Chapter 1457
"The next item in the auction comes from a book of fairy-level movement secrets that a friend accidentally obtained from the wild. The name is Thunderbolt."

Body technique secret technique is a rare existence in Lianxian world, so it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

This Thunderbolt is just like its name, and of course it can make you have lightning speed after learning it.And the most powerful thing is that this movement secret technique actually has a good attack ability, and to a certain extent, this thunderbolt can also be used as a kind of attack secret technique.

For a sword user like Lin Xiu, speed is also very important. The main attack power of the sword comes from the stacking of speed.So for Lin Xiu, this thunderbolt has a strong attraction for Lin Xiu.

"Thunderbolt, the starting price is 10, and the auction starts now."





Lin Xiu said 160 million, which surprised many people present. After all, 160 million is not a small number, and it is not something that ordinary people can take out casually.What's more, this is just a boy in his early 20s.

"200 million." Another voice sounded, and it seemed that someone was fighting with Lin Xiu.

"I'll go, and there is a big rich man who is fighting with me. It seems that this time it will cost money."

"210 million." This is the biggest concession Lin Xiu can give at present, because he also wants to save some money to bid for other things.

"210 million once, 210 million twice, 210 million transaction. Congratulations to this photographer for taking this thunderbolt.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so ruthless that he dared to pay such a high price. But I'll see how you can compete with me later." Under the mask, the mysterious man also showed a wicked smile.

Lin Xiu was also very distressed about his money, after all, he earned it through his hard work in alchemy, but thinking of the thunderous effect, he felt a little better.

The next few items are some common offensive skills and some medicinal materials.Therefore, it did not arouse the interest of Lin Xiu and others, and naturally there were no high-priced items.

But the next thing caught Lin Xiu's attention. This product was just a fifth-rank fairy sword, but for Lin Xiu, it was more than that.Because there is a fairy treasure box on this fifth-grade fairy sword, so he also wants to grab this sword.

"The item we are going to auction next is called Demon Slaying Sword. It is a fifth-grade fairy sword named Star Slaying Sword. Demon King."

"The people in this auction house probably think of us as fools. What's so special about a fifth-grade fairy sword? It's not all about the strength of this master that can kill the Dark Demon King. It has nothing to do with this fairy sword." Lin Xiu couldn't help but start complaining that others may not have contacted the Dark Demon King, but it doesn't mean he hasn't.

"The starting price is [-] gold coins."

"One hundred thousand"

"50." Lin Xiu also estimated that the fifth-grade fairy swords could only be worth this price at most, so he shouted out all at once, not afraid of others competing with him.

"One time for 50, two times for 50."

"100 million." Suddenly a loud voice sounded at the right time, and unexpectedly, the mysterious person who competed with Lin Xiu for thunder made another shot.

"It seems that this person is completely against me this time. I am not afraid of you even if he wants to come. At least you will lose a lot this time."

"120 million!" Lin Xiu simply didn't do anything, and went on and on, and also got into a fight with this mysterious person.

"One time for 120, two times for 120."


"Stinky boy, I'd rather see how much money you have to compete with me!" It seemed that the man in black was really brave, and he insisted on competing with Lin Xiu.

"150 million once, 150 million twice, 150 million transaction."

"You actually asked me to spend 150 million yuan to buy a fifth-grade fairy sword. When the auction is over, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces."

At this time, Lin Xiu also smiled knowingly, because his goal has been achieved, let this mysterious person buy this fairy sword at a high price, and he will have more opportunities to fight for the real important products later. thing.

As for this treasure chest, he will wait for the auction to end before snatching it from the mysterious man, so he is not too panicked about this fairy sword.

"The next item is the highlight of our auction, the Xuanming Pearl."

This Xuanming Pearl is not a high-level celestial method or a secret book of cultivation, but also a one-time consumable, which is why it is said to be the highlight of this auction.It is because its effect is invincible in melee combat.

If you hit your enemy with the Xuanming Orb in close combat, it will directly ignore [-]% of the armor.You must know that in this way, the opponent is almost in front of you, which is equivalent to playing naked.

Especially in the unexpected surprise attack, encountering those characters whose level is higher than their own.Throwing this Xuanming Pearl can basically kill it with one blow, which has a fatal temptation for almost everyone present at this auction.

"The starting price of the Xuanming Pearl is 20." It seems that the auction house also knows that the Xuanming Pearl is very valuable, so the starting price is set much higher than the usual one.





200 million is not a small number. Generally, the annual income of a big power is only 200 million, so ordinary people can't afford that much money.But Lin Xiu is not an ordinary person.

"300 million." As soon as Lin Xiu shouted the 300 million, the voice of raising the price stopped immediately.

"One time for 300, two times for 300."

"350 million." It was that mysterious man's voice again. It seemed that this time he really wanted to compete with Lin Xiu to the end.

Everyone in the auction house seemed to be waiting to see the good show between the two, and the atmosphere suddenly became anxious.

"One time for 350 million, two times for 300 million and 50."

"400 million." 400 million, this is the highest price Lin Xiu can offer at present, and he also wants to try to give it a go.

"400 million once, 400 million twice, deal." The final price was also fixed at 400 million.

"Heaven has a way this time. If you don't go, you want to fight against me. When you leave the auction house, I'll see how arrogant you are."

Although Lin Xiu took the picture of the Xuanming Pearl, his heart felt like he was bleeding. The 200 million he had worked so hard to accumulate, plus the 400 million he got from alchemy, were wiped out like this.

(End of this chapter)

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