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Chapter 146 Lu Bu's Favorability for You Increases

Chapter 146 Lu Bu's Favorability for You Increases

Yang Hui is a person at the sixth level of the Wuxu Realm. With Lin Zhentian's strength, it is impossible to resist his attack. Now that he speaks, even Lin Zhentian dare not resist.

"You!" Lin Zhentian's face became ugly at this moment.

"Yang Hui, how dare you treat us like this? If my cousin knows, you will have a hard time!" Lin Yue said.

"Your cousin? You mean Lin Xiu? He is also in danger now, and you still want him to save you? Do you think it is possible? Now Lin Xiu probably doesn't know where to hide. Your lord came to look for him, does he dare to come back to save you now?" Yang Hui said disdainfully.

Indeed, there are five dragons here now, no matter how daring Lin Xiu is, it is impossible to fight against the five dragons, how could Lin Yue not know this?

However, the members of the Lin family are full of confidence in the current Lin Xiu. Even in the current situation, some of them have confidence in Lin Xiu, such as Lin Yan.

Lin Yan said excitedly: "No, our young master will definitely come to save us. If we die here today, the young master will avenge us!"

"Hmph, how dare you say such things when you are about to die? Everyone, catch them quickly and give them to the adults of the Dragon Clan. They will definitely let us go!" Yang Hui sneered.

There were more than a dozen people around and immediately rushed towards the Lin family. Some of the Lin family wanted to resist, but they were severely injured by Yang Hui's palm.

Lin Zhentian immediately stopped others from resisting. After all, even resisting would not have much effect, but it would only increase the pain.

Chen Xiang didn't speak, nor did he make a move. Now is not a good time to make a move, and she is also waiting for Lin Xiu to appear.

The members of the Lin family were all tied up, and Yang Hui and the civilians immediately led them to the city wall.

"Who is Lin Xiu here?" Blue Dragon asked.

"My lord, Lin Xiu is a member of the Lin family, and these are also members of the Lin family. Now that Lin Xiu is not in our city, I believe he must be afraid of the power of the dragon lords. My lord, you can kill them first to relieve your hatred!" I heard Yang Hui say.

"Who said we want to kill them?" Chilong said coldly, "What we want is Lin Xiu!"

"Wait, although Lin Xiu is not here now, if they are used as hostages, they should be able to lure Lin Xiu out!" Lan Long said.

The surrounding monsters immediately took these people from the Lin family over. Lin Zhentian and others felt helpless when they saw it. They had no way to resist these monsters and dragons.

Seeing these monsters take the Lin family away, many people in Cangming City breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's what you said, but what should we do with these people?" Huang Long said, turning his head to look at Cangming City.

"Since Lin Xiu is not here, these people are useless! You can kill them all!" Chilong said.

The people in Cangming City were startled when they heard it. It turned out that their target was only Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu wasn't here. These dragons still wanted to kill people!
"In this case, attack!" Green Dragon said.

"What? Are they going to attack our Cangming City?"

"No, it can't be like this. Isn't it enough to hand over the people from the Lin family?"

"Are we really going to die?"

The civilians in Cangming City wailed again at this time.

The green dragon let out a roar, and the surrounding monsters seemed to have received an order, and began to attack this Cangming City.

The roar of the monsters, the chirping of birds from the sky, and the screams intertwined together, and the warriors began to fight back, but facing the attacks of the monsters here, it was impossible for them to resist!
But at this time around Cangming City, a layer of light mask appeared.

"It turned out to be the protective barrier of human beings!" Huang Long said in surprise.

"I heard that there is a profession called enchanter among human beings, which specifically uses the inner alchemy or primordial stone of our monsters as its energy source. I heard that if a powerful enchanter can even make a monster that can resist our dragons The enchantment of the attack!" said the green dragon.

"But this thing can't last long, it's very fragile in front of us!" Blue Dragon sneered.

"Let me come!" After the yellow dragon finished speaking, he only saw its mouth open, and a yellow light went out, which actually formed a series of rock pillars and flew out, blasting onto the barrier.

Cracks appeared in the enchantment immediately, and it seemed that this enchantment was about to be broken soon.

At this time, Lin Xiu and others have already arrived behind these monsters. When their group approached Cangming City, they had already discovered the existence of these monsters, but these monsters are now attacking Cangming City, so all of a sudden , and no one found traces of Lin Xiu and others.

"Ding, to trigger the treasure chest mission and save Cangming City, you must save more than [-]% of the residents of Cangming City to complete the mission. The more you save, the better the mission reward!"

Lin Xiu was a little surprised that there was a mission here, but there are so many monsters here, how to save them?
"Master Lin Xiu, what should we do now?" Su Mao sighed, "These monsters are now entering Cangming City. If we don't care, Cangming City will be destroyed!"

"If we go into Cangming City now, we will definitely be dealt with by these monsters, and their target is still Master Lin Xiu!" Su Long said.

"Master, why don't we go, this place is too dangerous!" Shuang'er said.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Lu Bu, and he said, "Lu Bu, what do you think?"

"Whatever the young master wants, Lu Bu can do!" Lu Bu replied.

"Okay!" Lin Xiucai laughed and said, "What are you nervous about? As soon as this young master comes out, all the monsters and dragons will have to back off, and we can just pass by the bright light!"

"What?" Su Mao, his daughter, and Shuang'er couldn't believe it when they heard it.

"Master Lin Xiu, don't you mean it? There are so many monsters here, and they want to deal with you, so you want to break in directly?" Su Mao asked quickly.

"This is not acceptable, young master, this is too risky!" Su Long said hastily.

"My young master has already decided, but it's just these mere monsters. I don't need to be afraid of them at all!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, and said righteously, "If these monsters invade Cangming City, they will be devastated. My young master will never You can stand by and watch!"

"The young master is so righteous!" Shuang'er exclaimed.

"My lord is so domineering, Lu Bu admires it very much!" Lu Bu said suddenly.

"Lu Bu's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 60!"

Lu Bu actually has a good opinion of me?Lin Xiu was surprised.

"System, if Lu Bu has a good opinion of me, what's the benefit?" Lin Xiu asked hastily.

"If Lu Bu is a character summoned by the Supreme Hero Card, if his affection for the host reaches the maximum value, he can join the host!" the system replied.

 First update today

(End of this chapter)

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