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Chapter 170 I Can Make One!

Chapter 170 I can hit ten!
You still want to join our sect if you don't pass our sect's assessment?
Everyone's eyes became weird. They thought that Lin Xiu was a person with a problem in his mind, and nothing else mattered. Did Lin Xiu think that with his strength, he could run rampant in Lingyunzong?

Not to mention the sect, the three Zongmen are already very powerful existences, and the suzerain is even close to the level of the Martial Venerable.

This is not something that can be done randomly. Although Lin Xiu was able to kill the dragon clan at that time, but now that Lu Bu is not here, and here is Lingyunzong, it is really not easy for Lin Xiu to leave.

"That's right, I'm not here to participate in the assessment, I'm here to be the elder of your sect!" When Lin Xiu said this, he had a cheap smile on his face.

Seeing this smile, both Su Long and Shuang'er knew that Lin Xiu was about to start trouble!

That's right, Lin Xiuxiu was about to start making trouble. When the Giant Scaled Eagle was still ten feet away from the ground, Lin Xiu fell from the sky and smashed a deep hole with his feet on the ground.

That's right, it's such a cool way to appear on the stage!

This loud noise immediately attracted the attention of everyone here. Everyone saw a young man fall from the sky without any injuries. What kind of tyrannical body and strength is this?

"Who is he? Why have I never seen him?"

"He seems to have come off the back of that giant scaled eagle. Who the hell is he?"

"Whoever he is, this young man is handsome!"

"Look at him, he's so powerful, look at him, he's definitely not an ordinary person!"


Everyone was talking about Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu naturally heard what they said. With his hands behind his back, Lin Xiu held his head up, with a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't care about everything in the world generally.

"Your Excellency, I don't know who you are?" Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, and he took a step forward alone, and said.

"Call the most powerful warrior among you to come out, I want to fight ten!" Lin Xiu said, showing a faint expression.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being shocked. How arrogant did this young man with extraordinary demeanor say?He actually wants to hit ten?
"What did he just say? Want to hit ten?"

"He jumped from the giant scale eagle just now, could it be Elder Lu Ting's new disciple?"

"No matter who he is, this is too arrogant! I'm going to teach him a lesson!"


After Lin Xiu's arrogant words really shocked everyone, they felt very angry, so what if he was the disciple of Elder Lu Ting?Is it just such an insult to people?
The crowd had never seen such an arrogant person, and all of a sudden, the crowd became turbulent.

"I, inner disciple Lin Rentao, want to challenge Your Excellency!"

"I, inner disciple Zhang Jiahong, want to see your strength!"

"I, an inner disciple..."


One by one Ling Yunzong disciples had already stood up, and they looked at Lin Xiu at the same time, their eyes full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"Okay, don't waste time, let's go together! If I can block this young master's move, I will lose!" Lin Xiu grinned, with a smile on his face.

Make trouble?That's right, this young master is here to make trouble, pretending to be aggressive, and not letting them see his strength, how can he gain a foothold in this Lingyun sect in the future?

Lin Xiu never thinks things are too big. When he came down, he found a little girl here, and there was a treasure chest on her head. After Lin Xiu saw it, he naturally thought of a way to get this Treasure box, but there are so many people here, Lin Xiu rashly wanted to touch the little girl's head, it's no wonder he wasn't regarded as a pervert.

What the little girl admired most were heroes, and this was also in line with Lin Xiu's pretentious personality. There was nothing wrong with hitting ten of them.

As for whether it will embarrass the people here - what does this matter to Lin Xiu?

The ten people were already very angry with Lin Xiu, but now Lin Xiu asked them to go together, it is too small.

"Do it!" Ten people rushed to Lin Xiu at the same time, left and right, front and back, all directions, and their realms were all above the Martial Spirit Realm. The combined strength of these people, even opponents at the Martial Void Realm level, would not be too strong. They can easily deal with it, but they don't believe that Lin Xiu can have the strength of the Martial Spirit Realm.

The wind of the palm came whistling, the sword light pierced towards Lin Xiu, and the knife light cut off Lin Xiu's head... All kinds of attacks seemed to descend on Lin Xiu's body in an instant.

"This young man is too arrogant. Does he really think he can fight against so many senior brothers?"

"Even if you are a core disciple, you don't dare to be as arrogant as him!"

"He will lose a layer of skin if he doesn't die this time!"


The other disciples looked gloatingly at Lin Xiu at the same time, wanting to see how this young man dealt with the strong man here.

At this time, Lin Xiu stepped back, and suddenly stepped back, only to see a black heavy ruler appearing on the palm of his hand. Lin Xiu's figure moved away from everyone in such an instant.

Of all the attacks, none of them could catch up to Lin Xiu. How could these powerful martial spirits catch up to Lin Xiu's explosive steps? They couldn't even catch Lin Xiu's figure, let alone attack.

"Is that all your strength is?" Lin Xiu had a faint smile on his face, and he was already standing outside the ten people.

"Don't run away if you have the ability!"

"That's right, if you have the strength, take our attack head-on!"

"You're just relying on your quickness!"


Ten people immediately shouted loudly.

"Confront you head-on? Well, since this is the case, I won't play with you anymore, and I will kill you with one move!" Lin Xiu said, and on the black heavy ruler, he could only see red flames burning.

In the previous earth-level fighting skill gift package, Lin Xiu only blackmailed the system with a move called the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler and the Mysterious Ruler, but it was enough. This move has been strengthened in this world, and now it is the Earth Level High-level martial arts, in terms of power, it is enough to deal with these people in front of you.

If you use different fire to blend into it, the power can reach the level of heaven-level martial arts.

Its current power is enough!

"Use powerful martial arts together!"

"Reckless, he will definitely not be our opponent!"


Ten inner disciples of the Lingyun Sect shot at the same time, and the martial arts flew across the sky, attacking Lin Xiu.

The corners of Lin Xiu's mouth turned up, only to hear a flame appear from the black heavy ruler in his hand, and fling it towards the ten people in front of him.

A red wave of fire gushed out in an instant, blasting the ten people flying out at the same time, and all of them suffered serious injuries.

Ten people were all defeated by Lin Xiu's move!
 Today's first update, I'm here to recommend, add an update on Saturdays and Sundays! Change the update at 07:30 to early morning, and add an update at [-]:[-] pm!

(End of this chapter)

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