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Chapter 149 You are too much

Chapter 149 You are too much
"Young master has a life. I must protect the Lin family. As for protecting Cangming City, it's just a matter of passing by. People in Cangming City, listen to me. If after I defeat Yang Hui, these 50 people are still here in Cangming City." If it is Mingcheng, I will take the Lin family away, and you will have to leave here on your own!" Lin Xiu sneered.

Lin Xiu's words showed one thing, if these 50 people hadn't died, he wouldn't have rescued this city of Cangming!

"You also want to defeat my master, you are dreaming!" Zhong Hu said.

"Zhong Hu, did you join these dragon clan?" Yang Hui frowned.

"Master, I don't want to either, but I have no other choice!" Zhong Hu replied hastily.

Yang Hui's eyes flickered, Zhong Hu came with the Dragon Clan in order to survive, but this would threaten the entire Cangming City, of course, Yang Hui didn't care, how could he care about the lives of civilians in this world.

It's just that Yang Hui didn't expect that Lin Xiu's methods would be so ruthless.

If you want to kill people, you don't need to do it yourself, it's enough to let the people from Cangming City do it.

"Shoot together, we have no choice now!"

"Forgive us, we don't want this either!"

"It's all your fault for doing something to the Lin family!"


The people of Cangming City immediately rushed forward and beat the fifty people to death with sticks.

When Lin Xiu saw the corpses of these fifty people, he sighed and said, "You guys are going too far!"

Are we taking it too far?

How did we go too far?Are we doing it wrong?
There was shock and doubt in everyone's eyes.

"I just want you to drive them out. I didn't expect you to be so cruel and beat them all to death! You are so cruel!" Lin Xiu said with a look of compassion.

Nima, the way you looked just now, you were clearly trying to kill them, but now you are turning the blame on us?This is too shameless!
"But for the sake of God's good life, I can't just watch you die at the hands of monsters, I will close my eyes!" Lin Xiu continued, "Unless you give me a For the sake of saving face, everyone knelt down and begged me, and I promised to save you!"

Lin Xiu really wanted to save people this time, and he still saved these people in Cangming City, but it didn't mean that Lin Xiu would sacrifice himself for others. Since these people treated the Lin family like this, how could it be possible for Lin Xiu to save them without paying a price? ?

What's the difference between closing your eyes and opening them? Did you agree to save us?What about the most important trust between people?Why do you want us to give you a face and kneel down to save you?
Lin Xiu had already said this, and now the people in Cangming City had no way to refuse, they had no choice but to save Lin Xiu.

When these people faced life and death, they would choose to push the Lin family out, and now they would kneel down to Lin Xiu in order to survive.

Yue Shi and the others saw this scene, and their eyes were full of disgust. The faces of these people were too annoying, but Yue Shi looked at Lin Xiu with a puzzled look on her face. Although this person's appearance I can't see clearly, but judging from his voice and appearance, he looks very similar to Lin Xiu. Could it be that this person is Lin Xiu?
"If you don't want to kneel, then I don't care, you may be killed by the monsters here, swallowed alive, or you will see your own belly that has been torn apart, and the internal organs are constantly being eaten... " Lin Xiu said again.

When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, the corners of their mouths twitched. Don't you want to be so shameless? You said it so disgustingly on purpose!

How could this Lin Xiaoyan look as shameless as that Lin Xiu, he was just another bitch!

But even so, the people here had to beg for mercy, only to see someone knelt down and shouted loudly: "Lord Lin Xiaoyan, please save us!"

Someone started, and then another person also knelt down: "Master Lin Xiaoyan, we were wrong before and gave the Lin family to the Dragon Clan. I hope you can have a lot of adults. Forgive us!"

"Yes, please, Lord Lin Xiaoyan..."

Others also knelt down one after another.

"Ding, Huang Li, a commoner in Cangming City, gave the host face and collected 1 face point!"

"Ding, civilians in Cangming City..."


Lin Xiu found that as long as the other party respected him, it was regarded as giving him face. This time, each of the residents of Cangming City gave him a little face, which was enough for Lin Xiu to grow to 50000 face points.

"Ding, after collecting 1000 face points, the treasure chest has been upgraded, and it is currently a gold treasure chest!"

"Ding, after collecting 10000 face points, the treasure chest has been upgraded, and it is currently a platinum treasure chest!"

It turns out that this face is so easy to collect, didn't I waste my time before that?
"Since you all want me to save you so sincerely, then I will help you. I am really too soft-hearted and kind!" Lin Xiu sighed.

As soon as this sentence came out, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched. This person is too shameless. Obviously you asked us to kneel down to save you. You didn't say that just now!

For Lin Xiu's words, the people in Duocangming City were already speechless, they only hoped that Lin Xiu could really save them!

"A person who can only talk big, you also believe him?" Only a voice interrupted these people's words, and everyone looked at it, it was Yang Hui.

"It doesn't matter whether they believe me or not, but I know that you won't see the sun tomorrow today, so act now, don't say that I am bullying the big with the small, I will let you act first!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"What a big tone!" Yang Hui said, he flipped his hand, and the big knife appeared in his hand, "Okay, let me see if your strength is as powerful as your words!"

As Yang Hui said, his body swayed, and as soon as the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, he appeared beside Lin Xiu. He only saw a swipe of the big knife in his hand and a sweep of the knife.

Lin Xiu swung the heavy ruler to block the sword.

"Ding!" There was a loud noise, and the two were repelled by each other at the same time, but a layer of flame appeared on Lin Xiuxuan's heavy ruler.

"The flame divides the wave ruler!"

Lin Xiu unceremoniously performed this trick again. Now that Lin Xiu is in the realm, if he doesn't fight against Yang Hui with fighting skills, it is impossible for him to win Yang Hui, because the opponent is a genuine sixth-level Wuxu Realm, and he is just It's just a person at the fifth level of the Martial Spirit Realm, and there is a huge difference in the realm between the two.

But Lin Xiu has a large gift package of prefecture-level fighting skills, so he naturally doesn't need to worry about fighting skills and energy consumption. Although it's only one hour, it's enough.

"This human flame seems to be more powerful than Chilong's dragon flame!" Blue Dragon said.

 Today's first update, I recommend a cool article, Jian Qingyang's "Chaos Emperor Art"!Thank you for the 200 book coins rewarded by the red dust, the 100 book coins rewarded by Long Ge, the 100 book coins rewarded by a sun-rolling dolphin, and the 100 book coins rewarded by Li Chunyu, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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