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Chapter 1537 East China Sea Dragon King!

Chapter 1537 East China Sea Dragon King!

"Thank you General Lin Xiu for not killing him!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not dare to say anything to confuse Lin Xiu to join the Dark Demon Clan at this time.He could only kneel on the ground, and kowtow to Lin Xiu vigorously.
"Okay! Now the only antidote for the poison pill in your stomach is on me. As long as you are willing to obey me, I will give you the antidote. If you dare to play tricks, I don't think I need to think about it." To deal with you with other tricks, just throw away the antidote on me! At that time, I just need to watch you die from all kinds of poisons!" Lin Xiu touched his body with his hands, and then said to Looking at the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he said.

"To be honest, I'd really like to see what the Hundred Poison Pill looks like when it kicks in!" Lin Xiu said lightly when he turned his head.

"Let General Lin Xiu tell you what to do! As long as it is what you ordered, General Lin Xiu, I will do my best to help you complete it. I just ask General Lin Xiu to give me the antidote of the hundred poison pills." , it’s really not a joke when Baidudan starts attacking!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea was already a little scared at this time!

At this time, even if Lin Xiu asked him to call himself father, the Dragon King of the East China Sea would call it out in front of people like the Dragon King of the East China Sea without hesitation.When their lives are threatened, their dignity is not so important!
"Okay! Okay! Don't cry now! I won't do anything to you, after all, you are the biological father of my good daughter!" Lin Xiu squatted down on his body and patted him gently The Dragon King of the East China Sea said on his shoulder, and after he finished speaking, he also took advantage of the situation and pulled him up from the ground.

"Then I would like to thank General Lin Xiu! I don't know what General Lin Xiu wants me to do!?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea asked Lin Xiu. He just hoped that Lin Xiu could arrange some things for him to do. in front of.He can't even breathe very freely!
"Lin Xiu. Master Lin Xiu! It should be that I have nothing to do now! You talk to the general, I." The devil's head saw Lin Xiu "chatting" with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, so he hurriedly said Lin Xiu said, after all, the two people standing in front of it could easily ask for his name!

"You!? Why do you want to go!" Lin Xiu squinted at the devil's head and said.

"Me!" Just as the devil's head was about to speak, Lin Xiu stretched out his hand towards him, and the devil's head immediately rushed to his body and was completely restrained by Lin Xiu!

"Crack!" Lin Xiu squeezed his hands against the devil's head, and his body exploded immediately!
"Lord Lin Xiu! You...don't keep your word!" The devil's head said to Lin Xiu with his last strength!

"I'm really sorry. For enemies, especially those with a criminal record like you, I think I like to be dishonest!" Lin Xiu smiled at the devil's head and said with a smile on his hand after he finished speaking. It increased by another three points, and the demon's head immediately turned into a cloud of black air, and then completely disappeared into the air!
For a gentleman, Lin Xiu will also learn the way of a gentleman, but when dealing with a villain, Lin Xiu will become more treacherous than them. The head of the devil is no longer of any use value for Lin Xiu, so Lin Xiu I also sent it to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.
Lin Xiu's move was also to kill the chicken for the monkeys to see. Disposing of the demon's head in front of the Dragon King of the East China Sea would increase the fear in the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and it would also be more beneficial for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to tell everything he knew. tell yourself.

"Lin Xiu, general! For Xiaobai's sake." Sure enough, Lin Xiu's move shocked the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and even speaking at this time, he no longer had the momentum he had at the beginning.And in this atmosphere, losing momentum is equivalent to losing!
"Don't worry! I won't do anything to you!" Lin Xiu retracted his hand, and then looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea with a strange look. The Dragon King of the East China Sea was stared straight at Lin Xiu's eyes .
"Okay! I won't talk nonsense anymore, tell me why you appeared in this place and why you sent those people to capture the pagoda of King Tota Li! Don't try to hide it, you have to know, you My life is still in my hand, as long as I want, I can let you be with it at any time!" The expression on Lin Xiu's face also became dark, and he pointed to the demon's head that was caught by him. The place to be killed said to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"I'll tell you everything!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea walked behind while talking, Lin Xiu didn't care about him either, the Dragon King of the East China Sea couldn't figure out any tricks at this time!
"General Lin Xiu! Look!" After a while, the Dragon King of the East China Sea came to Lin Xiu with a pagoda.

"What kind of tower is this!?" Lin Xiu looked at the tower in front of him with some familiar feeling.

"This is the Leifeng Pagoda! I just got it! Of course, the villain didn't want to use it, but the Dark Demon Emperor ordered the villain! His villain went to collect all the pagodas in the world as much as possible! But their purpose is What kind of villain really doesn't know anything!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea put the Leifeng Pagoda on Lin Xiu's hand, and then said submissively.

Lin Xiu didn't make things difficult for him either, because it could be seen from the expression on his face that he didn't deceive himself.

No one will take their own life to joke!
"En!" Lin Xiu nodded to the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and then shifted his sight to the ** tower above his hand.

The ** Tower is Fa Hai's weapon. Although Fa Hai's strength is not weak, the Leifeng Pagoda is not his main weapon after all, so Lin Xiu didn't feel how powerful the ** Tower in his hand was, so Lin Xiu Xiu also didn't know very well what the Dark Demon Emperor was trying to do by collecting the pagodas and the pagodas of Li Jing, the King of Totas!
Just when Lin Xiu wanted to take Leifeng Pagoda closer and take a closer look, Qibao Linglong Pagoda suddenly popped out. The tower was swallowed.

The body of Qibao Linglong Pagoda appeared bright, but it disappeared in front of Lin Xiu in the next second.
Lin Xiu and the Dragon King of the East China Sea were staring at each other at this moment, and the atmosphere became extremely awkward in an instant!
"Ahem, cough, the Dark Demon Emperor's arrangement of you here should not be as simple as finding a pagoda, tell me! What else did he ask you to do! And tell me all the names of those traitors! I will give them to you!" One by one!" Lin Xiu coughed a few words to ease the awkward atmosphere, then he clenched his fists and said to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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