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Chapter 1469 Alchemy Genius?

Chapter 1469 Alchemy Genius?

"I'm amazing, Brother Lin Xiu, everything is ready so quickly." Ruo Xin looked at the puddles of liquid medicine in front of her, and was also very happy.

"Don't worry, you just refined these medicinal materials into liquid medicine, and then it's time to make pills."

In refining medicine, in fact, the pill is the most difficult to obtain, because different medicinal materials have different medicinal properties, how to combine these medicinal liquids with different medicinal properties is also a test of the alchemist's test of mental strength.

"Come on, try it yourself first."

Ruo Xin also nodded, and the puddles of liquid medicine in front of her eyes also began to knead into a ball slowly under the movement of her mind.However, the process seemed not as simple as Ruo Xin had imagined. These medicinal liquids seemed to be a hit and miss, frantically resisting the mixing of other medicinal liquids.

"Don't worry, inject your energy slowly, try to neutralize their energy slowly."

Lin Xiu also knew that this kind of thing should not be rushed, so he slowly guided Ruo Xin from the sidelines.Ruo Xin also had a cold light in his eyes, and the fiery energy was slowly poured in.

As soon as the fiery red energy was injected into the liquid medicine, it seemed to play the role of a leader, slowly integrating these discordant liquid medicines little by little, and the rudimentary form of the elixir came into being.

"Very good, you are drawing out your Yuanli from those liquid medicines, otherwise the refined medicine will be impure."

I saw that Ruo Xin waved his hands, and instantly drew his own energy from there.

After a while, Ruo Xin also refined the Bing Qing Wan.However, just when Lin Xiu and Ruo Xin were feeling very happy, a flash of lightning suddenly knocked down the pill furnace.

"This is Dan Lei forging again?" Lin Xiu was also surprised when he encountered this situation for the first time.

"Brother Lin Xiu, what's the matter, isn't it a shame that Dan Lei is forging?"

"No, no, it's because it's so good that this kind of alchemy is happening. Generally speaking, this kind of situation will only appear in those top-quality pills, and only those alchemy masters can Such a situation happened. Unexpectedly, I also trained a master of alchemy."

This elixir is being forged, and the quality of this elixir can be improved to a higher level after refining, and a lightning mark will be forged on the surface of the elixir to distinguish it from other ordinary elixirs. There was a lightning mark on the Bingqing pill that Ruo Xin had just made.

It has to be said that this Ruoxin is also very talented in alchemy, and with only a few experience in alchemy, he can make pills forged by pill and thunder.Even Lin Xiu, who has such rich experience in alchemy, has never seen it before, so he said that he found a treasure.

"But where did the ice-type magic core go?" Lin Xiu was also very surprised. There was originally an ice-type magic core in the ice core grass, but he didn't find it during the refining process, which also made Lin Xiu very strange.

"Could it be that this magic core can't be duplicated, so I'll refine mine. Shuang'er is borrowing your fire."

Lin Xiu also took out his ice core grass, and Ruoxin also sprayed a flame on it, and the ice core grass also began to melt slowly, and a diamond-shaped crystal still appeared beside it.Sure enough, just as Lin Xiu thought, the unique and incidental things in the medicinal materials cannot be copied.

He also took out the magic core of the ice system from the alchemy furnace, and the feeling of icy coldness is also very refreshing.

"Okay, you did a good job today, Ruo Xin, go back and rest first, and prepare for the graduation competition later."

"I won't lose to you, you have to be careful yourself, don't lose face if you are defeated by me." Ruo Xin was also full of confidence, firmly believing that she could defeat Lin Xiu.

Time also flies by quickly, in a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and it is also the so-called final exam.The reason why it is called the so-called final exam is because this final exam is also used by the major forces in Tiangong to recruit talents.Generally, those who can perform outstandingly in this final exam will be favored by the big forces and become the guests of the big forces.It's no wonder why the students of this Taixu Academy attach so much importance to this final exam.

As for Lin Xiu, what he looks forward to most is to see the Jade Emperor, and then find a way to get the blood of the Jade Emperor, so that he will be one step closer to the peerless immortal body.

Sure enough, the graduation exam of this Taixu Academy also attracted many people, even some acquaintances of Lin Xiu, Guanyin, and Patriarch Bodhi came to the scene.Of course, the most conspicuous thing is the person sitting in the middle of the VIP seat.

Lin Xiu could hardly feel any fluctuations of Yuan force from him, but he felt a wave of coercion coming from this person all the time.

"This should be the Jade Emperor. Even my mental detection can't detect this person's strength. With such terrifying strength, it's no wonder he can become the Lord of the Heavenly Palace."

"Dangdangdang." With three loud and clear bells, the final exam also began, and it didn't take long for Immortal Taixu to appear on the ring.

"Welcome everyone to take the final exam of our Taixu Academy today. Today we mainly put friendship first and competition second. I hope everyone can click to the end. If there is something wrong, I will stop it immediately. Well, nonsense is too Without further ado, let’s start now.”

In the first round of the competition, it was relatively easy for Lin Xiu, and he didn't put in too much effort, and he defeated his opponent with just a few moves.However, Shuang'er and Ruo Xin were unlucky. They faced the pre-match seed players, but due to the strong strength of the two women, they finally won the game without any suspense.

In the second round, Lin Xiu met the pre-match No. [-] seed, who is said to be known for his speed, Baihe Immortal.Lin Xiu had heard of this White Crane Immortal a long time ago, because he has the martial spirit of Bai Crane, and the bonus to his own speed is also very terrifying. It is said that no one could see his attacking figure clearly before. It is enough to see how fast the White Crane Immortal is.

But for Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu has never slapped anyone compared to speed, and he has just obtained the Thunderbolt, so he is quite confident in his speed.

"The next duel, Lin Xiu vs Immortal Baihe, starts now."

Lin Xiu and the White Crane Immortal also exchanged fist-cup salutes, and also started the competition.

I saw that the White Crane Immortal also summoned his own White Crane Martial Soul, his whole body seemed to be blurred in an instant, and it was also hard to figure out what he wanted to do.

(End of this chapter)

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