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Chapter 1546 Ending the Dark Demon Emperor

Chapter 1546 Ending the Dark Demon Emperor

Lin Xiu also had no way out at this time, the Heavenly Emperor was in a coma, and behind him was the eagerly awaited Heavenly Court Warrior.He suddenly remembered a sentence:

"The feeling of being on your shoulders is that a thousand people are waiting eagerly for every word you say."

What Lin Xiu said at this time was, "Dark Demon Emperor, I can make you flee with one move." The surrounding heavenly warriors burst into cheers, shouting Lin Xiu's name loudly.

"Lin Xiu! Lin Xiu! Lin Xiu! Lin Xiu!"

Lin Xiu put down the unconscious Heavenly Emperor, his body was covered with the flesh and blood of the Heavenly Emperor, soared into the sky, and went straight to the sky. He summoned the golden body of Arhat with one hand, and held the Qinglian Sword in the other hand. With one sword, he slashed at the Dark Demon Emperor. How could the Devil Emperor be afraid of this sword technique, he ignored it at all, and broke Lin Xiu's golden Arhat body in one go.

"Lin Xiu, you still want to fight against me with such a trick, it's ridiculous. This king can break your golden body of Arhat without any effort, and a little more motivation, and you can be crushed to pieces. You should give up now. Going forward, there is only one dead end."

Lin Xiu didn't listen to the Dark Demon Emperor's words at all, he was a top iron. Thinking of the indomitable No. [-] general in the heaven, Ye Youshen, Lin Xiu was not afraid at all, and when the Dark Demon Emperor's crows attacked the defenseless Lin Xiu again , Qiqiao Linglong Tower appeared.

The Qiqiao Linglong Pagoda appeared playfully in front of Lin Xiu like a child, Lin Xiu hurriedly said: "Qiqiao Linglong Pagoda, don't be naughty, protect me quickly, or I will be broken into pieces."

The Seven-Aperture Linglong Tower had played enough, and it became bigger, just blocking the crow that was about to hit Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu approached the Dark Demon Emperor. The Dark Demon Emperor was shocked and was stabbed by Lin Xiu with a sword.

"Ah, how could you! How come this Seven-Aperture Exquisite Pagoda is here with you? I clearly taught my men to steal the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Pagoda. This pagoda is the only fairy weapon in the world that can resist my magical power in wartime. Here, Lin Xiu, you brat. It's a pity that your strength is not enough to tickle me,"

"Dark Demon Emperor, I am called auspicious man with his own appearance. If it weren't for you asking someone to steal the tower, I wouldn't have happened to find out that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was doing things for you. You are not as good as the sky, and the matter was exposed. The Dragon King of the East China Sea will serve me."

The Dark Demon Emperor still didn't change his face at this time: "Hahaha, so what, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is just my flag, what's the use of doing things for you, so worry about yourself, even though you rushed to my side , and even gave me a knife, but you also fell into the center of the crow's encirclement, and when you break the Qiqiao Linglong Tower, you will have no bones left."

"Oh, my God, that's too scary, but the Dark Demon Emperor, you are too confident, I ordered the Dragon King of the East China Sea to sprinkle medicinal powder on your flesh and blood, so you won't notice it when you practice. But this powder will go in with you and become a magical body."

The Dark Demon Emperor had a little panic, so he had to summon more crows, and let more crows circle more crazily, to cover up the panic in his heart, just like when a cobra encounters an enemy, it will deliberately raise its head and tear its neck open Pi, try to make yourself look the biggest so as to make people panic, but Lin Xiu will not be afraid.The minions of the Dark Demon Emperor underground and the guards of the Heavenly Court silently stared at the sky. Because too many crows were flying, they couldn't see what happened at all. The light is Lin Xiu!
"Dark Demon Emperor, look down, where did I stab?"

