Chapter 1453 You too?
"Other people transmigrated to some kind of royal palace and nobleman. Why did I travel to this place where no shit."

Hearing this girl's words, Lin Xiu almost fainted from anger. Although this Taixu Immortal Mansion is not as luxurious as the place where the Jade Emperor lives, it's not like she said that the birds don't shit.

"Hey, you ancient idiot, come here for this girl."

"Me?" Lin Xiu also looked at the girl pointing at him, and realized that the idiot she was talking about was himself.

"Yeah, don't you understand human language? Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, this is ancient times, otherwise I would speak classical Chinese."

"Would you be able to come before the little girl?"

"It's worth it. Your classical Chinese is not like classical Chinese, and your vernacular is not like vernacular. I can understand you."

"I understand that if you didn't say it earlier, you were still wasting my mother's time."

"You didn't ask, did you also come here through time travel?"

"You are also time-traveling, so it's really miserable for you to get mixed up in this place."

Lin Xiu was also speechless for a while, you must have watched too many time-travel dramas, and you think that anyone who time-travels is the royal family and nobles.

"Actually, I think it's not bad here. By the way, what level are you now?"

"How do I know this? I just came to this world, and it seems that the system hasn't even been turned on."

"Then what's your name, you always know."

"My girl doesn't want to tell you what's wrong."

"I don't want to know yet. Anyway, with your current strength, I'm afraid you can only wait to die in this world."

Hearing this, the girl was really a little flustered, after all, it was her first time coming to this world.He is not familiar with the place of life, but it is really possible that he will be planted here directly.

"Okay, my name is Ruoxin, what about you?"

"My name is Lin Xiu, and it's been a few years since I traveled to this world, so it's not too much for you to call me big brother."

"Okay, okay, you big pigs know how to save face. Brother Lin Xiu, let's go."

"That's about the same. After you're done, I'll cover you. Let me test your strength."

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't mind bringing such a helper who might have great potential, and he could also help him trick people in the future.

I saw a white ripple passing around Ruo Xin, and after a few minutes, it finally disappeared into the air.

"Damn it, it's too perverted, it makes me feel so embarrassed."

The reason for such an exclamation is entirely because Ruo Xin's level turned out to be the existence of the peak of the Golden Immortal.

One must know that it took him a few years to reach the peak of the Golden Immortal, so why should she be born with the strength of a Golden Immortal?

"What's the matter, brother, is my level too low? Why do you look so ugly?"

"No, no, your talent is very high, but it has not been developed yet."

Lin Xiu also didn't dare to tell Ruo Xin her real strength, because she was afraid that after she knew it, she would never listen to him again, so that he would lose a helper, and he was unwilling to do such a stupid thing.

"Haha, I'm such a smart person, how could I fail in this world."

"Look at what you are proud of. Even though you are very talented, you still have to go through this training to go further."

"Seeing how high your mental strength is, I'll teach you alchemy first."

"Okay, it seems that the protagonists of the powerful novels I have read can make alchemy, so I will learn first."

"It doesn't seem suitable for teaching here, so I'll take you back to my room first."

Lin Xiu also brought Ruo Xin back to his room, and of course he was stared at by Shuang'er's soul.But after explaining, Shuang'er also chose to believe him.Since this was Ruo Xin's first alchemy, Lin Xiu didn't dare to use very precious medicinal materials.

"First, slowly concentrate your mental power, and try to send this medicinal material into this alchemy furnace."

To Lin Xiu's surprise, not only did Ruoxin have a very high level when he came out, but also his talent in refining medicine made him, a self-proclaimed genius, feel ashamed.

Three hours later, with the sound of an explosion in the pill furnace, a full-colored pill was born out of nowhere.

"Brother Lin Xiu, you see I succeeded."

At this time, the girl's face was also covered with beads of sweat, but she also had a very happy expression on her face, which also infected Lin Xiu who was present.

"Very good, you are much stronger than I was back then. I believe you will catch up with me in a short time. Well, it's getting late, you should go back and rest quickly."

"Okay then, I'll come back tomorrow."

Turning around is also running away, Lin Xiu also wiped the sweat off his face.

"What are you going to do? Take her and leave together. I don't know the danger along the way. Although I know this kid is very strong, he is still inexperienced. I'm afraid that something bad will happen to him."

"Well, I've thought about this too. Let's leave her here and talk about it when I come back from this experience. Here I will entrust Mentor Jin to pay special attention to her. This child is extremely talented, but she is just a little lazy. If no one can control him, she will slowly degenerate."

"Leaving her in this Taixu Academy, I'm not worried that her talent will be delayed, and I'm naturally not worried about her personal safety. Let's clean up and leave later."

"Aren't you going to tell her?"

"Well, if I kill her, he will definitely insist on me not leaving. For his own good, I can only do this."

"Okay, but where are you going to practice."

"The Devil's Triangle. Yes, that's right there."

Hearing the Devil's Triangle, the pair's faces turned pale.You must know that this Devil's Triangle is definitely not a place where anyone can go.There are two rules of survival - bloodthirsty and ruthless.

The reason why it has the title of Devil's Triangle is because there are tens of thousands of powerhouses above the Immortal King who all died here.There is also no power here. Everyone is a blood-licking devil. The brother who was talking and laughing with you one moment may laugh and stab a knife into your chest the next moment.

Here, only eternal interests are at stake, and emotion is considered one of the most useless weapons here.

So when she heard that Lin Xiu was going to the Devil's Triangle, Shuang'er was also taken aback.

"Because only where I go, in the state closest to death, can I stimulate my potential the fastest and grow up the fastest. Only then can I become stronger!"

"Hey, if you want to go, then you can go. I will cultivate Ruoxin well. Don't worry, I will treat her as my own sister and will never treat her badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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