Chapter 156
"Stop! Lin Xiu, do you dare to kill it?" Blue Dragon was still shouting.

"The person I want to, no one can save the dragon I want to kill! If you refuse to accept it, you will come and beat me!" Lin Xiu raised his head and said with blood on his face.

The blue dragon was very angry, this human being is too much, dare to do such a thing!
"Go and kill him, the Dragon Soul Stone must be on him!" Orange Dragon said, "I'll deal with this strong man!"

"Okay!" The blue dragon immediately flew up and rushed towards Lin Xiu.

Nima, are you really going to hit me?
Lin Xiu was taken aback, but at this moment, a figure flew over suddenly, and he saw a ray of light in the air slashing towards the blue dragon.

A stunning figure appeared, and a crisp voice said, "Master Lin Xiu, I'll help you!"

"Isn't that Miss Chen Xiang? Miss Chen Xiang is actually a warrior!"

"No, isn't that a level four monster, and is it still a dragon? What is Miss Chen Xiang trying to do?"

"Could it be that Miss Chen Xiang is a martial artist!"


This figure was Chen Xiang, and Chen Xiang stood out holding the qin in his arms.

Everyone was surprised by Chen Xiang's strength, but Lin Xiu was not too surprised, because when he diagnosed Chen Xiang, he already knew her strength, and the strength of this woman had reached the realm of Wu Zun.

It's hard for Lin Xiu to imagine how such a young woman can possess such strength. Judging from Chen Xiang's age, she will never be over 19 years old. She has such a terrifying realm. Obviously, her origin is a bit mysterious!

"Miss Chen Xiang, I owe you a favor!" Lin Xiu said, and stabbed Huanglong's throat with his sword again.

Now the time for Lin Xiu's big gift package of fighting skills has come, and he will restore his original strength. Now Lin Xiu can't fight these dragons, but fortunately, other people don't know this.

The strength shown by Lin Xiu just now is enough to shock other people.

But now, Lin Xiu only needs to do one thing, kill the dragon!
Lin Xiu held the Infinity Blade in his hand, and continued to slash at the throat of the Huanglong. The Huanglong was already on the verge of death, but now it was attacked by Lin Xiu so madly, there was no chance for it to survive.

"Human? Go away!" The blue dragon shouted angrily, spewing out a mouthful of cold air.

Wherever the cold air went, the ground immediately condensed into a layer of frost, but Chen Xiang raised her hand, and a zither sound turned into a sharp blade, blasting in front of her, the cold air that was originally hitting her was instantly entangled, and in the air, it seemed Several blades of light appeared, cutting towards the blue dragon. .

Lan Long was very surprised: "I didn't expect that there would be two martial masters in a small human city, but no one wants to stop us today!"

The blue dragon let out a roar and shook the sound blade away, but Chen Xiang was not surprised, she smiled and said: "I just need to entangle you, that's enough, your people are hopeless!"

The blue dragon saw that Huanglong's head had been beheaded at this time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the yellow dragon of the fourth-level dragon family, successfully collecting the blood of the yellow dragon, and collecting 10000 energy points!"


Another 30000 energy is in hand, but it is nearly 10000 energy short of [-] energy!
In addition to the previous green dragon, Lin Xiu has already killed two dragons in a row!

This dragon family is still a fourth-level monster, and the existence of the Wuzun level, it is really unbelievable to die in Lin Xiu's hands like this.

But now there is still a dragon clan missing, so Lin Xiu can collect enough energy to upgrade the monster treasure box.

If the monster treasure chest can also be upgraded to a crystal treasure chest, Lin Xiu's strength can also be improved again.

Lin Xiu turned his head, and his eyes fell on the orange dragon, with a ferocious smile on his face: "Lu Bu, kill it for me!"

"Yes, my lord!" Lu Bu replied immediately.

"Human, even if your subordinate has a little strength, do you think he is qualified to kill me?" Orange Dragon said coldly.

"I believe he can do it!" Lin Xiu said, only to see Lin Xiu jumping on Chilong's body again, and then climbed onto Chilong's head, with a sneer on his face, and said lightly.

I only saw a burst of black light appearing on Lu Bu's body, and a black-red light flashed on Fang Tian's painted halberd. When he slashed, dozens of knife marks appeared on the ground immediately, and a layer of blood-black battle seemed to appear on Lu Bu's body. A mediocre!
"I will defend my lord's majesty with my life!" Lu Bu shouted loudly. He rode on the red rabbit horse and rushed towards the orange dragon.

"Lu Bu's favorable opinion of the host has increased, and it is currently 80!"

Lin Xiu's act of killing the yellow dragon just now made Lu Bu admire him, but just like this, it is still too difficult for Lu Bu to continue to follow Lin Xiu, and this alone is not enough!
Lin Xiuxiu was thinking how to fool Lu Bu and let him follow him, but he found a giant appeared behind Lu Bu. The giant was just a shadow, like a heavenly demon. When it appeared, Lu Bu's strength seemed to skyrocket.

The orange dragon has a powerful body, and every part of the body can be used as a weapon, and its ultimate move is to spray or summon an attack from its mouth. Now, it uses its huge tail to swing towards Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's eyes were red, and he didn't know any fear at all. He slashed at the tail with a halberd, and the dragon scales flew out immediately, but Lu Bu and Chituma also took a few steps back.

But Lu Bu shouted again, and a bloody light appeared on the tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd, flying towards the orange dragon.

The orange dragon let out a whistling sound, and a piece of rocky skin appeared on the surface of its dragon scales.

"Ding!" The rock's skin was shattered by this cut, and the orange dragon's body was repelled.

At this time, Lu Bu seemed to be a demon god descending from the earth. Fang Tian's painted halberd possessed powerful attack power. The long halberd continued to thrust out, and the orange dragon suffered more and more injuries.

But this orange dragon is also a very stubborn existence. Facing Lu Bu's provocation, it also shot desperately. The two almost exchanged injuries. Still serious.

On Lu Bu's shoulders, chest, and back, there were wounds that he had seen before, and even the red rabbit horse was almost unable to support it due to the powerful shock.

But the orange dragon will not be easy, the dragon scales on its body were attacked by Fang Tian's painting halberd, and the dragon scales were cut off, and many places on its body had been cut off with flesh and blood.

The two seemed to be evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner.

But at this time, Lu Bu's momentum rose again, and the shadow of the Kaizun Heavenly Demon behind him actually condensed into a solid body.

Lin Xiu suddenly thought of a ridiculous idea, could this be Lu Bu's martial soul?
 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by Supreme Junjue, and the 100 book coins rewarded by Ruthless Water and Fire!

(End of this chapter)

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