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Chapter 1550 Seeing the Penglai Immortal

Chapter 1550 Seeing the Penglai Immortal
Jin Qilin is very aware of the current situation.Quickly like jumping to the other side of the sea.Immortals retreated steadily in the battle with the gods.

Facing the laser, the immortal can only escape by repeatedly jumping horizontally.He seized the opportunity and charged forward, trying to hit the Shadow God's head with his palm.But when he just jumped, suddenly a grid blocked in front of him.Immortal was unprepared, so he hit the power grid.

Instantly reduced to ashes.Fortunately, Lin Xiu has jumped to Penglai Island.Temporarily dodged a disaster.

Jin Qilin turned his head to the sky and let out a long cry.Show respect to the gods.

The two boys still stood firmly outside the house and stopped the impatient Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu said, "Let me see the Penglai Immortal. Someone is chasing me behind."

The faces of the two boys remained unchanged.Still the same as in the daytime, please ask questions.

Said one of the boys.My puzzle is called .One point and one horizontal length, two points and one horizontal length.This is rice noodles.Uh, let me ask my brother to tell you the answer.Another boy said brother, "Listen to my name interview. The sun rises from the church in the west."

No matter what Lin Xiu said, they all insisted on their principles, and they didn't even change the speed of their speech.When the two boys finished speaking, Lin Xiu said:
"Your answer. I'm afraid it's a combination, right? This answer is Li Zao Zhang. The immortal was named Zhang by the Emperor of Heaven. This shows that he has not forgotten that Heaven and Earth are his supreme leaders. He has no heart to betray Heaven and Earth. There is no heart to fight for power, only the heart of being a master in this world."

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, the two boys looked at each other with a smile, and said, "Brother Lin Xiu, you got the answer right, and you can meet our immortals. At the same time, several black-robed gods walked out from behind Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu hurriedly rode his horse, After running into the fairy's residence, the two boys still kept their expressions unchanged, seeing the man in black rushing over and bumping into the fairy's enchantment in Penglai.

Immortal Penglai was sitting in the living room right now.Seeing Lin Xiu who ran in in a hurry, he said: "You, you are General Lin Xiu. You said you wanted to see me during the day? Because you didn't answer the puzzle correctly. So I didn't see you. Now you answered my question correctly. So You can make a request like me.

Lin Xiu said: "Immortal, I am in a very urgent situation day and night. Why can't I make an exception? Help me. In case, I don't have time to run into your shelter. If I lose my life, it would be too wronged Bar."

The Penglai Immortal said: "I have retired to Penglai Island for several years. I have long regarded life and death as insignificant. How can I care about other people's life and death? Anyone who fails to answer the puzzle correctly may be a spy of the Emperor of Heaven. What if the Emperor of Heaven sends someone to assassinate me? , then I am too wronged. You must not have the heart to kill, but you must have the heart to guard against it. General Lin Xiu, you have offended people from the Western God Realm, and now they are coming to marry you. What do you have to say?"

Lin Xiu was startled, I finally ran here to take refuge, and wanted the help of the Penglai Immortal, so it is possible that the Penglai Immortal would also come with a set of Buddhist methods to save people.Shouldn't it be time to go out and fight them?

Lin Xiu thought so.Before answering the immortal's question, the immortal went on to say: "I'm talking about the general. To untie the bell, you need to tie the bell. If these people want to kill you, you have to deal with them."

Lin Xiu said: "On my journey, many immortals died for me. It was only because I defeated the Dark Demon Emperor who endangered the world during the Great War of Gods and Demons. They were in awe and grateful. They would go through fire and water. Save my life too."

Lin Xiu was a little angry today, and his emotions were out of control, so he continued to speak out what was in his heart: "That Penglai fairy, why don't you think about the people of the world? These people from the Western God Realm have hurt so many innocent people. The immortal family is not just because they want to chase and kill me, but because of their nature. They can even use the peach forest in the heaven as a place for them to assassinate. Who can guarantee that they will not attack the emperor of heaven in the future? Who can guarantee that they will not attack the common people in the world in the future up?

Immortal Penglai, you are far away on Penglai Island.Don't know the outside world.Prosperity and happiness, these people rely on the protection of the Immortal Emperor.To be able to enjoy life to the fullest.But now without your protection, the world will fall into chaos again.At this time, the emperor of comatose.but me.He was seriously injured and did not recover.I am afraid that no one in the eastern world can stop this group of arrogant western gods except you. "

Immortal Penglai smiled after hearing this: "You boy. You can talk quite well. Originally, I had nothing to do with this matter in Penglai Island. After you say it like this, it seems that I am ruthless. But you killed the Dark Demon Emperor Saving the common people in the world is considered an immeasurable merit. You said that there is happiness in the world. I have lived on this Penglai Island for so long, and my life is indeed frighteningly ordinary. It seems that I have not experienced happiness for many years.

But I have also seen these western gods, and they are all vicious and ruthless wizards.Although I have been living in Penglai for a long time, although my skills have been improving, I can't guarantee that I can match them.In other words, I may not be able to save all the people from the fire and water with my own strength.General Lin Xiu, you are an extraordinary immortal body.At this time, you should stand up and order all the warriors in the world.Build defenses against their indiscriminate killing of innocents.And me and the general.It should have been the task of driving them away long ago. "

This sentence happened to mention Lin Xiu's pain, and Lin Xiu continued to cry, hoping to impress the Penglai Immortal even more. "I was injured in the battle of the Dark Demon Emperor. It was very serious. It took a while. I couldn't recover. I don't know what trick the Penglai Immortal has. It can save my injury and let me join the battle early. Solve the problem early monster."

The Penglai Immortal stroked his long beard.Standing up and walking towards Lin Xiu, he could clearly see his immortal demeanor.He said: "My Penglai Island has accumulated tens of thousands of years of ocean fairy energy. I usually practice here, and I can get twice the result with half the effort. Now I will pass on the fairy energy in this island to you, and your injuries will heal quickly. back to normal."

After speaking, Immortal Penglai began to wave his big white sleeves.In an instant, the aura on the island began to gather.Then it slowly flowed into Lin Xiu's body.After a while, Lin Xiu felt that his body could support him.But at the same time, he also clearly felt it.The fairy energy on the island is gradually exhausting.Because the Penglai immortals usually use the immortal qi to practice, and only take a little bit, but at this time they sent a large amount to Lin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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