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Chapter 1448 What the eyes see

Chapter 1448 What the eyes see

After Lin Xiu found out, he also released his mental power completely.The essence of the pure white mental power began to undergo tremendous changes under the constant refinement of this purple energy.

Gradually, the color of the mental power transitioned from white to red, and then slowly to lavender.

In the end, it also stayed in the purple-black category.

Suddenly the sky changed, and clusters of black clouds moved rapidly towards Lin Xiu's head.

"Unfortunately, it's Thunder Tribulation, but this time it's actually two disasters at the same time."

It was also the first time Lin Xiu had seen this kind of situation where two tribulations came at the same time, so he didn't dare to be careless this time.

A huge golden arhat stood behind Lin Xiu, with his hands on the sky, as if he was trying to catch the thunder and lightning.

Huge thunderbolts unceremoniously struck down from the sky towards Lin Xiu, the Arhat's golden body, but it may have just started because the power of the thunderbolts did not seem to be as great as imagined.

It only sparked a small spark when it hit the hand of the Arhat's golden body.It didn't shake the Arhat's defense at all, but this seemed to be the beginning of the thunder disaster.

The thunder light in the sky also became more and more dense with time, gradually changing from a single lightning bolt to golden phoenixes.The golden phoenix made of lightning also blasted directly towards Lin Xiu's Tianling Gai.

Lin Xiu slapped his hands down again, and the Arhat behind Lin Xiu also slapped Lin Xiu on the ground.The huge sandstone also flew out from the ground and collided with the flying golden phoenix.

The huge momentum also alarmed the birds and beasts in all directions, fleeing crazily.The golden phoenix didn't seem to be blocked by sand and stones, and it nimbly burrowed through the gaps, and it seemed that it was about to hit Lin Xiu's head.

At this time, a golden feather flew past Lin Xiu's side and inserted under the golden phoenix's wings from the side.Suddenly, the golden phoenix fell down as if its wings had been broken.

When the golden phoenix touched the ground, it was directly absorbed into the soil.

Lin Xiu also had to lament the rapid progress of the pair. In just one month, they were able to give Lin Xiu timely help while breaking through.

But this seems to be just a drop in the bucket, and immediately a bunch of golden phoenixes flew towards Lin Xiu's head again.A huge cyan whirlwind also formed rapidly around Lin Xiu.

The golden phoenix collided with the blue whirlwind, and it seemed that there was no winner.The phoenix can't break through the cyan whirlwind, and the whirlwind can't weaken the golden phoenix either.

But this golden phoenix is ​​still the power of heaven and earth after all, with the constant replenishment, the blue whirlwind seems to be a bit overwhelmed.Gradually, several golden phoenixes also broke through Lin Xiu's defense line.

Finally, under the onslaught of the golden phoenix, the cyan sword whirlwind also dissipated.

Lin Xiu was also dumbfounded, this seems to be much stronger than the previous few separate thunder tribulations.

"This is how to do."

In the next second, Lin Xiu's body felt an electric shock, and the current flowed to Lin Xiu's whole body immediately, and then flowed along the blood vessels to Lin Xiu's head.

The piercing lightning met Lin Xiu's dark purple mental power, like a hungry wolf meeting a lamb, and quickly "swallowed up" Lin Xiu's attack slowly.

Huge pain came from Lin Xiu's head, but the house was leaking and it was raining all night. At this time, the golden phoenixes in the sky flew towards Lin Xiu's body one after another.

Lin Xiu, who was tired of fighting against the inside of his body, could easily let other lightnings enter Lin Xiu's body easily.

The silvery white lightning with streaks of lightning kept devouring the spiritual power in Lin Xiu's brain, and it seemed that Lin Xiu's mental power would not be able to withstand this thunder disaster.At this time, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda flew out of Lin Xiu's ring automatically, and the golden dragon on the pagoda kept roaring.

Then it flew out of the tower and surrounded Lin Xiu's head. It opened its mouth wide, and the huge suction force absorbed all the lightning in Lin Xiu's brain.

The silver lightning was also abruptly sucked out one by one by the golden dragon.But it seems that this is not over yet, the golden dragon also seems to control the lightning, and it also sprays casually, and all the lightning seems to surround Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda obediently.

With the help of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, Lin Xiu seems to have survived the thunder disaster quite easily.

It didn't take much time, and Lin Xiu also had a huge breakthrough in Yuanli and Mentalli.

When Lin Xiu opened his eyes again, there seemed to be a little bit of thunder in his eyes, and he looked very handsome.

Lin Xiu also concentrated all his spirit first, and then released it suddenly, one after another mental detection wave, detecting the surrounding situation round after round, and reflected it in Lin Xiu's mind in time.

"Damn it, my brain can still be used as a radar, this is too bug."

Lin Xiu slowly tried to radiate his spiritual power to farther places, and he saw his own parents along the way.Lin Zhenfeng and Queen Lingyue also saw that Xiaobai was managing the West Sea Dragon Palace in an orderly manner.

He also continued to expand the scope of spiritual detection little by little, and finally he saw something that he had never seen before.

In a black place, there are many black seedlings in the ground, and then there is a huge chain, and there is no one locked on the chain, but a huge eye.

When Lin Xiuxiu was about to see what the huge eyes were made of, his mental detection seemed to be interrupted by some mysterious thing.

And in another very remote place in the fairy world, and this place seems to be where the huge chain that Lin Xiu saw was located.

"My lord, someone dares to try to spy on us?"

"You don't need to say, I also felt it. I have forcibly cut off his spiritual power. I am just curious, when did such a genius appear in the fairy world, and his spiritual attainment is not bad, if it is not because of the distance. It's been a long time, and the mental strength has weakened a little, and I may not be able to stop it."

"Do you want me to send someone to find out the information?"

"Well, yes, don't scare the snake away. Once the person sent out is found, he must immediately explode himself. You must not write any information about us here."


"Ignorant idiots, your ruler is about to return, hahaha."

Lin Xiu is also very puzzled, obviously his mental detection has not reached its limit, how could it be terminated by others, and the black gas is coming out of that huge eye, why is it so similar to the dark demons he has seen before? , I have spied on the real secret inside the Dark Demon Clan? .

(End of this chapter)

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