Chapter 1451 My Sky
As soon as the Qibao Linglong Pagoda's light beam joined the golden queue, Lin Xiu's golden light beam firmly gained the upper hand, and finally the white light was also swallowed by the gold.

At this time, the elder brother of Xingchen Pavilion also had a complete face change, because when he saw his white light being swallowed by Lin Xiu's golden light, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Just as he expected, when Lin Xiu's white light completely devoured the golden light, its power seemed to become even greater, and it hit him with a quick blow.

In an instant, huge energy burst from the eyes of everyone in Xingchen Pavilion, and the huge air wave pushed back all the people around.And the elder brother who was in the center of the explosion was directly blown to pieces of flesh and blood.

Since Lin Xiu's mental power evolved again, the way his mental power attacks and attacks is very strange.This time, he actually directly controlled part of the energy from the white light, and then used it for himself, and that's how he won this competition.

"This kid is too strong, let's retreat quickly."

This elder brother was also very embarrassed by the bombing. Knowing that he had no chance of winning, he also knew that staying here would endanger his life, so he quickly escaped from this place with the disciples of Xingchen Pavilion.

"Brother Turtle, you are welcome to fight next time."

Lin Xiu looked at this dingy big brother, and not only started to tease him.

"Hmph, don't be complacent. I'll take care of you when I come back after I've practiced."

"Okay, welcome to give me a lesson then."

When it comes to speaking to make people angry, Lin Xiu is definitely a master who does his part, and this time he almost killed this big brother with anger.

"Senior Brother Lin Xiu is really strong, Senior Brother Lin Xiu is mighty! Senior Brother Lin Xiu is mighty!"

"Okay, okay, don't flatter me, you guys, hurry up and go to training, don't care how far you are from this Xingchen Pavilion."

Lin Xiu naturally hopes that the Taixu Immortal Mansion where he is located can grow rapidly and become a great help to him in the future.

In the following days, Lin Xiu also lived a very leisurely life.Because with his outstanding performance against Xingchen Pavilion, Lin Xiu's mentor also seemed to take good care of him, and specially trained him a lot.

Of course, Lin Xiu was very grateful to his mentor, but he gradually found that the things taught by the mentor seemed to be useless for him. To be precise, these things had no great effect on the growth of his strength. up.So he also wanted to leave this Taixu Academy temporarily and go to other places to make a living.

When he shared his thoughts with the tutor, the tutor naturally had strong objections.

"What do you mean you can no longer use the things I teach, I know that your strength is one of the best in this Taixu Academy, but these things about me are things that you who grow up in safe soil can't learn .”

"But I really feel that if I stay here any longer, my strength will stagnate."

Lin Xiu also didn't lose his temper because the mentor was always kind to him. If it was someone else, he would have lost his temper a long time ago.

"Okay, I don't want to hear more from you. If you want me to believe that what you said is right, then defeat me first. In this way, I can let you go unconditionally. If the immortal Taixu above blames me, I will Carry it for you. But if you can’t beat me, you can just stay here and don’t go anywhere! Dare you take on the challenge.”

"The next challenge for the student is to go back and prepare."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving the mentor a little absent-minded.

"I actually thought that this child would leave soon, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Hey, the eagle still has its own sky. It seems that this small place of our Taixu Academy is already I can't satisfy this kid's ambition."

The next day, the news that Lin Xiu was going to challenge his mentor spread throughout Taixu Academy, so many people came to watch the battle.

"Hey, what do you think of the result of this game?"

"I think Lin Xiu is great, but this Jin Tutor has the strength of an immortal emperor, and there is a big gap between them. This is definitely not something that can be easily supplemented. So I I still think that Supervisor Jin will win this time."

"Although what you say makes sense, don't forget that Lin Xiu is a person who can perform miracles many times, so I still think Lin Xiu will win this time."

"Okay, stop arguing, let us just watch."

Lin Xiu and Mentor Jin also appeared on the ring on time.

"Lin Xiu, don't think that I will let you down. Of course, you can't show mercy just because I am your mentor."

"Students certainly won't, and students also know that the greatest respect for an opponent is to fight with all their strength, so students will not show mercy."

"Okay, then let me see if you have the confidence to say things like you don't need me."

This mentor Jin also took the lead, and his weapon was also very special, it turned out to be a big golden copper coin, and he threw the copper coin in front of him casually.You must know that this copper coin is about as heavy as the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in Lin Xiu's hand.

It is enough to see how terrifying the power of this mentor Jin is. Lin Xiu was also prepared, and the Eastern Emperor Bell stood in front of him.But what he didn't expect was that the copper coin split into three as it flew.

The three copper coins came flying like Lin Xiu from the front, left and right of Lin Xiu respectively.

And Lin Xiu's Donghuang Bell can only block Lin Xiu's front, so Lin Xiu naturally can't take care of the copper coins flying from the left and right.

The copper coins were also pinched towards Lin Xiu's waist from left to right. Lin Xiu could only urge the Ruyi golden cudgel to split into two halves to block the flying copper coins from the left and right.The golden cudgel finally blocked the copper coin, but it was almost bent itself.

"As expected of Teacher Jin, you really have a few tricks. It's been a long time, and this is the first time I've seen Senior Brother Lin Xiu fall into a disadvantage from the very beginning."

"Don't panic, senior brother Lin Xiu has created few miracles, we just need to watch quietly."

Supervisor Jin didn't seem to intend to give Lin Xiu too much time to breathe, so he waved his sleeves again, and saw a huge beckoning cat appearing in front of everyone, which should be the martial soul of Supervisor Jin.

Don't be easily fooled by the cute appearance of this lucky cat, the strength of this martial soul has made many people suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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