushed to Lin Xiu like lightning.

He also frantically stabbed at Lin Xiu's body with his long halberd, and the speed was so fast that it also brought afterimages one after another.Lin Xiu also used his dog-beating stick to deftly dodge the fierce attack of the Golden Eagle King.

Then he also seized a flaw of the Golden Eagle King, and hit the Golden Eagle King's waist with a stick, directly hitting the Golden Eagle King under the ring, which was relatively easy to win this match.

The Immortal Taixu who was next to him also witnessed the battle between Lin Xiu and the Golden Eagle King, and also expressed his great praise for Lin Xiu's performance.

"Unexpectedly, this Lin Xiu is not only very strong in strength, but he also doesn't expect him to have what he should have in terms of combat experience. If he is given some time, his future will be limitless."

(End of this chapter)

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