At this time, Lin Xiu's sword was inserted right into the Dark Demon Emperor's stomach. On that stomach, there was the only shortcoming of the Dark Demon Emperor left by eating the flesh and blood of the person with the medicine powder.The corner of the Dark Demon Emperor's mouth began to twitch, his distorted expression seemed to say, Lin Xiu, you brat.

The blood of the Dark Demon Emperor followed the White Lotus Sword and began to move towards Lin Xiu's body. Lin Xiu already had the blood of the Heavenly Emperor on his body just now, and now he has the blood of the Dark Demon Emperor. There is a rapid reaction in the body.

The Dark Demon Emperor was so angry that he shattered Lin Xiu's Qiqiao Linglong Pagoda with one palm, and knocked Lin Xiu to the ground with another palm. He fell from the sky and fell to the ground. But this time, no one could save him he.

In the process of falling, Lin Xiu almost fell into a coma.

The scenes in the dream began to slowly emerge again, the Heavenly Emperor's heartbroken and unable to cry mood, the indomitable general of the night tour god, the crows taking a bath in the pond, the crows rushing towards his face, himself struggling with the peak in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, During the rapid fall, scenes from the past are reappearing.

From the sky came the laughter of the Dark Demon Emperor, who seemed to have won a big victory, "You can destroy this king's great career because of your little tricks, suck my blood, I was discovered, you can't defeat me !"

When the Eye of Heaven suddenly fell, the dark fragrance floated, making Lin Xiu fall to the ground smoothly, and at this moment, it can be said that it was not the light of the Eye of Heaven that was floating, but Lin Xiu himself emitted a dazzling silver light. Light.

"You found out, but it was too late."

At this moment, the blood of the Dark Demon Emperor and the blood of the Heavenly Emperor were completely fused in Lin Xiu's body, which greatly enhanced Lin Xiu's skill, allowing him to instantly complete the advancement that was impossible in the Heavenly Court, from the early stage of the Immortal Emperor to the Great Master. The pinnacle of Luo Jinxian!

Lin Xiu's eyebrows turned silver, the armor on his body disappeared, and the silver robe appeared out of thin air. At this moment, he became Lin Xiu, the peak of the Daluo Jinxian with the same skill as the Emperor of Heaven!Lin Xiu who carries everyone's hope.

"It's too late, Dark Demon Emperor, it's too late for you to repent, just die." Lin Xiu soared into the air again, this time with speed and impact that no one could match. The crow has extremely powerful consumption ability, So Lin Xiu knew that in order to defeat the Dark Demon Emperor, he had to work hard at once, so he endured the interference and damage of the crow, and like a Ye Youshen fighting, like a Ye Youshen general facing death, he stabbed straight at the Dark Demon Emperor. weakness.

The Dark Demon Emperor was able to defeat the Heavenly Emperor because he had a more powerful consumption ability. The Heavenly Emperor was unable to parry in the end, so he was completely defeated. The advantage of Lin Xiu is that he can fight quickly. As long as he can withstand the damage from the distance from the ground to the Dark Demon Emperor, Then you can face the exposed weaknesses and end the Dark Demon Emperor.Besides, although Lin Xiu is the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian, he is even stronger because of the blessing of the Eye of Heaven. This attack is a must.

Facing Lin Xiu who was not afraid of death, the Dark Demon Emperor panicked and didn't care about summoning the crow, so he turned his back quickly, trying to hide his weakness.

Facing the Dark Demon Emperor, Lin Xiu instantly turned into a ruthless person, a huge impact, accompanied by a "crazy wipe".Breaking the spine of the Dark Demon Emperor, Lin Xiu raised his knife and dropped it, completely shattering the spine of the crying Dark Demon Emperor, making it impossible for him to turn over.

This time, it was the Dark Demon Emperor's turn to fall heavily to the ground, and the crow that covered the sky and the sun instantly disappeared into nothingness.None of the many minions of the Dark Demon Emperor dared to help the Dark Demon Emperor. In the high sky, Lin Xiu was the only one. He dragged his tired body and shouted:
"The descendants do not kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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